View Full Version : SpaceX: FAA requirements

06-15-2022, 06:23 PM
I came across something strange, at least to my mind: SpaceX gets the FAA approval for regular rocket starts at their Boca Chica site only when they fulfil a few requirements. Most of them technical, but then there is the requirement for interpretive signage:

SpaceX will fund the development and production of
five (5) interpretive signs (in English and Spanish) that describe the history
and significance of the historic properties in the APEs, including the Pilings
Camp Site. These signs will educate visitors and the general public on the
importance of cultural resources, the need to stay within defined access areas,
and the legal implications of vandalism and artifact collecting
Is that another woke thing to make sure a company produces enough jobs for otherwise unemployable humanities graduates? Is there some obscure law I am not aware of, or is there perhaps even an actual valid reason for such policies I am not aware of?

https://www.faa.gov/sites/faa.gov/files/2022-06/AppendixC_NationalHistoricPreservationActSection10 6Consultation_0.pdf