View Full Version : NYC mayor Eric Adams for president 2024

05-22-2022, 10:06 PM
NYC nigger Eric Adams is ready to muhdik the USA. He's been mayor for a few months and he's ready to become president.
Tell me, what has he accomplished besides flapping his lips?
This chimp ooks full ebonics. At least nigger obongo tried to speak English.
The commie mayor De Blasio screwed NYC. He hasn't tried that shit. So, I guess that's a great accomplishment.



05-23-2022, 02:54 AM
This simian can't run a zoo, much less NYC. Niggers have over-inflated egos, for being retarded.

06-07-2022, 08:58 PM
He is certainly qualified. His approval is 29%. Is he any better than de blasio?
You didn't think anyone could sink lower than the commie. This chimp just lowered the bar.


06-07-2022, 10:32 PM
NYC nigger Eric Adams is ready to muhdik the USA. He's been mayor for a few months and he's ready to become president.
Tell me, what has he accomplished besides flapping his lips?
This chimp ooks full ebonics. At least nigger obongo tried to speak English.
The commie mayor De Blasio screwed NYC. He hasn't tried that shit. So, I guess that's a great accomplishment.



Nigger eats a plant based, vegan diet!! I wouldn't give a $HI+ if this NIGGER cock sucker ate it's own FECAL MATTER!! What has it done to stop the crime in new yawk shitty? NOTHING!!

06-07-2022, 11:18 PM
listen to the 'magic' monkey spouting off about white ' crakka ' police officers. This nigger has ZERO chance of becoming president.


so don't worry folks !