View Full Version : Why IQ tests are bad for niggers

05-29-2022, 10:20 AM

Darryl Lester was at his mom’s place in Tacoma, Washington, when a letter he’d been waiting for arrived in the mail. 'The letter delivered good news, but he crumpled it up and threw it in the trash. Why? Because he couldn’t read it.

California education code required school districts to use IQ scores when assessing students for special education. Based on the test results, black students statewide — young Darryl included — wound up categorized as “educable mentally retarded” at disproportionate rates: 27% labeled that way in 1968 were black — even though black students made up less than 9% of the student body.

As a group, African Americans across the country scored lower on IQ tests. Questions like, ”Who wrote Romeo and Juliet,” they argued, didn’t assess a student’s innate capacity to learn. U.S. District Judge Robert Peckham agreed, calling the tests “racially and culturally biased” and “discriminatory.” He ordered a permanent ban on IQ testing of black students across California for purposes of special education placement. Today, California is the only state that has such a ban.

But data released in 2016 show that black students nationwide are still being placed disproportionately in special education — particularly in categories like “emotional disturbance,” which are tied to behavior. They were 8.5 times more likely than non-black students to be designated “emotionally disturbed.” That, parents and special education advocates say, is because some teachers expect so little of them. :lol

Darryl, aged 60, knows it will be hard work, but he said: “My dream is to be able to pick up a book and read it by myself.”

I think California should have just changed the scoring methods so that instead of someone with an IQ of 69 or below being considered retarded, they would now need to score 40 or less to be considered retarded. Because if you move the bar low enough, even niggers can be made to appear intelligent.


As a side note, I find it interesting that California is so "blue" (meaning they support democrats, liberals, BLM, and Antifa) even though most educated people there actually seem to hate niggers. Do they support liberal and marxist nonsense because of some weird sense of "white guilt"?

Keep Britain White
05-29-2022, 03:53 PM
It's entirely up to Whites whether we resist this "White Guilt" nonsense.
They cannot touch me emotionally one way or the other. I don't have any White Guilt, because we have nothing to feel guilty about.
Why were blacks treated as less than human by earlier generations? Simply because they didn't - and still don't - behave like human beings. They're part ape - that's the truth of the matter, whether so-called "scientists" want to admit it or not!
We live in an age where even scientists are willing to convince themselves that "truth" is what they want it to be - not what it is.

I aint bin dun did dat!
05-29-2022, 07:46 PM
An IQ of 40 is considered mildly impaired? That is full on retarded nigger crack baby.

Defund Welfare
05-29-2022, 08:06 PM
A generation or so ago an IQ below 40 was considered so retarded it couldn’t even be measured accurately. Koalas are more intelligent than that.
IQ tests are bad for niggers because they’ll get frustrated on the test and start shooting in random directions. Just tell them they’re geniuses and ship them back to Africa, tell niggers the average iq in Africa is 150 and they’ll believe it.

Tar Remover
05-29-2022, 09:35 PM
Darryl Lester was at his mom’s place in Tacoma, Washington eating watermelon and selling "Baff Salts", when a letter he’d been waiting for arrived in the mail. 'The letter delivered good news about winning a year supply of free Popeye's fried chiggunz, but he crumpled it up and threw it in the trash. Why? Because he is a STUPID NIGGER.

There. Fixed it.

I aint bin dun did dat!
05-30-2022, 12:30 AM
This nigger is 60, can barely read and it is whitey’s fault is what this article says. :lol you cant make this shit up.

05-30-2022, 01:58 AM
This nigger is 60, can barely read and it is whitey’s fault is what this article says. :lol you cant make this shit up.

Only in the USA can niggers be given the EXACT SAME opportunities as humans, and still fuck up, because they are literally mentally retarded and subhuman. It's like they aren't even the same species as humans.

Even during the color riots (BLM and Antifa), we let them do their thing, and afterwards, when we let them try to police themselves, they ended up failing miserably. Take a look at BLM Global Network if you don't believe me. It wouldn't surprise me at all if a number of corporations were like "Fuck these retarded ass niggers; I'm willing to bet that if we give these downlow faggot bla*k niggers and self-hating white troon communists (Antifa) a couple million dollars they will self-destruct."

05-30-2022, 06:18 AM
It's entirely up to Whites whether we resist this "White Guilt" nonsense.
They cannot touch me emotionally one way or the other. I don't have any White Guilt, because we have nothing to feel guilty about.
Why were blacks treated as less than human by earlier generations? Simply because they didn't - and still don't - behave like human beings. They're part ape - that's the truth of the matter, whether so-called "scientists" want to admit it or not!
We live in an age where even scientists are willing to convince themselves that "truth" is what they want it to be - not what it is.

"Homo Erectus" is wut niggers beez!!

05-30-2022, 07:37 AM
To be honest, the average white has an IQ of about 30. They love their niggers and praise and worship them. They listen to their stupid rap music, refer to each other as ' dog ' and truly believe that the white man is the problem...well that part they're right about !

I hate whites more than niggers to be honest. Whites have a choice to be stupid.