View Full Version : Switzerland: Males have to pay 20% more in Geneva

06-19-2022, 10:32 AM
Just to let you know that you are not alone with the socialist marxist feminist nazi-craze: The (mostly female) left-green board of Geneva (city in Switzerland) decided that males have to pay 20% more for every city service from now on (museums, theatres, public transport, pools, ...). Because, as you know, white males beez evil, racist, sexist, you name it. Of course, beeing stupid lady marxists, they claim at the same time that there is not such thing as males and females... Clown world!


06-19-2022, 02:02 PM
Just to let you know that you are not alone with the socialist marxist feminist nazi-craze: The (mostly female) left-green board of Geneva (city in Switzerland) decided that males have to pay 20% more for every city service from now on (museums, theatres, public transport, pools, ...). Because, as you know, white males beez evil, racist, sexist, you name it. Of course, beeing stupid lady marxists, they claim at the same time that there is not such thing as males and females... Clown world!


That seems easy enough to get around, just claim that you identify as a woman. If anyone disagrees they are transphobic and automatically cancelled.

06-19-2022, 02:15 PM
Huh? Isn't that.......gender discrimination?

06-21-2022, 05:04 PM
That seems easy enough to get around, just claim that you identify as a woman. If anyone disagrees they are transphobic and automatically cancelled.

You are right of course! Actually there reportedly already are males who did this, for a similar reason: Recently they decided as well that females can retire one year earlier then men (despite they live longer on average and of course don't need to pay more into the retirement fund), that already pissed off a few guys, hence they decided to identify as woman. Of course, lame stream media insisted that males doing this would be sexist, misogynist "outdated angry old white males", the typical left wing double standard.
I wonder what they are going to do when they discover that "the patriarchy" created the cosy society they are living in (when said "patriarchy" is either gone, or so fed up that we decide to not work any more).