View Full Version : Swarming monkeys in Philly....3 dead

06-05-2022, 08:02 AM
https://twitter.com/LockharTVMedia/status/1533308491745701888?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5 Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1533308491745701888%7Ctwgr% 5E%7Ctwcon%5Es1_&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.dailymail.co.uk%2Fnews%2 Farticle-10886099%2FAt-13-shot-3-dead-popular-weekend-strip-Philadelphia.html

A South Street nigger shot up the crowd in South Street. I've been there many times to eat over the years. When it's daylight out, the place feels relatively safe, but as soon as the darkness comes, you can feel the niggers moving in like a coon lava flow. Watch the swarms of niggers in the streets. Scary shit.


A huge coonhunt is underway after multiple shooters opened fire into a large crowd of revelers in downtown Philadelphia Saturday night, leaving three dead and more than a dozen injured.

Police said at least 14 people were struck when the shooting broke out on the city's popular South Street just before midnight. Two men, one aged 22, and a 25-year-old woman were killed in the barrage of gunfire.

animal mother
06-05-2022, 08:25 AM
I’ve also been to that area many times. Lots of bars and good restaurants there. It’s been many years since I last visited but it used to feel safe, even at night. Mostly humans eating drinking and having a good time. Too bad, like everything else, niggers ruined it.

Defund Welfare
06-05-2022, 02:33 PM
I hope all the victims were niggers too. I assume most humans that live around there know to avoid those places at night time when the nigger vampires come out to suck the chicken grease out of chicken wings.

06-05-2022, 02:55 PM
I hope all the victims were niggers too. I assume most humans that live around there know to avoid those places at night time when the nigger vampires come out to suck the chicken grease out of chicken wings.

lot of rich white kids think it's a cool place to hang....hence the nigger parasitical infestation.

Jim Crow
06-05-2022, 02:58 PM
3 dead 11 injured.Nigger shooter!

06-07-2022, 01:24 PM
Philadelphia Police Commissioner Danielle Outlaw said at a news conference on Sunday that two of the slain victims were innocent bystanders as well as many of those who were wounded.

One of those killed was identified as Kris Minners, a resident adviser at Girard College in Philadelphia, the Girard College Federation of Teachers union said in a statement. Two more victims were identified by the Philadelphia Police Department Sunday afternoon as Jackson and 27-year-old Alexis Quinn.

"The loss of Kris reminds us that gun (TRY NIGGER) violence can and will touch everyone in our nation as long as our elected officials allow it to continue," the teachers' union statement read.https://abcnews.go.com/US/suspects-philadelphia-mass-shooting-expected-charged-police-search/story?id=85216793
As if a nigger teacher is worth a tinker's damn.