View Full Version : Are American niggers by far the worst niggers?

06-08-2022, 04:40 PM
While all nigs are just as dumb and stink, non-American ones seem less evil compared to American niggers in my experience.
American niggers always fulfill the violent, rude, evil, dishonest stereotype about them.
Anyone else have experience with nigs who live in Africa or Europe?

06-08-2022, 06:14 PM
There are different varieties of niggers, but only one species. TNB never changes, only the arena or ' zoo ' the nigger is placed upon. In Africa, niggers bathe in cow's piss and eat each other. It's what they do. In the USA, they have the good fortune of free money, water from the wall and KFC and Popeyes to save them from catching their suppers.

Technically though, a nigger making the trip to 'da drive froo ' is out hunting for its chow. If you swapped the niggers over on a nigger ' student ' exchange, the inner chimp will always revert and the US nigs will be chopping up their neighbors for a feast and the African niggers will be enjoying the miracle of being handed a box of warm fried chicken.

Niggers do not change, only their surroundings dictate their peculiar TNB.

06-08-2022, 10:30 PM
Negros are negros

Including the half breed negros

One drop rule applies

Keep this in mind around blacks never relax just because they aren’t chimping out it doesn’t mean they won’t. ALWAYS remember that and never underestimate!

I aint bin dun did dat!
06-08-2022, 10:36 PM
US niggers are spoiled so they do behave differently from other niggers. As previously mentioned though, it doesn’t matter how much they are given or have, they will always lean toward violent tendencies and more shiny objects.

06-09-2022, 12:03 AM
I found a documentary video about the north american pavement ape. Please enjoy. :lol


06-09-2022, 01:05 AM
American niggers ARE the most uppity, entitled, obnoxious niggers. This is in this country, they are protected by the 1st Amendment freedom of speech. They can say whatever they want, even promote violence against others, but they are not held accountable. I don't think there's a direct 1st amendment protection in other western countries, at least not in expanse and scope. Also, here they are coddled, given all freedoms, affirmative action, nigger loving, nigger worship. There's no NBA or NFL in Niggeria, UK, or wherever else. US niggers can strike us all at will. Canada offers them similar, but not the same, freedoms and coddling.

Niggers anywhere else, they have to fight to live, that's why they migrate to the west. There's not a lot of nigger migration to Russia, China, or Argentina. Japan doesn't want them, so also with China. But, there's a trickle, as in everywhere.

Niggers here think they are equal, but worse, they think they are superior. Those with $ look for the cheapest blonde whore they can. But the payment of toll is not too far off.

In terms of vileness, ugliness, animalness and savegery, there's no difference.

There is no exception for any nigger. Because any part nigger, by definition, is not a human being.

06-09-2022, 03:47 AM
Niggers worldwide are Godless creatures and as such are bound by no moral authority higher than their individual selves in the moment.

Americanized niggers are the worst and John Adams warned us as to why:


Our government is not designed or equipped to deal with niggers. It can only govern people who govern themselves first by making moral choices in life. That would involve self control. Niggers have none.

They require and desperately need the heavy hands of cruel and unusual punishments and crushing authority to keep them from devouring themselves and everything in sight.

06-09-2022, 09:35 AM
There are different varieties of niggers, but only one species. TNB never changes, only the arena or ' zoo ' the nigger is placed upon. In Africa, niggers bathe in cow's piss and eat each other. It's what they do. In the USA, they have the good fortune of free money, water from the wall and KFC and Popeyes to save them from catching their suppers.

Technically though, a nigger making the trip to 'da drive froo ' is out hunting for its chow. If you swapped the niggers over on a nigger ' student ' exchange, the inner chimp will always revert and the US nigs will be chopping up their neighbors for a feast and the African niggers will be enjoying the miracle of being handed a box of warm fried chicken.

Niggers do not change, only their surroundings dictate their peculiar TNB.

Cariboons are a VILE DISGUSTING sub-species of nigger!!

06-09-2022, 10:14 AM
Cariboons are a VILE DISGUSTING sub-species of nigger!!

all niggers are a disgusting sub-species of nigger !

06-09-2022, 10:33 AM
It's a toss up between Haitian niggers and Somali niggers.

Haiti was once the crown jewel of the French Empire and the most prosperous island in the Caribbean, but once the niggers killed off the French, it became the most impoverished place in the Western Hemisphere.

Somalia has always been a shithole. A tribal society plagued by violence. Somali niggers have an average IQ just above mental retardation, and it shows in how much of a shithole their country is.

Both Haitian niggers and Somali niggers have fled their self-inflicted shithole and plague us humans here in the US. So it really depends on the day on which type of nigger is the worst nigger.

06-09-2022, 11:43 AM
Haiti was once the crown jewel of the French Empire and the most prosperous island in the Caribbean, but once the niggers killed off the French, it became the impoverish place in the Western Hemisphere.

Haitian niggers, being so upset about being slaves trading work for free medical care, housing and other essential animal welfare/care, were determined to overthrow YT. So what did they do? They literally made a deal with the devil that if he would deliver them from slavery, they would make satan worship in the form of voodoo the national religion. They slaughtered all their caretakers and their reward has been mud pies for dinner, intestinal worms, AIDS & numerous other diseases, starvation, abject failure, filth, and destitution from that day forward.

But they sure showed YT, huhh???

06-09-2022, 12:34 PM
Niggers will perpetually complain about the nasty old white man....until the food stops coming. Globally, niggers are incapable of feeding themselves. There are probably 10000% more niggers in existence than there would be naturally if the evil blue eyed devil wasn't continually throwing them peanuts.

Niggers are the epitome of failure and they have no place in any modern world.

06-09-2022, 01:34 PM
Niggers will perpetually complain about the nasty old white man....until the food stops coming. Globally, niggers are incapable of feeding themselves. There are probably 10000% more niggers in existence than there would be naturally if the evil blue eyed devil wasn't continually throwing them peanuts.

Niggers are the epitome of failure and they have no place in any modern world.

They had a place right where their creator put them along with the other lower primates. They should have never been removed even to put in zoos. It's not like they would have ever left on their own having never invented a wheel, a sailing vessel or even a bridge. Most niggers would never know we existed were it not for a few short sighted, greedy assholes. This brings us to slavery. Sure, some animals should be beasts of burden. I don't include primates in that group. There are too many things that could go wrong - and have. We were told not to mix species. Now we're paying the price for the sin of bestiality.

It's no secret here that I do NOT believe in evolution in the classical sense - I.e: any one species becoming a whole different species over time. I do believe, however, that any and every species is made better or at least kept to it's highest potential through simple natural selection by the simple method of survival of the fittest. This includes not only by weeding out the sick by other predators but also weeding out the most mentally feeble. With this said, I can't help but think that niggers would be better off and more advanced as a species had there been no interference whatsoever by outside enablers who have housed them, clothed them, medicated them, and fed the ungrateful breeders, causing their numbers to skyrocket past what they could have sustained on their own by foraging and hunting naturally. Would it make them human? Never - but they might stand on their own until killed by a lion or other natural cause. Maybe they would go extinct. Who knows, but it was never our place to decide these things. I don't recommend the extinction of any species by force. Even cockroaches were assigned their own place in the food chain. Ok, I really do want all cockroaches to die but you get my point.

The niggers should have remained like most all other curiosities of the Sub Sahara with likewise scientifically controlled animal populations, unmolested by any unnecessary outside forces and viewed only through the lens of the Nat Geo channel's hidden wildlife cameras. We could have had easily placed game wardens and security forces there to shoot any Kardashians or other invasive mudsharks who tried to go on slumming safaris to hunt for muh dikk.

06-09-2022, 05:59 PM
While all nigs are just as dumb and stink, non-American ones seem less evil compared to American niggers in my experience.
American niggers always fulfill the violent, rude, evil, dishonest stereotype about them.
Anyone else have experience with nigs who live in Africa or Europe?

Short answer: No, niggers nigg wherever they live and regardless of where they are born.

Long answer: At least to my experience, the American shitbeast variety is indeed a lot more violent and obnoxious than most of the beasts arriving in Europe. For the simple reason that they have not been yet indoctrinated by the woke libtards, who tell them that Whites are the source of all evil and per definition racist and bad. Hence, when they arrive here, for the first time, they are more humble than the average American nigger. But they already are as agressive, chimpy, and stupid as in the US, just not as uppity.
As soon as they are living here for some time, and got the same level of anti White indoctrination, they are just as evil and obnoxious as the US shitbeasts. No difference! And then there are of course the boatloads of criminals (mostly from Somalia and Niggeria), who, of course, stay criminals.

06-09-2022, 06:26 PM
They had a place right where their creator put them along with the other lower primates. They should have never been removed even to put in zoos. It's not like they would have ever left on their own having never invented a wheel, a sailing vessel or even a bridge. Most niggers would never know we existed were it not for a few short sighted, greedy assholes. This brings us to slavery. Sure, some animals should be beasts of burden. I don't include primates in that group. There are too many things that could go wrong - and have. We were told not to mix species. Now we're paying the price for the sin of bestiality.

It's no secret here that I do NOT believe in evolution in the classical sense - I.e: any one species becoming a whole different species over time. I do believe, however, that any and every species is made better or at least kept to it's highest potential through simple natural selection by the simple method of survival of the fittest. This includes not only by weeding out the sick by other predators but also weeding out the most mentally feeble. With this said, I can't help but think that niggers would be better off and more advanced as a species had there been no interference whatsoever by outside enablers who have housed them, clothed them, medicated them, and fed the ungrateful breeders, causing their numbers to skyrocket past what they could have sustained on their own by foraging and hunting naturally. Would it make them human? Never - but they might stand on their own until killed by a lion or other natural cause. Maybe they would go extinct. Who knows, but it was never our place to decide these things. I don't recommend the extinction of any species by force. Even cockroaches were assigned their own place in the food chain. Ok, I really do want all cockroaches to die but you get my point.

The niggers should have remained like most all other curiosities of the Sub Sahara with likewise scientifically controlled animal populations, unmolested by any unnecessary outside forces and viewed only through the lens of the Nat Geo channel's hidden wildlife cameras. We could have had easily placed game wardens and security forces there to shoot any Kardashians or other invasive mudsharks who tried to go on slumming safaris to hunt for muh dikk.


06-11-2022, 10:19 AM
all niggers are a disgusting sub-species of nigger !

Tru Dat!!