View Full Version : Nigger "Drag Queen" Allowed to "Entertain" Middle Schoolers.

Nigger Wrangler
06-09-2022, 09:01 PM
If you've not heard of Libs of TikTok, it's an account run by a woman who monitors TikTok and other social media for vile shit the raving psychotic Democrats are into. Mostly posting unedited videos of these filthy pigs in their natural habitats.

As you can imagine she's been doxxed, as have her relatives. Twitter suspended her account until Musk made his purchase announcement, and a couple of weeks ago, Instagram "accidentally" suspended the account for roughly 24 hours, until a lot of hell was raised.

About 90 percent of the Instagram posts deal with teachers, administrators, and others in education sexually grooming children as young as 4 years-old.

They are particularly pushing the so-called "transgender" nonsense, and have multiple drag queens and other activities. Many of these events specifically BAN PARENTS AND LEGAL GUARDIANS from attending!

Now on to this disgusting nigger that calls itself JIZZ. What a great name for a down-low nigger, huh!

The Middle School involved deleted the video, but not before LoTT copied it!

Unfortunately Instagram won't give you a URL to an individual post, but if you scroll down a couple of posts you can't miss this down-low buck pretending to be a sow. It's out on the feetsball field!

It's bad enough decent human children are forced to go to school with niggers. This is child abuse!


Defund Welfare
06-10-2022, 02:11 AM
Niggers will do anything to get free shit or be the big nig in the spotlight. They’ll embrace communism, they’ll mutilate their bodies, they’ll kill people, just goes on and on…

I hope the parents told their children this shouldn’t be acceptable behavior. This is just another nigger who will do anything for the looks-at-me. I’m sure it’ll be dead in a year or two anyway like most niggers.

06-10-2022, 12:34 PM
here's where the ' love ' starts.....we need some Christian re-education soon folks.....we can not continue as we are.


Jim Crow
06-10-2022, 03:58 PM
The godless left is really a total piece of shit! They won’t allow children to wear a cross pendent or pray in school.But, will allow a nigger tranny named jizz in the school to entertain the children.Sick!

06-11-2022, 04:37 PM
If you've not heard of Libs of TikTok, it's an account run by a woman who monitors TikTok and other social media for vile shit the raving psychotic Democrats are into. Mostly posting unedited videos of these filthy pigs in their natural habitats.

As you can imagine she's been doxxed, as have her relatives. Twitter suspended her account until Musk made his purchase announcement, and a couple of weeks ago, Instagram "accidentally" suspended the account for roughly 24 hours, until a lot of hell was raised.

About 90 percent of the Instagram posts deal with teachers, administrators, and others in education sexually grooming children as young as 4 years-old.

They are particularly pushing the so-called "transgender" nonsense, and have multiple drag queens and other activities. Many of these events specifically BAN PARENTS AND LEGAL GUARDIANS from attending!

Now on to this disgusting nigger that calls itself JIZZ. What a great name for a down-low nigger, huh!

The Middle School involved deleted the video, but not before LoTT copied it!

Unfortunately Instagram won't give you a URL to an individual post, but if you scroll down a couple of posts you can't miss this down-low buck pretending to be a sow. It's out on the feetsball field!

It's bad enough decent human children are forced to go to school with niggers. This is child abuse!


It CERTAINLY is!! GLAD I live in Florida where our Governor won't put up with this SHEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEIT and has the cojones to take on the left and BITCH SLAP them into oblivion!!

06-12-2022, 11:18 AM
Gay niggers are volatile people, even more dangerous than straight niggas, trust me, really stay away and keep them away from children.
Highest rates of HIV, syphilis.
They are drugged up, will steal, lie.
This is why even straight niggas are so homophobic.

06-12-2022, 04:03 PM
This is why even straight niggas are so homophobic.

For a number of years I've believed every nigger buck is secretly down low. They prefer other bucks to niggeresses, but they put up a good act about being homophobic. The nigger doth protest too much, methinks.

Lots of niggers attacking and killing each other is DL action gone bad, especially with tranny niggers demanding payment or else they'll tell.

Blue Gum
06-14-2022, 07:49 PM
For a number of years I've believed every nigger buck is secretly down low. They prefer other bucks to niggeresses, but they put up a good act about being homophobic. The nigger doth protest too much, methinks.

Lots of niggers attacking and killing each other is DL action gone bad, especially with tranny niggers demanding payment or else they'll tell.

Yea.....a long time ago I got the impression that the demented life style of homosexuality was rampant among nigger bucks