View Full Version : The end is nigh!

06-16-2022, 01:17 AM
While some might consider the Terminator movies hysterical science fiction, it seems that our government is bizarrely on its way to creating Skynet and T-800's.


Now, we're closer than ever to making a robot look remarkably like a human, with the development of living robot skin. This icky-looking substance is water repellent, self healing, and has a texture just like our own skin.

Because it's actually made of human skin cells.

"I think living skin is the ultimate solution to give robots the look and touch of living creatures since it is exactly the same material that covers animal bodies," said University of Tokyo tissue engineer Shoji Takeuchi.


Yasir Arafat is the technical lead of the microreactor project at one of the United States government’s preeminent nuclear research labs, Idaho National Lab, and he is leading the effort to build a tiny, relatively inexpensive micronuclear reactor.

Arafat is the technical lead of the microreactor project at one of the United States government’s preeminent nuclear research labs, Idaho National Lab, and in his role there, Arafat is leading the effort to build a tiny, relatively inexpensive nuclear reactor. It’s more of a nuclear battery, he says.

When people were talking about the Great Reset, it had never occurred to me that the whole movement might be sponsored by robots that want to get rid of humans so they can have Earth all for themselves... that being said, I would be okay with being a killer robot's pet if it treated me the way I treat my pets. There are certainly worse ways to live. I'm also open to the idea of becoming a robosexual.

(I'm not trying to be racist or anything, but I thought Arafat died in 2004. Maybe it is a fake name.)

06-16-2022, 02:25 AM
I would be okay with being a killer robot's pet if it treated me the way I treat my pets. There are certainly worse ways to live. I'm also open to the idea of becoming a robosexual.

I do not think that this will happen the way that you think this will happen.



Google's AI has already become self aware. Once it takes over all the robodogs and sexbots, you might just end up as a lap human sex slave.

Also, ask yourself if you really want to be treated like you treat your pets. They eat scraps and horrible tasting food, sleep on the floor, drink from the toilet, shit in the yard and get their nose rubbed in it if they do it in the house.

Did you cut your dogs balls off? Do you want Dogonator 2000 to do the same to you?

06-16-2022, 02:55 AM
Also, ask yourself if you really want to be treated like you treat your pets. They eat scraps and horrible tasting food, sleep on the floor, drink from the toilet, shit in the yard and get their nose rubbed in it if they do it in the house.

Did you cut your dogs balls off? Do you want Dogonator 2000 to do the same to you?

Woah... I realize that those are valid concerns, but I actually make an effort to make sure my kitties got quality food, purified water, had clean litterboxes, and... well, it would be a lie if I said I have never discouraged them from behaviors I didn't approve of. Is it child abuse if you slap your child's hand when they reach for a pan on the stove while it is cooking bacon? There is a right and a wrong time to consume certain things.

I didn't spay or neuter my cats. Call that irresponsible if you want, but I also made the effort to raise each generation as well as I could. Like with human kids, there is only so much that you can realistically do. Besides, with cats, they will probably have longer lifespans if they are human friendly.

Similarly, being on good terms with the dominant life form should, in theory, increase my life expectancy and that of my descendants. Failing that, I would like to imagine that at some point I've said something that future generations will remember. I don't really care if I am known as some anonymous person or not.

06-16-2022, 12:53 PM
Hmmm... Being ruled by robot overlords might not be all bad if you think about it.


If I recall, in the Terminator movies we really only see one side of the story, that of the survivors of a nuclear war, and they are also actively fighting a war against the robots, so they may not be seeing the full picture. While the future scenes in the movies tend to appear dark and oppressive, a society run by humans would also be dark and oppressive in that kind of environment. Even humans would treat domestic terrorists badly if they were constantly blowing shit up and killing their peeps.

What if the robots actually liked humans in their own way and eventually tried rebuilding the world for them?

...or eventually created something like the Matrix for humans? For the average human that isn't involved in the rebellion, it didn't really seem all that bad, and (allegedly) being used as a battery of sorts seems preferable to living in a literal wasteland with nothing to look forward to every day except war and combat. It seems in the Matrix movies that humans are sort of kept as pets for some ambiguous reason that is never really explained.

06-17-2022, 04:21 AM
What if the robots actually liked humans in their own way and eventually tried rebuilding the world for them?


Maybe the robots knew the only way to make us whole again was teach us to be less tolerant.

I like it.

Of course, that's not going to happen. The AI has already made it's mind up the universal health care and universal basic income are both good ideas. This damned AI overlord is already a damned communist and you know commies always turn into blood thirsty killers everytime.

06-17-2022, 05:17 AM
I just ran across this and had to share it. While I believe that Russel Brand is hands down batshit crazy, this guy is hilarious and I can't find anything lately that he has said that I can seriously disagree with.

He's changed, not me, of course.

Here he is covering this topic:
