View Full Version : Niggress axed me where a bank is

07-01-2022, 06:59 PM
I was sitting down having lunch in a covered seating area outside of a well known grocery chain. Always keeping my eye out for what might happen, this car pulls along side other cars, effectively double parking. Cars going the other way have limited space to go through, and cars behind now have to wait. The niggress occupant rolls down her window and the following conversation happens:

Niggress: "Excuse me! Is there a Bank of America in there?" (Why she thought there would be a BOA in there remains a mystery).

Me: "I didn't see one, so no".

Niggress: "You know where one is?"

Me: "No!"

Niggress: "Why not?"

Me: (becoming annoyed why she thinks my banking choices are any of her business): "I don't use Bank of America!"

Fat niggress, perhaps daughter, gets out of vehicle and goes inside to look for an ATM. Niggress is still double parked and just waits there. Others are beeping her, and she is becoming very annoyed and I'm worried a chimpout is coming. After all, if a nigger has to double park for five minutes while another nigger finds out if there is Bank of America ATM in a grocery store, then she will do so no matter how many people she inconveniences. Fat niggress comes out of grocery store, then leaves.

Really ruined my lunch. Traffic is held up, people are pissed off. Just another day dealing with niggers.

07-01-2022, 08:09 PM
Damn niggers always hold up traffic! It's like the right turn to leave nigger area for my city, there's a nigger holding up traffic outside a malt likah store without emergency lights on! I hate em!

07-01-2022, 10:10 PM
Oh, that's nothing. Here in Newark, NJ, niggers are triple parked while they go in to get lunch.

07-01-2022, 10:34 PM
Oh, that's nothing. Here in Newark, NJ, niggers are triple parked while they go in to get lunch.

You have my sympathy. Down South, niggers generally, but not always, know their place. Tolerance of niggershines is very, very limited down here.

07-02-2022, 08:52 AM
You have my sympathy. Down South, niggers generally, but not always, know their place. Tolerance of niggershines is very, very limited down here.

And I'm not exaggerating when I said triple parking.

""and triple parking is the norm on Monroe Street""

https://www.nj.com/newark/community/2009/12/finding_a_place_to_park_in_newark_can_be_challengi ng.html

07-02-2022, 11:35 AM
Me: "I didn't see one, so no".

Niggress: "You know where one is?"

Me: "No!"

Hey Spookie,
You missed a golden opportunity here. You could have set this nigger up for a major chimpout. Try this next time:

Iz dey a bank tee emm inside?


Where it be?

Inside but they only probably won't let you use it.

Whyze not?

The store manager is racist. The manager moved the ATM into his office to keep the black people out. You can try but he hates blacks. Good luck.

Start recording.:lol

Tar Remover
07-27-2022, 03:14 AM
Niggers should not be given drivers licenses.

Tar Remover
07-27-2022, 03:14 AM
Hey Spookie,
You missed a golden opportunity here. You could have set this nigger up for a major chimpout. Try this next time:

Iz dey a bank tee emm inside?


Where it be?

Inside but they only probably won't let you use it.

Whyze not?

The store manager is racist. The manager moved the ATM into his office to keep the black people out. You can try but he hates blacks. Good luck.

Start recording.:lol:rofl:rofl:rofl YES!!!!