View Full Version : Nigger kills 4 in Tulsa, of course it’s already out of the news cycle

animal mother
06-02-2022, 10:17 AM

Reports were the shooter was a nigger.


06-02-2022, 01:40 PM
Yep, a nigger who was going to kill his nigger surgeon, but don't talk about it. The groid has an excuse - his back was hurting.

Tulsa police said feral nigger, Michael Louis, 45, was determined to kill St. Francis Hospital witch doctor Dr. Preston Phillips on Wednesday, who had performed back surgery on him weeks ago
Louis had been complaining about back pain from the surgery Phillips performed and had seen the doctor on May 31 before deciding to kill him and 'anyone who got in his way' the following day


The nigger's victims, but who gives a shit? They're YT and maybe raycissts:

06-02-2022, 01:54 PM
The gorilla cured it's backpain for good.

Defund Welfare
06-02-2022, 10:42 PM
I couldn’t find any info on this for about a day after it happened, whole thing screamed nigger. I’m sure nobody is surprised.
The media are just as destructive as the niggers, possibly even worse. This is already memory holed, naturally.

06-02-2022, 10:52 PM
I couldn’t find any info on this for about a day after it happened, whole thing screamed nigger. I’m sure nobody is surprised.
The media are just as destructive as the niggers, possibly even worse. This is already memory holed, naturally.

It certainly wouldn't be if a WHITE MAN had gone into a hospital and gunned down three niggers. It would be headline news all over the world, with mile-high font and a dozen pictures of the evil YT.

06-02-2022, 11:03 PM

Reports were the shooter was a nigger.


ChimpCongo saw 9 batwinged and 42 ventilated this past weekend.... Mayor Beetlejuice gets angry at reporter questioning its leadership


Same ole Same ole in Chimpcongo and it's forgotten overnight

SC Anemia
06-03-2022, 02:36 AM
Yep, a nigger who was going to kill his nigger surgeon, but don't talk about it. The groid has an excuse - his back was hurting.


The nigger's victims, but who gives a shit? They're YT and maybe raycissts:

Betcha it was just pissed that the doc wouldn't refill his dope prescription for the 6th time (oxycodone or whatever) the ape probably chewed those up like M&M's in the first day.

Jim Crow
06-03-2022, 07:00 AM
ByeDone won’t visit Tulsa to console anyone.The old incompetent liberal bastard cock suck mother fucker son of a bitch liberal cuckboy dimentia ridden piece of shit will only visit nigger communities to apologize for the harm whites have caused them!Ehat a crock of shit! And first of all, liberals don’t give a fuck about any life! All they want to do is campaign in front of their gun grabbing agenda.

06-04-2022, 12:03 AM
Nigger doctor lost, who gives a fuck.

Three innocent white humans, a tragedy. Fuck all niggers. There's nothing that can ever make me forgive them.

I aint bin dun did dat!
06-04-2022, 07:50 AM
ByeDone won’t visit Tulsa to console anyone.The old incompetent liberal bastard cock suck mother fucker son of a bitch liberal cuckboy dimentia ridden piece of shit will only visit nigger communities to apologize for the harm whites have caused them!Ehat a crock of shit! And first of all, liberals don’t give a fuck about any life! All they want to do is campaign in front of their gun grabbing agenda.
Exactly my thoughts on this. That cuck fuck went running to Buffalo to suck nigger dick but won’t say a word about this. I am so glad I will be around when the news breaks that this fucker is dead.

06-04-2022, 09:59 AM
Wow! This article points out that the mass shooter was some black. But really, they're african apes or niggerpithecus.


06-04-2022, 11:21 AM
Wow! This article points out that the mass shooter was some black. But really, they're african apes or niggerpithecus.


Now that is truly shocking, but still, they had to use this tragic, savage murdering of productive, hard-working innocent YT to sermonize and possibly excuse the nigger to make sure we understand it wasn't really the nigger's fault. I'm surprised they didn't mention slavery.

The tragedy coincidentally occurred as Tulsa marked the 101st anniversary of the massacre (https://www.theroot.com/the-stories-weve-told-a-look-at-the-tulsa-race-massacr-1846991820) of an untold number of its Black residents by a white mob as they destroyed the Greenwood District, an affluent Black enclave in the city.

It also recalled other broader social issues. Several studies in recent years have revealed disparities in the medical treatment received by Black and white patients, including some that specifically focused on how doctors at times underestimate or improperly treat pain (https://batten.virginia.edu/about/news/black-americans-are-systematically-under-treated-pain-why) in Black patients.

06-04-2022, 05:43 PM
Nigger doctor lost, who gives a fuck.

Three innocent white humans, a tragedy. Fuck all niggers. There's nothing that can ever make me forgive them.

I can't believe there is actually an article about the innocent victims. Normally, the less said the better for the nigger-loving MSM and victims are ignored. So: Will statues be erected in their honour, or is that reserved only for life-long criminiggers, like Saint George?

Dr. Stephanie Husen, a sports medicine specialist, was working at the medical office when she was killed.

She graduated medical school at Oklahoma State University in 2000 and completed her internship and residency at Greenville Memorial Hospital, according to her hospital profile. (https://www.saintfrancis.com/provider/stephanie-j-husen-do-sports-medicine)


Amanda Glenn was an employee who had a "supervisory role" at the medical facility, officials said.

She leaves behind a husband and two teenage sons, The Oklahoman reported, (https://www.oklahoman.com/story/news/2022/06/02/victims-of-tulsa-shooting-oklahoma-names-released/7484558001/) citing her Facebook page.
"Amanda Glenn was a devoted wife, mother and friend," the Sandite High School baseball team posted on Facebook. "She was on our Booster Club Board and served the baseball boys and coaches selflessly. She was the biggest cheerleader for both of her sons and all of our boys."


"William Love's family would like us to share that at the time of shooting, William heard the gunshots and knew his wife would not be able to escape the building on her own," the Tulsa Police Department said in its statement (https://www.facebook.com/tulsapolice/posts/376882061141425) on the victims. "He sacrificed his life for her."...Love was a retired Army first sergeant with 27 years of service who served one tour in Vietnam, police said.

He is survived by his wife, brother, two daughters and their spouses, eight grandchildren and six great-grandchildren, police said.

He survived Vietnam, but couldn't survive the nigger plague.

All these catastrophic losses suffered (especially those boys losing their mother) because a nigger decided to chimp and the MSM tries to rationalize it with, "Oh, but the poor niggers don't get good medical care", even though the nigger's doctor was also a nigger.

It makes me SICK!!!!


06-04-2022, 10:38 PM
Now that is truly shocking, but still, they had to use this tragic, savage murdering of productive, hard-working innocent YT to sermonize and possibly excuse the nigger to make sure we understand it wasn't really the nigger's fault. I'm surprised they didn't mention slavery.

It also recalled other broader social issues.

No, it didn't. You did, Yahoo. You assholes pulled this shit out of thin air to cover up and excuse typical nigger behavior that is becoming glaringly more frequent.

You bastards once again turned news of nigger violence into:

-Gun control propaganda against AR15 Style weapons (I'm going to puke if I hear the word style one more time)
-Yet more history revision about the 101 year old fake news about a nigger riot that killed only 25 niggers but also 12 white humans.
-A commentary on how YT doctors don't understand nigger anatomy and body functions such as pain

Also of note is how Yahoo never mentioned it's race until it had time to come up with that garbage to defend it with the above talking points:

Tulsa Mass Shooter Was Black Man Who Complained Of Pain After Surgery

This nigger wanted instant, 100% pain free gratification after surgery and went on a rampage when it didn't happen. Anyone can see that this nigger was bat shit crazy just by looking at it's picture.

This poor doctor would have been better off just telling the nigger that she didn't feel qualified to do the surgery. Take a sick week. Fake a sprained wrist. Move. Deal with the board over your choice of refusal to provide care. She should have done anything to avoid working on this animal but couldn't or wouldn't. Now she's dead.

No-one should be required to provide any good or service to anyone for any reason - especially a nigger.

06-05-2022, 12:02 AM
No, it didn't. You did, Yahoo. You assholes pulled this shit out of thin air to cover up and excuse typical nigger behavior that is becoming glaringly more frequent.

You bastards once again turned news of nigger violence into:

-Gun control propaganda against AR15 Style weapons (I'm going to puke if I hear the word style one more time)
-Yet more history revision about the 101 year old fake news about a nigger riot that killed only 25 niggers but also 12 white humans.
-A commentary on how YT doctors don't understand nigger anatomy and body functions such as pain

Also of note is how Yahoo never mentioned it's race until it had time to come up with that garbage to defend it with the above talking points:

This nigger wanted instant, 100% pain free gratification after surgery and went on a rampage when it didn't happen. Anyone can see that this nigger was bat shit crazy just by looking at it's picture.

This poor doctor would have been better off just telling the nigger that she didn't feel qualified to do the surgery. Take a sick week. Fake a sprained wrist. Move. Deal with the board over your choice of refusal to provide care. She should have done anything to avoid working on this animal but couldn't or wouldn't. Now she's dead.

No-one should be required to provide any good or service to anyone for any reason - especially a nigger.

Actually, his doctor was a nigger. The YT woman was just an innocent victim who must have "got in the way" of the rampaging buck.


As for Yahoo, there is obviously a bunch of pencil-necked nu-males and buzz-cut Feminazis sitting there around the clock, fingers poised on the "Comments On" and "Comments Off" buttons, just to make sure no one says anything bad about niggers or other freaks.

06-05-2022, 12:49 AM
Actually, his doctor was a nigger. The YT woman was just an innocent victim who must have "got in the way" of the rampaging buck.




I'm dying here! This is the funniest shit - More than I could have wished for. It's not even my BURFDAY!

This nigger of all "doctuhz" should have known better than anyone how violent his species is and did the surgery anyway. What a twofer here!

I can now see that the nigger patient probably was in worse pain than before this witch doctor sliced into it's silverback. He probably should have prescribed him a couple of pounds of fentanyl.

06-12-2022, 10:01 PM
The gorilla cured it's backpain for good.

Everyone misunderstood (but after all it's a nigger ooking the typical niggerese). It wasn't back pain, it was ass pain from all its DL action.

06-12-2022, 10:06 PM
Actually, his doctor was a nigger. The YT woman was just an innocent victim who must have "got in the way" of the rampaging buck.

Now it all makes sense. The two niggers might have had some sort of insurance scam going on for unnecessary surgery (the nigger was awfully mobile, don't you think?), and the doctor decided it was going to keep it all. There's also a more likely reason: a lubbers fight.

I'm not joking here. Take this as my official challenge to investigators there to prove me wrong on both suggestions.