View Full Version : Is there a REAL Illuminati free from corrupt Africoons?

05-24-2022, 03:41 PM
We all know the Illuminati was formed more than a hundred years ago, and not by groids, but whenever you research this org you see images of middle aged white men in masonic robes, but make an enquiry, you are immediately put in touch with a grunting silverback. What's the deal here? Is the Illuminati run entirely by African scammers or is there a human branch of this historical order?


05-24-2022, 06:23 PM
I try to avoid using the word illuminati. We don't really know what these guys call themselves. They constantly make up their own conspiracy theories then put them all over the internet to throw people off the trail if they ever start getting close to figuring things out. It also serves as a way of making "conspiracy theorists" look bad. The flat earth theory is an example of one of these conspiracy theories that they made up themselves. I just refer to them as the ruling class.

The ruling class picks niggers who will be a bad influence on nigger children then the ruling class pays the niggers lots of money to be a bad influence on the next generation of niggers. We don't have to lift a finger to destroy them. They destroy themselves.

This works on niggers because they are inferior creatures. It has not worked on asians. Niggers have not been forced to the bottom. They were always there. We're simply using their primitive nature against them.

Those niggers are not part of the ruling class. They're just puppets having their strings pulled and clowns putting on a show for whatever pocket change that we will give them.

05-24-2022, 09:01 PM
You have to talk to someone from the Brotherhood of the Black Pharaoh in Egypt first. They all wear blackface when talking to outsiders, but they are all humans.

Bring eleven sandwiches made with turkey, sharp cheddar, bacon, and mayo, and offer them as a gift. They will understand. They will tell you what you want to know.

05-25-2022, 01:38 AM
We all know the Illuminati was formed more than a hundred years ago, and not by groids, but whenever you research this org you see images of middle aged white men in masonic robes, but make an enquiry, you are immediately put in touch with a grunting silverback. What's the deal here? Is the Illuminati run entirely by African scammers or is there a human branch of this historical order?


Historical Order?

More like New World (dis)Order. These evil bastards and their ilk are responsible for the niggers being here in the first place.

Tar Remover
05-25-2022, 03:17 AM
You have to talk to someone from the Brotherhood of the Black Pharaoh in Egypt first. They all wear blackface when talking to outsiders, but they are all humans.

Bring eleven sandwiches made with turkey, sharp cheddar, bacon, and mayo, and offer them as a gift. They will understand. They will tell you what you want to know.:rofl:rofl:rofl