View Full Version : 31 niggers killed in Niggeria

05-28-2022, 08:09 PM

A stampede Saturday at a church charity event in southern Nigeria left 31 niggers dead and seven injured. One witness who only identified himself as Felonious said "there were so many niglets” among the dead; five of the dead children were from one sheboon, he told the AP, adding that a pregnant jemima also lost her life.

The stampede at the event organized by the Kings Assembly Pentecostal church in Rivers state involved people who came to the church’s annual “Shop for Free” (gibsmedats) charity program. Saturday’s charity program was supposed to begin at 9 a.m. but dozens arrived as early as 5 a.m. to secure their place in line, but the locked gate was broken open, creating a stampede. Godwin Tepikor from Nigeria’s National Emergency Management Agency said first responders were able to evacuate the bodies of those trampled to death and bring them to the wet market to be sold as bushmeat.

Oh happy day, happy day!
The sun is smiling, everything's okay.
Niggers dying by God's design,
Oh happy day, I'm feeling fine!

Life is meant to be enjoyed,
so happy thoughts I have employed.
Today I'm gonna shout and sing,
not gonna worry about anything!

Life's too short to be all down,
and no one likes to see a frown.
So I'll tie my cares to the tail of a kite,
and fly that thing clean out of sight!

Oh happy day, happy day!
The sun is smiling, everything's okay.
Niggers are dead by God's design,
Oh happy day, I'm feeling fine!

05-28-2022, 11:01 PM
and bring them to the wet market to be sold as bushmeat.


05-28-2022, 11:15 PM
Oh, no! What a tragedy. 19962

Well, actually... I had a very hectic week and this put a big smile on my face! Nigger "GibsMuhDat" stampede!

Five niglets (now batwinged) shat out by the same sow - it's heartwarming to know that in the midst of their terrible poverty and hunger they can ALWAYS find enough energy to rut.

If only we had a video...

05-29-2022, 09:12 PM
A pile of dead coons is always a welcoming sight ! Long may it continue !! Stamp some more niggys !!!

Tar Remover
05-29-2022, 09:30 PM

I aint bin dun did dat!
05-30-2022, 12:32 AM

Defund Welfare
05-30-2022, 09:12 AM
One of those rare scenarios where gibs were put to good use.

05-30-2022, 09:21 AM
This is very good news and i feel fine.

31 less dindus and joggers dead

The less dindus the less problems

Hopefully this becomes a trend and instead of rare. So that we at Chimpout can look forward to having more happy days or a great month even year LOL

animal mother
05-30-2022, 09:32 AM
Death by gibs, how appropriate!

05-30-2022, 11:13 AM
One of those rare scenarios where gibs were put to good use.

There's an idea. Maybe GIBS could be used to lure them over a cliff or into shark-infested waters.