View Full Version : A game that predicted the future

06-15-2022, 02:51 AM

So while browsing the Good Old Games website, I found, unintentionally, one of the most amusing games ever. It's called Judge Dredd: Dredd vs Death. To make a long story short it is a first person shooter game that takes place in the future and it involves you roleplaying as Judge Dredd, who is a police officer with the legal authority to be judge, jury, and executioner. I paid like $2 for it.


Now the game is pretty old, and the main story is kinda meh, but if you create a new profile with the name REBELLION you can pick any level you want and all cheats are enabled. I recommend playing through the entire game normally at least once, but at a price of $2 or less, that's clearly optional.

What really amused me was the very first level after basic training. You walk out onto a courtyard and your very first task is to arrest a bunch of "bleeding heart liberals," and "dispense some justice." Unfortunately, you can't hurt the liberals, or you will fail the mission. But after you have put handcuffs on them, well... If the "infinite lawmeter" cheat is enabled, you can do whatever you want to the obviously BLM and Antifa protesters. They are literally holding "defund the police" signs.

I've heard rumors that certain people of the law enforcement persuasion might occasionally check out these forums to see if we are up to no good. If anything, we are law abiding citizens and most of us support law and order, the police, the firefighting community, and the medical community. Nothing bothered me more than the decade of communist riots where people and niggers antagonized the police and made many of their lives miserable. I support the men and women in blue and I have great respect for them. I'm not entirely sure if this is true, but I heard they used to try to hire combat veterans from the military because being a police officer is not an easy job and it really isn't for everyone.

I think it is terrible how the Democratic National Committee turned it's back on law enforcement officers all over the USA, and I want to make it loud and clear that there are some of that still admire and respect the police.

As a sidenote, Judge Dredd's gun has six different types of ammunition, ranging from normal bullets, to armor piercing, to ricochet bullets, to incendiary, to high explosive, to heat seeking. Kinda like the Gun from Logan's Run.

06-18-2022, 02:41 PM
I've heard rumors that certain people of the law enforcement persuasion might occasionally check out these forums to see if we are up to no good. If anything, we are law abiding citizens and most of us support law and order, the police, the firefighting community, and the medical community. Nothing bothered me more than the decade of communist riots where people and niggers antagonized the police and made many of their lives miserable. I support the men and women in blue and I have great respect for them. I'm not entirely sure if this is true, but I heard they used to try to hire combat veterans from the military because being a police officer is not an easy job and it really isn't for everyone.

I think you'd be a great contributor and educator if you signed up to the site. We are not lunatics - exactly the opposite. We are Camp Sanity.

06-19-2022, 08:41 PM
I recommend getting fallout 3, nv and 4 from gog galaxy gaming at least you can mod all the negros out of the game. I recommended it for a negro free experience lol

Do this especially for heavy negro worshipping games like elder scrolls Obsidian and Skyrim

mod the negros out of there !

Negro free indeed!

Defund Welfare
06-20-2022, 06:39 PM
There are still quite a few games out there that are nigger free if you look away from all the major AAA releases.

I’m sure Kingdom Come: Deliverance has been mentioned here once in the past since that game got flak for being “historically accurate” to the 1400s Bohemia era where there were NO niggers at all and had the Turks portrayed as barbaric, the dev just said making a game was his dream and hard work and wanted to do it correctly. I’ve played it, it’s not bad.

Another personal favorite of mine is Battle Brothers, a turn based strategy game where you play as a band of mercenaries in a randomly generated map traveling around and doing contracts. It is based in German mythology. What’s interesting about this game is there are no women fighters at all and one of the DLCs features Arabian/Hindu architecture in the deserts, what’s funny about that is you can hire slaves and use them or free them. Some of the contracts even have you take down slave uprisings. But other than that, no niggers whatsoever.