View Full Version : Commiefornia Gov Gavin Nuisance to give FREE healthcare to illegal aliens

Whitey Ford
07-05-2022, 04:13 AM
California announces it will become the first state to give health insurance to undocumented immigrants - as Gavin Newsom launches ads in Florida telling voters to move to HIS state

The Botox Faced Anti-Christ is back with even more idiotic BS!

Governor Gavin Newsom released attack ads on Monday urging Florida residents to move to California in the days after it became the first state to move to offer all illegal immigrants state-subsidized health insurance.

Newsom bought $105,000 worth of ad spots that started airing on Fox News in Florida, which is sparking speculation that he could mount a presidential run in 2024.

The ads urge Sunshine State residents who are fed up with their Republican Governor Ron DeSantis to head west. DeSantis is rumored to be considering a 2024 run as well – despite former President Donald Trump likely to seek the nomination.

The 30-second ad doesn't mention DeSantis directly, but does take aim at his conservative legislative accomplishment in Florida – like banning critical race theory in classrooms, prohibiting schools from teaching about sexual orientation and gender identity to kids from kindergarten to fourth grade and a 15-week abortion ban.


Jim Crow
07-05-2022, 07:16 AM
I have a feeling that gavin the dicksmoker will run for pres against the great Desantis. I hope we can stop the cheat!

07-05-2022, 07:27 AM
While I'm sure that the conservative voters who are left in Commiefornia would love to head to Florida if they could afford to do so after all these years of libshits picking their pockets, I seriously doubt that even Florida's most hardened retarded libs would want to trade places with them. They would be slitting their own financial throats and they know it.

07-05-2022, 09:08 AM
Ah, dang. I was waiting for biden to do that.

SC Anemia
07-05-2022, 10:27 AM
Maybe it's my circle of friends but it's only derogatory things I hear about our butt-pirate governor. Surely someone here keeps voting that moron into office. Or....maybe it's what I call the Biden syndrome. No one will admit to it now.

07-09-2022, 02:48 AM
An act of attempted treason, although it hasn't passed yet...
I already see them taking all the healthcare jobs (which are the ONLY good jobs left in CA), now you will be getting the shaft from your doctor who is swamped with overpopulated illegal invader snot nose low IQ kids on top of that.
This loser Newsom's hippie cuck San Fran parents took way too much acid when he was in the womb.

Getting real pissed off lately at people speculating about the next election when we still have 2 more years of Biden and our country is FULLY in the shitter. No offense to anyone reporting I just feel like it's a cowardly subject people have been bringing up instead of dealing with the disaster at hand.
Also getting really pissed off at cucked POS and lib govs like Newsom and co ruining all the states on the ocean so what is the alternative I have to go live in shitty Kansas now?

Hopefully this will fail before it gets off the ground

Oh who's paying for this all? WHITE Taxpayers you say? Not one illegal immigrant contributes a dime? Smart plan.

Ah so I guess it's been signed (sickening treason) but won't start till 2024 thankfully.
Just in time for Trump to Veto the whole thing hopefully.
Or even better California can sink into the Ocean and into HELL first.

This is the white nation-wreckers wet dream right here...