View Full Version : 988 Hotline for Suicidal Spades

07-15-2022, 07:11 PM
Uncle Sam has invented a new way to prevent nigger ventilation.. the mental health line.

So now when Daquarious is strung out on a combination of crack and PCP and threatening to decapitate his baby momma with a kitchen knife, his mammy can call for a social worker to come out to his nest and disarm her strung out dindunuffin niglet.


07-16-2022, 01:25 PM
"New phone, who dis?"

07-16-2022, 02:03 PM
"New phone, who dis?"

LOL!! Bix nood!!

Jim Crow
07-16-2022, 02:49 PM
Suicide hootline: Hello can I help you?
Suicidal nigger: I be’s wantin to key-ill muhself!
Suicide hotline: Hold please!

Blue Gum
07-16-2022, 03:10 PM
Comments are turned Off...!!! Lol... Wonder why? Lol

All niggers Are Mentally Defective...

07-16-2022, 06:48 PM
Comments are turned off. Learn more (https://support.google.com/youtube/answer/9706180?hl=en)

The only niggers who batwing themselves are the few who become self-aware. i must admit that if I were to get up and look in the mirror and think, "Sheeiit! I'm a nigger!" I'd blow my brains out too.

Defund Welfare
07-16-2022, 09:07 PM
Send a social worker out to the hood? Sounds like they’re the ones who are suicidal.
I can imagine niggers using this to lure victims to their nests for fun.

Great use of our tax dollars, thanks Burden! I expect most of the funds to be embezzled too.

07-17-2022, 12:54 AM
I think people are committing suicide because of biden.

07-17-2022, 08:08 AM
So now when Daquarious is strung out on a combination of crack and PCP and threatening to decapitate his baby momma with a kitchen knife, his mammy can call for a social worker to come out to his nest and disarm her strung out dindunuffin niglet.

You need to sign up. Your hate will be welcome here !!

Lip Plate
07-17-2022, 10:37 AM
Lol…it is only a matter of time before the shit apes turn this around completely and use it as a robbery tactic.

07-17-2022, 06:13 PM
The only niggers who batwing themselves are the few who become self-aware. i must admit that if I were to get up and look in the mirror and think, "Sheeiit! I'm a nigger!" I'd blow my brains out too.

I remember when OJ was driving down the 405 with Al Cowlings with the gun to his noggin and he was going to batwing himself. Of course he didn't. Today they'd send a social worker to help OJ.

07-17-2022, 11:10 PM
Niggers are going to use this to get lesser punishments after batwinging their family members and their baby mamas/daddies.

"I done dids habs a psycho episode and me no responsible fo what me finna did! Me finna kills myself! Me cray cray! Dey shoulda know better den to take da last chiggun wang! Dey knows how me gets! Dey done dids axe fo it!"

The old insanity plea... Niggers would be better off getting an IQ test so they can be declared mentally incompetent; has anyone here ever heard of a mentally competent nigger? They don't exist!

I feel bad for niggers in a way. Can you imagine being an subhuman negro beast, surrounded by humans every day, seeing them, watching them go about their business, and realizing how inferior you are, and being reminded of your negroid inferiorities all day long? It would certainly make me suicidal.

It would probably cost these states less money if they just installed suicide booths in the niggerhoods and stopped trying to prosecute niggers that commit nigger on nigger (NON) crimes.


As a bonus the booths might also capture some other undesirables that we might be otherwise unable to get rid of. It's not really a crime if they choose to self delete, right? I mean, who would shed a tear if someone like Trayvon Martin self-goodified?

I aint bin dun did dat!
07-18-2022, 12:16 AM
How do I apply for a job here? I’ll help em out when they call in…promise! :lol

07-18-2022, 12:50 AM
How do I apply for a job here? I’ll help em out when they call in…promise! :lol

An all-Chimper Suicide Hotline. :lol

"Niggers? Thinking about ending it all? Just give us a call 24/7 at 1-800-BAT-WING! We're here to help with your suicide!"

07-18-2022, 01:50 AM
An all-Chimper Suicide Hotline. :lol

"Niggers? Thinking about ending it all? Just give us a call 24/7 at 1-800-BAT-WING! We're here to help with your suicide!"


Perhaps it would work better if you were a little bit more politically correct: "My fellow black kings and queens from Egypt? Tired of your flying pyramids breaking down and having to fix the cold fusion reactors by yourself because all those filthy humans are so stupid? Sick of wypipo stealing your melanin magic and using it to fly through the air like Superman? Are you sad because BLM Global Network was a massive communist fraud that hilariously exposed to the world just how feral, primitive, and subhuman you things really are? Just give us a call at 1-800-BLK-POWR! We're here to help you reach your final destination!

Free paper mache batwings will be sent to your relatives (AKA ladies and gentlemen of fecal color) if we can't help you."

07-18-2022, 07:39 AM
An all-Chimper Suicide Hotline. :lol

"Niggers? Thinking about ending it all? Just give us a call 24/7 at 1-800-BAT-WING! We're here to help with your suicide!"

Haha, yep, gorgeous, wonderful idea! I'd donate a lot of money.

I aint bin dun did dat!
07-18-2022, 08:25 AM
An all-Chimper Suicide Hotline. :lol

"Niggers? Thinking about ending it all? Just give us a call 24/7 at 1-800-BAT-WING (tel:1-800-BAT-WING)! We're here to help with your suicide!"
“Yes, the world is truly better off without you” :lol

Tar Remover
07-18-2022, 06:33 PM
Tar Remover Niggercide hotline: "Hold please, while I transfer you to somebody who gives a fuck....."

Tar Remover
07-18-2022, 06:34 PM

Tar Remover
07-18-2022, 06:37 PM
:rofl I remember it too! I was there on a bridge laughing and waving as they drove under!

07-18-2022, 08:45 PM
An all-Chimper Suicide Hotline. :lol

"Niggers? Thinking about ending it all? Just give us a call 24/7 at 1-800-BAT-WING! We're here to help with your suicide!"

:lol or 1800-GIB-SMUH

07-18-2022, 09:27 PM

Perhaps it would work better if you were a little bit more politically correct: "My fellow black kings and queens from Egypt? Tired of your flying pyramids breaking down and having to fix the cold fusion reactors by yourself because all those filthy humans are so stupid? Sick of wypipo stealing your melanin magic and using it to fly through the air like Superman? Are you sad because BLM Global Network was a massive communist fraud that hilariously exposed to the world just how feral, primitive, and subhuman you things really are? Just give us a call at 1-800-BLK-POWR! We're here to help you reach your final destination!

Free paper mache batwings will be sent to your relatives (AKA ladies and gentlemen of fecal color) if we can't help you."


We need a whole new "Final Destination" series, with an all-nigger cast finding new and hilarious ways to self-delete.

07-19-2022, 10:15 PM
Disconnect that hotline. Let them drop.