View Full Version : Asian Consciousness

05-06-2022, 08:11 AM
The Chinese Exclusion Act was signed into law 140 years ago today.
The post Asian Consciousness (https://www.amren.com/news/2022/05/asian-consciousness/) appeared first on American Renaissance (https://www.amren.com).

More... (https://www.amren.com/news/2022/05/asian-consciousness/)

05-06-2022, 08:47 AM
The problems happen because our overlords are deliberately provoking. Our masters are the ones grouping everyone and pitting them against each other.

05-06-2022, 11:28 AM
I'm disagreeing with the entire premise of the article. Asians, especially oriental Asians, remain steadfastly focused on achieving the American Dream. They are too busy busting ass to involve themselves in nigger-like behaviors. You do see it, to a very limited degree, with non-oriental Asians but it's very very limited.

What I do see happening is the MSM doing everything they can to align Asians of all stripes against the White Establishment. It's laughable to hear these Asian 'community leaders' decry white racism and violence against their people while joining forces with the niggers - the very people who pray on Asians for financial gain (theft/robbery) and the shear nigger joy of inflicting untold pain on humans.

The reality is Asians have absolutely zero in common with the nigger beast. They excel in school, they keep tight families, they are successfull employees and small business owners. Nigger filth realize this. They also realize that Asians are as easily identifiable as 'different' as niggers are... YET THE ASIANS EXCEL IN MOST ASPECTS OF AMERICAN LIFE. This incenses the nigger beast and, I believe, is the reason for the outrageous number of crimes perpetrated against Asians by nigger filth...

10-01-2024, 04:22 AM
...Asians have absolutely zero in common with the nigger beast. They excel in school, they keep tight families, they are successfull employees and small business owners. Nigger filth realize this...Certain Asians are taking advantage of rampant corruption and lower moral threshholds in African't, using these traits against them for colonializing them through proxy, similar to the way they sold their own people to foreign slave traders, back then:

Uganda: Crackdown on activists protesting against large-scale oil projects (fidh.org) (https://www.fidh.org/en/region/Africa/uganda/uganda-crackdown-on-activists-protesting-against-large-scale-oil)

...owned and operated by the French company TotalEnergies and Chinese state-owned enterprise China National Offshore Oil Company (CNOOC), in cooperation with the governments of Uganda and Tanzania...
...three Ugandan activists and a Belgian activist, were arrested as they were marching towards the Chinese embassy in Kampala to present a petition urging the Chinese government to withdraw its support to CNOOC...
...owned and operated by the French company TotalEnergies and Chinese state-owned enterprise China National Offshore Oil Company (CNOOC), in cooperation with the governments of Uganda and Tanzania...
...three Ugandan activists and a Belgian activist, were arrested as they were marching towards the Chinese embassy in Kampala to present a petition urging the Chinese government to withdraw its support to CNOOC...
https://abdas.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/01/uganda-and-china-300x200.jpghttps://external-content.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=https%3A%2F%2Fmedia.gettyimages.com%2Fid%2F1258 735874%2Fphoto%2Fhu-weijie-r-the-acting-president-of-china-national-offshore-oil-corporation-cnooc-uganda.jpg%3Fs%3D612x612%26w%3Dgi%26k%3D20%26c%3Dz uJfOdV_Mj3CTuJTlmNaCMi2viS07o6PFJtzNAztvGk%3D&f=1&nofb=1&ipt=e6b23b9ace8e41996d66e3dedd9638f26837107459cc9b d74a5ef9ff722a839c&ipo=imageshttps://e360.yale.edu/assets/site/_400xAUTO_stretch_center-center/EACOP_map_v2.jpg

10-01-2024, 06:25 AM
Certain Asians are taking advantage of rampant corruption and lower moral threshholds in African't, using these traits against them for colonializing them through proxy, similar to the way they sold their own people to foreign slave traders, back then:

Uganda: Crackdown on activists protesting against large-scale oil projects (fidh.org) (https://www.fidh.org/en/region/Africa/uganda/uganda-crackdown-on-activists-protesting-against-large-scale-oil)

Agree. China is COMPLETELY out of control but invests wisely. Ape-frica has unrivaled natural resources - lots of everything - and China knows just how to lay their greasy rat-claws on those resources. They pay bribes, and lots of them. The US, on the other hand, insists on foisting tranny indoctrination as part of any government grant. The US pays hundreds of times what China invests in bribes and we get access to nothing but laughter and derision - all of it justified. China get unfettered access to every resource for investing a fraction of what the US does and they don't bother to deal with nigger employees like this - they beat them and bring in Chinese or others in their stead: