View Full Version : Muslim from Iran attacks gay bar in Norway, media ignores

06-26-2022, 03:13 PM
Muslim whacko from Iran goes on a killing spree in Norway.
Why do European countries keep letting in more Muslims?


06-26-2022, 04:42 PM
Muslim whacko from Iran goes on a killing spree in Norway.
Why do European countries keep letting in more Muslims?

I'm guessing they thought that if they let the muslims that even other muslims don't want in muslim nations into Norway, things would magically work out and Norway would somehow become a better place.

It's like in the USA when democrats thought defunding or disbanding police departments would reduce crime (it didn't, and the fact some of them even attempted it tells me some of them are clearly pants on head retarded).

For whatever reason, it doesn't seem to occur to some people that maybe there is a reason why some people/sandniggers/niggers are treated poorly. They just think "look at that poor creature, I must help it" and this leads to their ruin. Sometimes the parasites are exactly as terrible as the racists say they are, but then again, a sucker is born every minute.

06-26-2022, 05:10 PM
muslims and homosexuals are usual neck and neck for ' special status ' in our diminishing world, where the Christian white male has become the pariah of civilization where tolerance has been chipped away. There is a global realignment about to happen. The euro-youth have been programmed to love their killers at any cost. They too may have to be sent back to somewhere else I'm afraid, as they may be beyond enlightenment.

06-26-2022, 06:09 PM
I live quite close to Norway and this was initially big news in here. Libtards were so exited - this is the long awaited "Breivik - The Sequel". Once it was revealed that an asslifter did it, it disappeared almost completely from the lame stream media. Had the shooter been a RIGHT WING WHITE SUPREMACIST, we would't have heard anything else in the news for the next couple of weeks.

Oh, but the libtards already have a solution. Take away the guns from law obeying citizens. Yes, that will definitely stop the asslifter terrorist attacks.

06-26-2022, 11:35 PM
This must be the work of some evil straight white guy.

06-27-2022, 03:08 AM
muslims and homosexuals are usual neck and neck for ' special status ' in our diminishing world, where the Christian white male has become the pariah of civilization where tolerance has been chipped away. There is a global realignment about to happen. The euro-youth have been programmed to love their killers at any cost. They too may have to be sent back to somewhere else I'm afraid, as they may be beyond enlightenment.

As hard as I might try, I can't find a dog to root for in this gay barfight.

Just kidding. I'm not even trying. I'm as indifferent there as I am with niggers killing niggers as long as their stray bullets don't cross my path.

I'm trying not to judge, but as strict matters of logical prudence and respect for normal families, keep your personal shit personal, folks, and this shit won't happen.

06-27-2022, 03:41 AM
The European Left has been in love with the difference of Islam for many years...
Yet, Islam is fundamentally opposed to human freedom, and the kind of freedom the Left purports to support.
The Left haven't learned their lesson yet, perhaps they never will.

06-30-2022, 09:26 AM
I live quite close to Norway and this was initially big news in here. Libtards were so exited - this is the long awaited "Breivik - The Sequel". Once it was revealed that an asslifter did it, it disappeared almost completely from the lame stream media. Had the shooter been a RIGHT WING WHITE SUPREMACIST, we would't have heard anything else in the news for the next couple of weeks.

Oh, but the libtards already have a solution. Take away the guns from law obeying citizens. Yes, that will definitely stop the asslifter terrorist attacks.

That's the standard procedure of Lame Stream Media everywhere in the western world! As long as they can blame whitey, they'll talk night and day about the incident, lamenting "white supremacy", "Nazis", "Racism" etc. But if the suspect is a (non-western) colonialist, they conceal the story. And if that does not succeed, they find a way to blame whitey. (Last weekend ~10 people in Germany were stabbed by paedophile goat-fuckers, of course they blamed the Germans who pay them that they "didn't do enough to make these people to feel welcome in Germany".)
Rule of thumb: As soon as LSM does not mention the suspect, or emphasises that the suspect is "of Swiss nationality", or when they immediately say that he is "mentally ill" -> they try to hide the fact that it's a colonialist. ("Swiss nationality" in this case means "nigger who was given a Swiss passport.)