View Full Version : NY Senate rules courts cant use a nigger's (c)rap music lyrics as evidence in court

Whitey Ford
05-18-2022, 01:33 AM
NY senate passes 'Rap Music on Trial' bill preventing song lyrics from being used as evidence in criminal cases


On Monday, the New York State Senate passed the “Rap Music on Trial” legislation, a bill which prevents song lyrics from being used as evidence in criminal cases, creating protections for all artists and content creators, including rappers.

Artists like Jay-Z and Fat Joe along with academics like Michelle Alexander previously signed their names on a letter endorsing the legislation aimed at securing freedom of creative expression in New York, barring prosecutors from interpreting rap lyrics literally as evidence against defendants in courtrooms.

The bill is sponsored by Senator Brad Hoylman (D/WFP-Manhattan), Senator Jamaal Bailey (D-The Bronx) and Assemblymember Catalina Cruz (D-Queens) and was introduced in November with the intention of protecting all artists and content creators from the misuse of their work in legal battles.

Rap should not be treated differently from any other art form; yet in courtrooms across the country, artists have been unfairly targeted for simply exercising their right to creative expression,” said Senator Bailey. “Presuming a defendant’s guilt based solely on musical genre or creative expression is antithetical to our foundational rights and perpetuates the systemic racism that is embedded into the criminal justice system through discriminatory conflations of hip-hop and rap with criminality.”

University of Richmond Professor Erik Nielson found at least 28 cases of New York criminal prosecutors attempting to use rap lyrics as evidence since 2017. As recently as last week, the Fulton County District Attorney in Atlanta allowed prosecutors to submit rap music from Young Thug in an attempt to prove the rapper’s involvement in a criminal operation.


Ray Cizzums
05-18-2022, 11:09 PM
Just saw a First 48 episode, where the suspook put up niggerbabble on the "Gram", where he (c)rapped
about the nigger he shot the next day, never seeing his family again. That's 1st degree murder, no matter
how you slice it. Toothy NYC mayor/spook Adams was just crying to the press about "Drill (c)rappers", who
boast about what niggers they're gonna shoot, then shoot them. I guess NY politicians like dead spooks....

I aint bin dun did dat!
05-18-2022, 11:44 PM
I guess NY politicians like dead spooks....

Who doesn’t?

05-22-2022, 07:16 AM
Figures NY mainly the City libturds, whiggers and niggers would support such craven pandering to the cRappers.

05-22-2022, 07:50 AM
I kilt muh bitch an I admit it
Got my knife - her throat I slit it
Grabbed my gat an din I shot her
Fuck dem cops I cain' get collared
Cause dem politicians hollered
Let dem niggers keep on killin
All dey fatassed burner wimminz

Excerpt from (c)rapper Lo Eyecued Nigguh Killuh on his forthcoming releases. First on Itunes, then from prison.

If I admitted to a crime, especially to an audience, I'm pretty sure that I'd be convicted no matter how "artistic" my admission was.

Jim Crow
05-22-2022, 08:25 AM
Niggers are fucking predictable and stupid! And any niggerlovin pos who goes along with their shit, or lets them get away with it is as much the problem as niggers! Or worse!

05-24-2022, 08:46 AM
This law needs to be struck down as unconstitutional, but with the way most NY judges are, I can't see it happening. It's unconstitutional to blanket-suppress evidence before it's even considered in court.

05-24-2022, 09:03 AM
Just saw a First 48 episode, where the suspook put up niggerbabble on the "Gram", where he (c)rapped
about the nigger he shot the next day, never seeing his family again. That's 1st degree murder, no matter
how you slice it. Toothy NYC mayor/spook Adams was just crying to the press about "Drill (c)rappers", who
boast about what niggers they're gonna shoot, then shoot them. I guess NY politicians like dead spooks....

Yeah, but the nigger eats a plant based, vegan diet!! Stupid libtards NEVER address the issue!!

Ray Cizzums
05-24-2022, 06:02 PM
Yeah, but the nigger eats a plant based, vegan diet!! Stupid libtards NEVER address the issue!!

That diet consists of bananas, and grape drank....

05-24-2022, 10:09 PM
That diet consists of bananas, and grape drank....

Tru Dat!!