View Full Version : I'ze Bees Dwawnin!!!

06-06-2022, 03:01 PM

As far as I am concerned, this stupid nigger did this to himself. The police should not have to risk their own lives to save this retarded fucking monkey. He did this shit to himself. He drowned. He died. I am happy about it. Fuck you, nigger.

Jim Crow
06-06-2022, 03:16 PM
If I were one of the cops on the scene,I woulda done the same! If a human tried to save that nigger, it probably would’ve taken the human down with it! So letting it drown was the right thing to do.

I aint bin dun did dat!
06-06-2022, 04:13 PM
I have seen this before, the panicked nigger would have choked out and drowned anyone that tried to save him. Of course a nigger jumps into a body of water on his own free will knowing he cant swim and who is to blame? Well, whitey popo of course!

06-06-2022, 05:13 PM
If I were one of the cops on the scene,I woulda done the same! If a human tried to save that nigger, it probably would’ve taken the human down with it! So letting it drown was the right thing to do.

Agree! I recall a video where some bleeding-heart, misguided Libtard tried to save a drownding nigger. Nigger pulled him down and the Good Samaritan drowned. Imagine - dying for the life a nigger. I'd jump in to save an animal - even a mouse - but never a nigger.

animal mother
06-06-2022, 08:31 PM
Agree! I recall a video where some bleeding-heart, misguided Libtard tried to save a drownding nigger. Nigger pulled him down and the Good Samaritan drowned. Imagine - dying for the life a nigger. I'd jump in to save an animal - even a mouse - but never a nigger.
Exactly. Any animal’s life is worth 1000 times the life of any nigger.

06-06-2022, 08:54 PM
Agree! I recall a video where some bleeding-heart, misguided Libtard tried to save a drownding nigger. Nigger pulled him down and the Good Samaritan drowned. Imagine - dying for the life a nigger. I'd jump in to save an animal - even a mouse - but never a nigger.

Absolutely correct! I'd save a duck, if they were ever drowning, before any nigger!

That video you speak of, it's here on CO somewhere. If I want to laugh I want to see it. Any fool trying to save a nigger, deserves to drown!

Tar Remover
06-07-2022, 07:52 PM
I could have sworn I commented on this once before....... But oh well, GOOD! FUCK that filthy nigger. Probably needed a bath anyway....

06-08-2022, 07:31 AM

As far as I am concerned, this stupid nigger did this to himself. The police should not have to risk their own lives to save this retarded fucking monkey. He did this shit to himself. He drowned. He died. I am happy about it. Fuck you, nigger.

Rockfish season!! My FAVORITE time of year!!

06-14-2022, 12:56 AM
So these pavement apes want da po-po to leave them alone and let them be free to rob, rape, pillage, and loot to their evil hearts content, and get extra rapey and looty when a nigger does get arrested, yet soon as one of these niggers jumps in the water, all of a sudden it's "Oh save me officer". Seems like a Mortons Fork. Officer does nothing. Department gets sued in nigger lotto attempt. Officer rescues drowning nigger. Department gets sued anyway. Oh, wait, there is one difference in outcome. Officer does nothing, one less nigger in the world. Good choice.

06-22-2022, 02:01 PM
[QUOTE=nigfreewisconsin;216700]So these pavement apes want da po-po to leave them alone and let them be free to rob, rape, pillage, and loot to their evil hearts content, and get extra rapey and looty when a nigger does get arrested, yet soon as one of these niggers jumps in the water, all of a sudden it's "Oh save me officer". Seems like a Mortons Fork. Officer does nothing. Department gets sued in nigger lotto attempt. Officer rescues drowning nigger. Department gets sued anyway. Oh, wait, there is one difference in outcome. Officer does nothing, one less nigger in the world. Good choice.[/QUOTS

Same with Libtards and fake nigger-lovers. It's all "Defund the police" until they need one when one of their nigger pets attacks them, carjacks or rapes them.

Defund Welfare
06-22-2022, 06:18 PM
Sheeeeeiit ah hates dem wite popo up in mah biz gnomesaiyan?
glub glub saves me wite bich ah cantz swim n sheeeit ahhh glub glub glub…