View Full Version : Nigger who ran down people in Times Square "not responsible".

06-22-2022, 02:30 PM
NEW YORK (AP) — A man who drove his car through crowds of people in Times Square in 2017, killing a young tourist and maiming helpless pedestrians, was cleared of responsibility Wednesday because of mental illness.

The trial, which began early last month, (https://apnews.com/article/times-square-fatal-crash-driver-trial-bf0706e3acfa9049d7750d49cbeb6d31) featured testimony from victims who suffered severe injuries from what prosecutors labeled “a horrific, depraved act.”

OH, shut up. No nigger is ever guilty of anything, no matter how horrific and/or depraved. Poor lad was upset after being kicked out of the navy. Dindu nuffin!


06-23-2022, 06:47 AM
OH, shut up. No nigger is ever guilty of anything, no matter how horrific and/or depraved. Poor lad was upset after being kicked out of the navy. Dindu nuffin!


Exactly! Besides, every nigger is mentally ill (IQ below 80), hence all of them need get confined in a safe place, e.g. Apfrica (safe for humans, that is). Of course, as far as I am concerned, I'd welcome if libtards would join them.
Edit: Since liberalism is a mental disorder as well, I'd want to correct my mistake: Of course libtards need to get confined in a safe place as well! Not that anyone could blame me on having double standards.

Defund Welfare
06-23-2022, 07:02 AM
I’m pleased many of the comments on MSN are also grossed out by this. Piece of shit system, this nigger will be “cured” in a couple years and just get out and do it again.
Hate how the libtards in the legal system want it both ways, if you’re not mentally stable enough to understand the concept of murder then you shouldn’t be allowed to live among the rest of us. They know what they’re doing though, they justify all this crap with the same tired excuses of privilege and inequality and get rich off it. The judges that gave this log of shit the verdict should share their house with him for a week.

New York should just be called the Big Watermelon or Big Banana by now.

06-23-2022, 07:15 AM
Since liberalism is a mental disorder as well, I'd want to correct my mistake: Of course libtards need to get confined in a safe place as well! Not that anyone could blame me on having double standards.

Liberals can actually be cured of their mental disorders with proper counseling including: loosing everything to the government, being assaulted by niggers, watching friends and family die at their paws and many other types of nigger reality checks. While not always successful, these methods have been used to bring former libshits, cucks and nigger lovers back to reality.

You can't un-crazy a nigger though. It's easier to turn them white with bleach than to take the crazy out of a nigger. Only jenkem juice, lead poisoning or other forms of goodification does that.

06-23-2022, 07:56 AM
OH, shut up. No nigger is ever guilty of anything, no matter how horrific and/or depraved. Poor lad was upset after being kicked out of the navy. Dindu nuffin!


And that was BEFORE they got that cock s@cking soros appointed nigger "District attorney" that they have now!!

06-23-2022, 07:58 AM
I’m pleased many of the comments on MSN are also grossed out by this. Piece of shit system, this nigger will be “cured” in a couple years and just get out and do it again.
Hate how the libtards in the legal system want it both ways, if you’re not mentally stable enough to understand the concept of murder then you shouldn’t be allowed to live among the rest of us. They know what they’re doing though, they justify all this crap with the same tired excuses of privilege and inequality and get rich off it. The judges that gave this log of shit the verdict should share their house with him for a week.

New York should just be called the Big Watermelon or Big Banana by now.

Big JENKEM is more like it!! Wait, thats san franshitsco!!

06-23-2022, 10:39 AM
What nog isn't crazy or retarded?

06-23-2022, 11:50 AM

After he crashed, Rojas told a traffic agent that he “wanted to kill them all,” prosecutors said. He admitted to cops that he had been smoking marijuana laced with PCP before the incident.

Rojas, a Bronx resident, had several run-ins with the law before his rampage including a May 2017 arrest where he put a knife to a notary’s throat and claimed the person stole his ID.

He joined the Navy in 2011 but his service ended in the wake of a 2012 arrest where he allegedly beat up a cab driver he felt overcharged him. He was court-marshaled (sic) and spent time in a military prison when the Navy took jurisdiction in that case.

First, this admission of guilt is all they needed to show. PCP and weed do not excuse murder. Second, while the NYP came closer to telling the truth than most others, it is no longer considered an alleged crime once a person is convicted in any court, including a military court martial but I can't expect much from these clowns since they couldn't even spell it right.

It disgust me that this crazed nigger was ever in my Navy. I barely had faith in the military entrance screening process back in the 80's and now I have no faith in it whatsoever. They ignore problems based on race every time while holding YT to every high standard. They almost wouldn't take me due to mild color blindness. Only my ASVAB scores got them to ignore the vision test. They literally pushed me into a different room and told me to keep my mouth shut about the test if I wanted to pursue my desired NEC in avionics. They simply left the box blank and ignored it, telling me to do the same and claim ignorance for the remainder of my enlistment.

06-30-2022, 08:29 AM
Liberals can actually be cured of their mental disorders with proper counseling including: loosing everything to the government, and many other types of nigger reality checks. While not always successful, these methods have been used to bring former libshits, cucks and nigger lovers back to reality.
In theory I agree with you, simply because humans are able to think logically. Therefore it should be possible to change their minds. What really disturbs me though: I remember a few cases when even "being assaulted by niggers, watching friends and family die at their paws" did not work. Just recently a lady somewhere in the south got murdered by a nigger. Said nigger first had killed that woman's daughter, and after it got released from prison, the mother gave the shitbeast a job & shelter.

You can't un-crazy a nigger though. It's easier to turn them white with bleach than to take the crazy out of a nigger. Only jenkem juice, lead poisoning or other forms of goodification does that.
You are absolutely right!!

06-30-2022, 08:51 AM
Liberals can actually be cured of their mental disorders with proper counseling including: loosing everything to the government, being assaulted by niggers, watching friends and family die at their paws and many other types of nigger reality checks. While not always successful, these methods have been used to bring former libshits, cucks and nigger lovers back to reality.

You can't un-crazy a nigger though. It's easier to turn them white with bleach than to take the crazy out of a nigger. Only jenkem juice, lead poisoning or other forms of goodification does that.

There's an old saying that a conservative is a liberal who's been mugged. NY in the 1970s and 1980s was the kind of place where flower children could turn into Bernie Goetz types overnight.

There's still the occasional liberal that just won't learn, because they die first. Someone posted a link the other day, I think of a woman who "forgave" her mother's killer, then the nigger got released and killed that woman too.

06-30-2022, 09:38 AM
There's an old saying that a conservative is a liberal who's been mugged. NY in the 1970s and 1980s was the kind of place where flower children could turn into Bernie Goetz types overnight.

There's still the occasional liberal that just won't learn, because they die first. Someone posted a link the other day, I think of a woman who "forgave" her mother's killer, then the nigger got released and killed that woman too.

There is a similar saying in Switzerland (probably it's German as well), it just refers to age instead: Usually people are liberal in until their early 20s, but when they grow up and get older & wiser and have to pay for their own life they become conservatives.
Considering how childish liberals can behave from time to time there could be some truth to that, they some sort of did not become adults.

06-30-2022, 11:27 AM
Now that they classified him they can keep him there to kill and maim more morons willing to let him loose!