View Full Version : Niggers, spiggers and wiggers kidnap girl at Mavericks game and put her into a trafficking nightmare

05-23-2022, 12:12 AM
Death penalty all around. That poor girl. I can't imagine the horror she'll feel for the rest of her life.

All these kidnappers should have been executed already, that's all I can say.

The teen went to the bathroom at the American Airlines Center on April 8 and never returned, her family’s attorney Zeke Fortenberry of the Fortenberry Firm, PLLC said in a release, obtained by Fox News.

She was missing for 10 days until Oklahoma City law enforcement located her at an Extended Stay America hotel— roughly 200 miles away — on April 18.

The Oklahoma City Police Department has arrested Saniya Alexander, Melissa Wheeler, Chevaun Gibson, Kenneth Nelson, Sarah Hayes, Karen Gonzales, Thalia Gibson and Steven Hill in connection to the trafficking case. Gibson is charged with offering to engage in prostitution; Nelson, Hayes and Gonzales are charged with human trafficking and distribution of child pornography; Hill is charged with rape; Gibson and Alexander have felony warrants; and Wheeler has a robbery warrant.

Mr Fortenberry said despite the family’s pleas to the Dallas Police Department, authorities refused to investigate the case citing Texas Family Code laws, which consider missing juveniles to be runaways “unless there are circumstances which appear as involuntary such as a kidnapping or abduction.”



05-23-2022, 01:08 AM
That group reminds me of the Symbianese Liberation Army who kidnapped Patty Hearst. The SLA had that nigger head. Then a bunch of spigger ans wigger hippies under him. Patty got Stockholm syndrome and sided with them after a while.

05-23-2022, 10:41 AM
Yeah, this story was heart-wrenching. This poor girl will never be okay. These animals did this to her. Honestly, what I wish would happen is that all of them would be taken and publicly and painfully tortured for as long as she was held against her will. Public execution to follow. The rape-ape should have its muh-dik sliced off and shoved down its throat.

Sadly, our society is like the woods in that sometimes the wolves get you. In this case it is more like niggers and race-traitors pouncing on a target-of-opportunity.

I HATE niggers...Really....I...FUCKING...HATE...NIGGERS.

Whitey Ford
05-23-2022, 02:12 PM
It has been noted that sex trafficking skyrockets around play offs, super bowls and high profile sporting events. If there's anything that a nigger enjoys more than throwing a ball of air around, it's muh dik.

Jim Crow
05-23-2022, 04:39 PM
Death penalty all around. That poor girl. I can't imagine the horror she'll feel for the rest of her life.

All these kidnappers should have been executed already, that's all I can say.



Damn Sandy! That’s one hell of a gruesome bunch! But I don’t think they deserve the death sentence. Death is too good for these pieces of shit! Death means no more pain. Those six pieces of shit need some Medieval torture and pain inflicted on they nasty asses for a long time before they meet the bat wing fairy!

05-28-2022, 03:57 PM
What a lovely multiracial, multicultural group! The kind that would be featured on a typical beer commercial that aired during a niggerball (NBA) game, showing how wonderful divershitty is. Reality, however, is not so wonderful.

In the 1950s in the South, the worst thing you could call a white person was "nigger lover." THIS IS WHY. Wigger trash that associate with niggers do disgusting shit like this.

Now, the worst thing you can call a white person is "racist." What a joke. If "institutional racism" still existed this horrible crime never would have happened. Niggers would not be allowed to mix with white people, and any nigger-loving wigger would be shunned from white society and kicked to the ghetto to be with the niggers they loved so much. And innocent white girls would not have to fear being kidnapped and raped.

Liberals are responsible for this. And I bet all 8 of the perps voted for Biden.