View Full Version : Catch and Release Niggers

05-22-2022, 01:16 PM
Even the nigger mayor and police commissioner are not happy with sheboon state's attorney Marilyn Mosby's catch and release policy. This is the same sow that prosecuted the cops that arrested Freddie Gray. Not one of the officers was convicted.


05-24-2022, 12:05 AM
I've moved this to Felonious Lawlessness since it's about crime, not just nigger fails. You know it's bad when even niggers complain about crime rates. I don't know if this human councilman will get anything done, but good luck to him. The best that will happen is that the city government will beg Annapolis and D.C. for money, and it'll go to hiring a bunch of useless niggers in useless jobs.

Councilman Eric Costello made the public plea for change during a news conference on May 19, asking for a short-term crime plan from BPD by June 3. However, he also sent a letter to City State’s Attorney Marilyn Mosby demanding staffing details and information about organizational charts and spending plans as crime in Baltimore “has reached unacceptable levels.”



05-24-2022, 01:26 PM
Fugly sheeboons create crime and urban blight everytime they crap out a nigglet

SC Anemia
05-24-2022, 03:28 PM
Fugly sheeboons create crime and urban blight everytime they crap out a nigglet

NOTHING is as repulsive to me as the sight of a pregnant sow. NOTHING!
