View Full Version : Breaking news

Tell it like it is
06-07-2022, 08:20 AM
CNN (constant nigger network) just revealed that the national men's soccer team AND most Hollywood celebrities both support further infringement on YOUR right to own a gun!
In a related story, it was revealed that no one gives a shit what they think.....
Film at 11....

Seriously, niggers and satanic beaners go off the deep end, and we are expected to pay the price????
If they want to ban something to make the world a better place, how about doing something about all the seriously fucked up people from ALL races that are roaming the streets of this country?
Mental illness is not a "get out of jail free" card.

06-07-2022, 08:26 AM
The Lame Stream Media is reporting dog bites man stories. A "mass shooting" into a crowd of literally hundreds, but only a few batwings? Niggers, niggers, and maybe some wiggers/spiggers, but it's a nigger problem.

When I saw video of what happened in Philadelphia, I wasn't surprised to see a horde of niggers, like when you lift up a tarp that's been sitting outside and all the bugs underneath scurry off.
