View Full Version : Chimpcago BBQ Human

05-25-2022, 05:58 PM

No mention of race in this article AND it is in the shitskin capitol of the USA? No doubt that it was a NIGGER who did this...

I hate these motherfuckers. I really wish that they would just drop dead. They are useless. They only exist to breed and make humans miserable, kind of like wasps.


Jim Crow
05-25-2022, 07:49 PM
Good rule of thumb. If they don’t mention the race of the perpetrator, then it doesn’t belong to the human race. It’s a nigger! Over 90% of street crimes are committed by niggers anyway.

05-25-2022, 08:35 PM
No info even though they claim to have videos.

05-25-2022, 10:02 PM
No description of the perp yet they have videos which, again, they do not provide but could. Vermin MSM protecting their pet apes again... Clearly CLEARLY a nigger.... I'd bet the farm on it. DISGUSTING.... FUCKING.... APES......

Who is the greater danger? The apes we know are murdering, GibsMeDat sucking scum or the liberal MSM who endlessly runs cover for them.... That's the OUTRAGE

05-26-2022, 08:45 AM
Good rule of thumb. If they don’t mention the race of the perpetrator, then it doesn’t belong to the human race. It’s a nigger! Over 90% of street crimes are committed by niggers anyway.

When you look up the booking information and the perp's name is "tyrone shitavious jackson" or "kentavious leroy" carter you KNOW it's a damn nigger!! If you are fortunate enough (not REALLY!!) to see a mug shot, invariably you see a dreadlocked, goad teef smirking primate!!

05-26-2022, 12:28 PM
Of course no mention of hate crime. You see 400lb welfare mammies here in the city all the damn time with their 10 keeeeds. If someone wonders who the hell would f that, a nigger would. They'd f anything. Guy that did this probably has 15 keeeeds by 20 400lb sows and a few 400lb coalburners. Both are nasty. Now we have monkeypox from them f ing monkeys in apefrika.

05-26-2022, 03:11 PM



05-26-2022, 03:17 PM



I'd bet the farm it's a vermin nigger beast... Maybe making his bones in some gang...

05-26-2022, 05:13 PM
I'd bet the farm it's a vermin nigger beast... Maybe making his bones in some gang...

Torching people is generally a nigger M.O. They're obsessed with fire even though they don't really understand it.

Poor old guy. He might not survive this.

05-26-2022, 06:09 PM
Torching people is generally a nigger M.O. They're obsessed with fire

I could not agree more... Here's one where, if you slow it down, you'll see the idiot nigger starting the blaze just could not wait until the guy doing the dousing was finished. As a result, at least one additional nigger was set ablaze. You can see the guy who poured the gasoline turn the corner ablaze at 37 seconds in. The result: 3 roasted niggers

This shows their complete lack of regard for themselves as a species. Given their level of concern, they could just as well be lighting a camp fire for marshmallows instead of two of their compatriots.

Patently disgusting.


05-26-2022, 06:50 PM
I could not agree more... Here's one where, if you slow it down, you'll see the idiot nigger starting the blaze just could not wait until the guy doing the dousing was finished. As a result, at least one additional nigger was set ablaze. You can see the guy who poured the gasoline turn the corner ablaze at 37 seconds in. The result: 3 roasted niggers

This shows their complete lack of regard for themselves as a species. Given their level of concern, they could just as well be lighting a camp fire for marshmallows instead of two of their compatriots.

Patently disgusting.


I've seen that and it's suprising that no one breathes a word about the savage way niggers treat each other while we're supposed to worship them.

I guess the governments on our side of the globe need to start banning gasoline and other accelerants?

I just wish the pavement apes had continued with their "Fire Challenge", the dumbest game ever played and worthy of the niggoe species.


I guess this nog lost:

The Band-Aid is a nice touch.


05-26-2022, 07:40 PM
I've seen that and it's suprising that no one breathes a word about the savage way niggers treat each other while we're supposed to worship them.

I guess the governments on our side of the globe need to start banning gasoline and other accelerants?

I just wish the pavement apes had continued with their "Fire Challenge", the dumbest game ever played and worthy of the niggoe species.


I guess this nog lost:

The Band-Aid is a nice touch.


This may be insignificant and more of a comment on the Left in this country than niggers... I find it amazing that niggers can call each other 'nigger' as casually as humans asking a passerby what time it is. God forbid if a human calls one of those feral beasts a nigger... It's grounds for violence and often murder.

Burning is not the only outrage they perpetrate on one another... Here's another vid I posted not too long ago... Two apes put not one but two high yield fireworks in the mouth of a 'friend' and nearly blew his head off... A remarkable vid...

Is that the same nig in both pics??


05-26-2022, 11:13 PM
This may be insignificant and more of a comment on the Left in this country than niggers... I find it amazing that niggers can call each other 'nigger' as casually as humans asking a passerby what time it is. God forbid if a human calls one of those feral beasts a nigger... It's grounds for violence and often murder.

Burning is not the only outrage they perpetrate on one another... Here's another vid I posted not too long ago... Two apes put not one but two high yield fireworks in the mouth of a 'friend' and nearly blew his head off... A remarkable vid...

Is that the same nig in both pics??


Don't think so, but it doesn't matter which nigger is the crispy critter.

What kind of shit-for-brains results in thinking pouring lighter fluid over your body and setting it ablaze is a good idea? I know niggers are all about the "Looks at muh!" but third-degree burns seems a little extreme even for these sub-simians. They really have zero concept of consequences.

The nigger blowing it's boot-lipped mouf apart - this was when hospitals were inundated with the Plague and through it's own abject supidity doctors had to take the time to look after the dumbass buck. Let it suffer!