View Full Version : Niglet wins an award

06-10-2022, 01:03 PM
Mississippi Teacher Gives Black Preschooler ‘Monkey Award’


Children are typically sent home with different awards at the end of the year after having a major accomplishment like straight A's or perfect attendance. The children rush home proud and eager to show off their honorable awards to their parents or family.

A Black pre-K student from an elementary school in Batesville, Mississippi, was sent home with an award called the “Monkey Award” for “entertaining others.”

The student’s mother, Shemekia Ellis, told WKYT that her son was so excited about the award. Ellis met with the school district officials who said the teacher didn’t know the history behind “Blacks being compared to monkeys,” according to WKYT. “She said the teacher stated that she gave him the award for his energy,” Ellis told WKYT. “But the award doesn’t say anything about energy. It says entertainment.”

Ellis met with the school district officials who said the teacher didn’t know the history behind “Blacks being compared to monkeys.”

The school needs to have a Chimp Award, which is given to every niglet that doesn't chimp out for an entire day. They could have these little punch cards and when they get 2 punches they will get some kind of reward. The niglets will never get the reward.

Jim Crow
06-10-2022, 04:02 PM
I’m a little upset that they are comparing niggers to monkeys! A monkey is a smart little animal. A nigger is a stupid worthless beast not worthy to be called a monkey!

Ray Cizzums
06-10-2022, 05:01 PM
The student’s mother, Shemekia Ellis, told WKYT that her son was so excited about the award.

Sound's like Shemekia deserves a silverback baboon award....

06-10-2022, 05:29 PM
"the teacher didn’t know the history behind “Blacks being compared to monkeys.”


I love this... you now have to make the nigger say why they think they're being compared to monkeys, because there's no reason to, eh?? :-)


"OK, Shemekia, why do you think niggers are compared to monkeys?"

"Yo, mufuggah, it becoz we eek and ook and fight each other and fugg from behind have the IQ of a human toddler and smash stuff and steal and shit everywhere and sheeit."

06-10-2022, 07:42 PM
A Black pre-K student from an elementary school in Batesville, Mississippi, was sent home with an award called the “Monkey Award” for “entertaining others.”

If a White student had been awarded we'd never have heard about it.

It is kind of insulting ot compare niglets to monkeys - insulting to the monkeys. The resemblance is merely superficial.

06-11-2022, 12:10 AM
A few years ago, there was a billboard for Six Flags Magic Mountain, a local amusement park. It showed a redhead boy with his hair up, as in descending fast in a ride. Alongside is an orangutan, with the same hair-raising experience. No big deal. It is, after all, just an artistic representation. Niggers take it too seriously, which means, they KNOW they are more monkey than human! But heck, that's just too much injustice to monkeys.

06-11-2022, 03:49 AM
Niggers [and coddlers] take it too seriously, which means, they KNOW they are more monkey than human!

That was the sound of the nail being hit right on the head!!!


Another report I recall was London nigglets being happy they'd got parts in the Christmas school Nativity play... as monkeys.

06-11-2022, 08:27 AM
If a White student had been awarded we'd never have heard about it.

It is kind of insulting ot compare niglets to monkeys - insulting to the monkeys. The resemblance is merely superficial.

Remember 20 years ago when George W. Bush was routinely compared to chimpanzees? https://duckduckgo.com/?q=george+w+bush+chimpanzee&iax=images&ia=images

Not a single complaint by liberals, then or now, since they were the ones who made the comparison and can get away with it. Then during the HNIC presidency, boy did I get it from some friends of a friend, when I left a comment calling First Tranny Michael Lavaugn Obama "baboon-faced." Today I make all apologies to baboons.

06-11-2022, 11:20 AM
Since the only ones who might have reason to be offended are monkeys, the nigger sow obviously identifies herself as monkey as she is offended. Or did I get something wrong here?

06-11-2022, 11:47 AM
Remember 20 years ago when George W. Bush was routinely compared to chimpanzees? https://duckduckgo.com/?q=george+w+bush+chimpanzee&iax=images&ia=images

Not a single complaint by liberals, then or now, since they were the ones who made the comparison and can get away with it. Then during the HNIC presidency, boy did I get it from some friends of a friend, when I left a comment calling First Tranny Michael Lavaugn Obama "baboon-faced." Today I make all apologies to baboons.

Yes. Why do you think that is? Gee, what a puzzle. Just last week some coach got in hot water for calling his players "knuckledraggers". Of course, the niggers took offense, but would anyone have cared had the players been white? "Knuckledraggers" can apply to anyone. I've referred to humans as such. So it's true - niggers are very conscious that they resemble apes so they must be rayciss against themselves.

Why was this okay:

But this would NOT be okay?


Riddle me that, Batman.

06-11-2022, 02:03 PM
"the teacher didn’t know the history behind “Blacks being compared to monkeys.”


I love this... you now have to make the nigger say why they think they're being compared to monkeys, because there's no reason to, eh?? :-)


"OK, Shemekia, why do you think niggers are compared to monkeys?"

"Yo, mufuggah, it becoz we eek and ook and fight each other and fugg from behind have the IQ of a human toddler and smash stuff and steal and shit everywhere and sheeit."

Wow, an honest nigger!!

06-11-2022, 02:05 PM
Remember 20 years ago when George W. Bush was routinely compared to chimpanzees? https://duckduckgo.com/?q=george+w+bush+chimpanzee&iax=images&ia=images

Not a single complaint by liberals, then or now, since they were the ones who made the comparison and can get away with it. Then during the HNIC presidency, boy did I get it from some friends of a friend, when I left a comment calling First Tranny Michael Lavaugn Obama "baboon-faced." Today I make all apologies to baboons.

A baboon's striped @$$ is more ATTRACTIVE than the former 1st trannie's face!!

06-11-2022, 05:05 PM
Niggers take it too seriously, which means, they KNOW they are more monkey than human!

Here's another case that hit the media:

Nigger brat with "coolest monkey in the jungle" on its sweatshirt.
If a human child wore that, no eeking and ooking... niglet wears it and there's a helluva fuss.


06-11-2022, 05:12 PM
Another one - the Lil Monkey nigger doll.



Seriously, human children get called little monkeys all the time, no-one complains - it's a term of endearment.

It can only be that niggers - and libtards - do know they are just chimps that can speak (just) and not human.

06-11-2022, 11:34 PM
Riddle me that, Batman.


06-12-2022, 12:04 PM


You really need to join!!!

06-12-2022, 10:16 PM

Damn right, so damn right. I personally invite you to join on behalf of site staff.

What gave us HIV from SIV? There's a popular short comment on Fox News, "Pat, I'd like to solve the puzzle." I think it comes from South Park.


06-12-2022, 10:18 PM
nigger know they're monkeys - and the truth hurts !


Tell it like it is
06-13-2022, 07:23 PM
The next question is.....What does the little niglet's father have to say about this?
The world will never know.....
Or care for that matter......
Or maybe this one is NOT one of the 91 percent born a little black bastard.

06-14-2022, 12:11 AM
Damn right, so damn right. I personally invite you to join on behalf of site staff.

What gave us HIV from SIV? There's a popular short comment on Fox News, "Pat, I'd like to solve the puzzle." I think it comes from South Park.


That has become so popular in comments under articles about niggershines, on sites where comments are allowed, that is.

06-14-2022, 07:58 PM
That has become so popular in comments under articles about niggershines, on sites where comments are allowed, that is.

I love that scene! It's my avatar. 🤣