View Full Version : Nigger Thomas

07-02-2022, 06:14 PM
This coon is literally off the rails. Banning abortion in the shitskin belt is bad enough. Now he wants to outlaw birth control. Me thinks this groid is attempting to turn the U.S. into a second Ape-frica singlehandedly.

07-02-2022, 08:16 PM
Sounds like you're buying into the MSM bullshit. Don't fall for it. The case was overturned because it was a screwed up ruling in the first place. The decision has been kicked back to the states where it should have remained in the first place under the USCON. Thomas did nothing on his own. The majority of the SCOTUS agreed that this was a case of them overstepping their bounds and legislating from the bench back in '73. Abortion in blue (nigger) states will still happen and likely with more fury than ever before. If anything, more human babies will be born and more tar babies will be pureed than ever before. Woke businesses will gladly send mammies on a road trip to save themselves medical insurance bills. Let them.

Not one justice has said anything about banning burf control nor is any case on the docket dealing with it. This is nothing but propaganda from the MSM designed to drum up riots and violence against the SCOTUS.

I aint bin dun did dat!
07-02-2022, 08:51 PM
Sounds like you're buying into the MSM bullshit. Don't fall for it. The case was overturned because it was a screwed up ruling in the first place. The decision has been kicked back to the states where it should have remained in the first place under the USCON. Thomas did nothing on his own. The majority of the SCOTUS agreed that this was a case of them overstepping their bounds and legislating from the bench back in '73. Abortion in blue (nigger) states will still happen and likely with more fury than ever before. If anything, more human babies will be born and more tar babies will be pureed than ever before. Woke businesses will gladly send mammies on a road trip to save themselves medical insurance bills. Let them.

Not one justice has said anything about banning burf control nor is any case on the docket dealing with it. This is nothing but propaganda from the MSM designed to drum up riots and violence against the SCOTUS.
Thomas is a great example of a nigger of least concern. He’s still a nigger but one I am least concerned with.

07-02-2022, 10:22 PM
Sounds like you're buying into the MSM bullshit. Don't fall for it. The case was overturned because it was a screwed up ruling in the first place. The decision has been kicked back to the states where it should have remained in the first place under the USCON. Thomas did nothing on his own. The majority of the SCOTUS agreed that this was a case of them overstepping their bounds and legislating from the bench back in '73. Abortion in blue (nigger) states will still happen and likely with more fury than ever before. If anything, more human babies will be born and more tar babies will be pureed than ever before. Woke businesses will gladly send mammies on a road trip to save themselves medical insurance bills. Let them.

Not one justice has said anything about banning burf control nor is any case on the docket dealing with it. This is nothing but propaganda from the MSM designed to drum up riots and violence against the SCOTUS.

Couple of things... First, you made a good observation recently that Thomas has voted consistently to support the US Constitution and rarely, if ever, 'legislated' from the bench. Nigger or not, that's a hard record to disagree with.

Secondly, your observation today about the drumming up riots and violence against the SCOTUS is dead-on accurate and is consistent with the MSM's and DemonRATs ever ratcheting up of hate against these patriots. Kavanaugh and Barret and their conservative views were the first to draw fire. With Roe being overturned, that fire has turned into an all out, no holds barred war...

Someone will try to off one of the justices, maybe more than one. From a legislative prospective, the vermin left will try to expand the court to a dozen from 9. Dementia Joe will try to eliminate the filibuster in order to smooth the way for more justices.

The Left will have it no other way.

Blue Gum
07-03-2022, 01:40 AM
I agree Mr Stick & Mr Kag....Thomas is a bigger, but I do believe he is on the "right" side of the fence...Now that new nigger sow nigger-joe just put in, that nigger is gonna be trouble, first off it's a left-democrap, secondly it's a Godless liberal, just wait and see....and nigger-joe Does want to Pack the SCOTUS,

Tar Remover
07-04-2022, 07:52 AM
Hoppin' horsefuck. I KNOW I've explained this before.......

07-04-2022, 10:05 AM
This coon is literally off the rails. Banning abortion in the shitskin belt is bad enough. Now he wants to outlaw birth control. Me thinks this groid is attempting to turn the U.S. into a second Ape-frica singlehandedly.

Every CIVILISED country has birth control, and abortion on demand (it's not life, it's just cells, and nature aborts all the time, no boogy-woogy-religious nonsense need apply) - look at Europe, Australia, Canada, etc. It's how we enable women in Western culture to fulfil their contribution to society, and why we have twice as many valuable humans as shitholes like Afghanistan.

Africa is the country with least access to any way of controlling numbers... and the niggers breed like shit-flies.

It's not MSM to observe this.

Jim Crow
07-04-2022, 02:08 PM
Thomas may be a nigger. But if you’re a Republican, he’s your nigger! I’d be more worried about the sow that cornpop Biden appointed!

07-09-2022, 10:46 PM
Every CIVILISED country has birth control, and abortion on demand (it's not life, it's just cells, and nature aborts all the time, no boogy-woogy-religious nonsense need apply) - look at Europe, Australia, Canada, etc. It's how we enable women in Western culture to fulfil their contribution to society, and why we have twice as many valuable humans as shitholes like Afghanistan.

Africa is the country with least access to any way of controlling numbers... and the niggers breed like shit-flies.

It's not MSM to observe this.

Africa's animal population is booming the way it is because the nigger loving UN keeps propping them up with food and supplies so they can keep importing them in droves to Europe and America. If it weren't for the UN there'd be a lot less of them. Here's an idea: if you don't want kids, maybe stop sleeping around, you stupid whore. If you don't wanna get raped, carry a gun and shoot the motherfucker. The amount of babies aborted in the US is around the same amount of immigrants sent in from third world shitholes like Mexico.

Also, LOL'ing at the idea that niggers follow the law anyway. They ain't confiscating coat hangers any time soon. Muh chald suppoat.