View Full Version : Old Faithful

07-09-2022, 05:43 PM
No matter what atrocities white punks who get their hands on an automatic weapon might commit, you can always be sure that it pales in comparison to the nigger body count on July 4.


The difference is shit beasts will always blame anyone but themselves for the room temp. groids lying dead in Chimpcongo. Tyrone Dindunuffuns don't ever own up their own violence.

07-10-2022, 12:10 AM
I find it almost impossible to feel bad for niggers when they actively go out of their way to piss off anyone and everyone that could potentially support them. BLM? "Gibs us moneys or we'll burn and loot your businesses. Oh, you gave us money? You're fucking retarded because we are going to burn and loot your shit anyway, and nobody will stop us. Just look at how we bought mansions with the tens of millions you gave us, and nobody is doing a damned thing about it. We aren't even using our BLM money to help niggers and nobody gives a fuck. We're just a bunch of dirty and corrupt communists and we did what we did because we learned from Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton how to be a bunch of fucking NIGGERS. Give us more money or we will burn, loot, and murder. C'mon, you fucking cucks. Gibsmedats money!"

I hate liberals just as much as niggers for enabling these niggershines. I wish someone had the balls to impeach Joey Biden for being a fucking dirty and corrupt piece of shit.

(It's a shame the Boondocks "The President is a Nigger" song was taken off of YouTube when Joey was elected or I would put a link to that)

Joey is literally destroying Europe as we speak with his retarded war against the USSR that ended over 30 years ago, and if we recover from this, it won't be because of anything he did. I served in the Navy for 10 years and I am ashamed of my fellow Americans for voting for this senile retarded nigger.