View Full Version : Martin County School District didn't like student's creative NIGGER Art Project

Whitey Ford
05-21-2022, 12:09 AM
I enjoyed it, tho. :lol
Student racial slur photo sparks outrage and investigation in Martin County


The Martin County School District says a photo showing a group of six students holding up a letter to spell out a racial slur in front of a school is authentic.

"Complete shock," said district spokeswoman Jennifer DeShazo, on Tuesday afternoon.

A parent of a student at Hidden Oaks Middle School in Palm City first reported the photo to the school district.
The photo is of six middle school students posing with large, colorful letters spelling out the N-word. Screenshots of the post began circulating within hours on Facebook.


Tar Remover
05-21-2022, 01:22 AM

They are AWESOME!

Nig Zero
05-21-2022, 06:59 PM
They deserve an A+ for their art project!

animal mother
05-21-2022, 07:25 PM
Nigger fatigue is even infecting this younger generation. There may still be hope for humanity.

Ray Cizzums
05-21-2022, 10:29 PM
These lads are showing some school spirit, and making it known that all this "anti-racist" horse plop
they hear every day is falling on deaf ears. It's a hale and hearty Fuck You to the teachers and adminis-traitors,
who will no doubt have a cow when they see it. And it's a heads up to potential mud-skippers that they
won't be welcome back, if they lay with the colored....

Tar Remover
05-22-2022, 01:35 AM
These lads are showing some school spirit, and making it known that all this "anti-racist" horse plop
they hear every day is falling on deaf ears. It's a hale and hearty Fuck You to the teachers and adminis-traitors,
who will no doubt have a cow when they see it. And it's a heads up to potential mud-skippers that they
won't be welcome back, if they lay with the colored....


05-22-2022, 02:10 AM
Disgusting! No, wait, these kids have a great sense of humor! They are so funny!
That's great art and very creative too.
I don't see fried chicken or malt liquor.

05-23-2022, 08:01 PM
Nigger fatigue is even infecting this younger generation. There may still be hope for humanity.

I think so. Lately I've been notcing two distinct mindsets of young people. The first is the lazy, entitled, woke, ultra-liberal type. But then, I'm seeing more young people who seem to actively be trying to put as much distance as they can between themselves and the ultra liberals. There are two cafes downtown where I live. One, which has been there the longest, is staffed by the biggest POS hypocrite lefties you could have the misfortune of seeing. I witnessed one girl, couldn't been more than 20 years old, take the money from a guy who had downs syndrome, then ask him if he wanted extra cromosones with his coffee, then threaten to call the cops on him when he calmly told her he was insulted. I spoke up about that and got banned from the place. I know a number of other people around here who are similarly banned, one because she wore a MAGA hat in there!
Being banned from that place is almost a badge of honor these days. Last I heard the place is in dire straits financially. Good.

Now the second place, it's owned by a family, mostly family run, with some outside help hired on. The parents are the owners, they're maybe in their 50s, both immigrants from Mexico, but they've been here for a while. Their sons, both college age, help when they aren't busy with their studies, both are respectable young men, hard workers too. The entire family was wearing MAGA hats before the 2020 election. The dad, who is a cook, said it best, that he supported building a wall. Why should his family pay the money, wait the time, do everything legally, when someone can come in illegally and be allowed to just coast through life on HIS tax money? Their cafe is increasingly busy, more and more people like it over the clowns across the street. Even the cops have made it their new hangout.

They got this young lady, just turned 21, who is also in the military, her brother, who is 19, also worked there until going away to college. Both are avid Trump supporters. The girl even, when I am sitting there slugging back a gallon of coffee, and no one else is around, will start talking about how she hates the woke agenda being pushed, how it just creates liberal votes in the end, it's just a slavery mindset. She and her brother have both used the word nigger a few times, which was always heartwarming to hear. Naturally, only when me and maybe one other regular, a Veit Nam veteran who reminds me of my grandfather in many ways, is around. Still, the woke agenda is indeed pushing some young people right into the path of righteousness. They are the go-getters. They are the ones who work hard. They, I believe, will be the ones in charge someday.

Jim Crow
05-23-2022, 10:48 PM
Six good kids! They must have good parents that taught them very well!

05-28-2022, 03:40 PM
Those White boys had to go through the standard publik skoo indoctrination about whitey being evil and to blame for everything. They've been told their entire lives that their feelings don't matter, that they must subordinate themselves to other groups. They've been made the scapegoats for everything. And then, after all that, they're told that they have "unearned privilege."

Is it any wonder they act the way they do? Is it any wonder they don't like niggers, libtards, and other groups that truly have unearned privilege? The woke swine have created a generation that's so sick of all the politically correct bullshit that they just don't give a fuck anymore. It's going to be a good show in the coming decades. Lots of popcorn required.

2007 response to "you're a racist":
"I'm so sorry!"

2012 response to "you're a racist":
"No I'm not."

2017 response to "you're a racist":
"I don't care."

2022 response to "you're a racist":
"You're a nigger."

05-28-2022, 05:49 PM

Jim Crow
05-28-2022, 08:56 PM
I see six future members of chimpout!

Defund Welfare
05-28-2022, 10:26 PM
Those kids should be sent to the gifted classes! Knowing niggers are a plague is just as valuable as any academic skills today.
I recall an Einstein quote “Smart people solve problems, geniuses prevent them” and a society free of niggers prevents most problems.