View Full Version : How lovely

Jim Crow
05-05-2022, 05:26 PM
Karine Jean-Pierre ,an openly gay sow will replace Jen Psaki as white house press secretary . Ain’t that lovely?


05-05-2022, 05:49 PM
A Haitian nigger who is also a clam-smacker. These press-conferences are going to be very jungle-ish. 'Yo, dawg! Y'all finna ax me a question an sheeit?'

You know its bad when you're happy that at least it isn't a Somalicoon.....

05-05-2022, 06:20 PM
A lezzie Hayshee sow? Can't they be a little more inclusive, like a lezzie Hayshee sow who is disabled or a tranny? Shame on you, libtards. You're not trying hard enough.

05-05-2022, 07:24 PM
A lezzie Hayshee sow? Can't they be a little more inclusive, like a lezzie Hayshee sow who is disabled or a tranny? Shame on you, libtards. You're not trying hard enough.

Well, with niggers, especially that one, how can you tell it isn't a tranny?

05-05-2022, 07:45 PM
We're going from bad to worse, damn this whole democratic party is one giant shit show. So now here we have a sow, who's lesbian okay interesting. I see that she's not a tranny, nor in a wheelchair or has other bizarre "pronouns" with a made up sexuality who has a disease but is married with a white woman with mulato sproglets who also claims to be part "Irish" or some other ethnicity they know they aren't. Tsk tsk, I give this "inclusive" attempt a 0 out of 10 and I'm cancelling them on twatter. lol

05-05-2022, 08:21 PM
"How lovely" indeed.

Being gay now gives you extra woke points. It's so brave! So daring!


Jim Crow
05-05-2022, 09:48 PM
"How lovely" indeed.

Being gay now gives you extra woke points. It's so brave! So daring!


The liberal party loves having they token niggs and their token gays. So this thing fills both categories!

05-05-2022, 10:13 PM
A lezzie Hayshee sow? Can't they be a little more inclusive, like a lezzie Hayshee sow who is disabled or a tranny? Shame on you, libtards. You're not trying hard enough.


I aint bin dun did dat!
05-05-2022, 11:30 PM
"How lovely" indeed.

Being gay now gives you extra woke points. It's so brave! So daring!


Wow, it looks like lori lightfoot’s mutant offspring.

05-06-2022, 01:04 AM
I remember a time in this country when even the most liberal shitbag politicians still hired effective people to work for them. You knew they were all still full of shit but they could at least be somewhat competent in their jobs of lying to the American public and covering up their crimes.

Now, they only seem interested in checking off the boxes. This gets to be a more difficult job everyday as there is no real base to the dimz - just an ever widening target of nutjobs that can never be satisfied with anyone.

Honestly, I don't understand how the party is still whole. It's like a hoopty with a Yugo engine, a Chevy tranny, a rusted Dodge body and bald tires all held together with bailing wire and bubble gum.

05-06-2022, 06:44 AM
"How lovely" indeed.

Being gay now gives you extra woke points. It's so brave! So daring!


Humanity is devolving faster than this website can describe it ... We know a (once) white woman with a coon is a 'shark or a burner; a man, an oil driller.. What in god's name do you call this despicable creature that was once a human?

Repulsive just does not capture it....

05-06-2022, 07:16 AM
I remember a time in this country when even the most liberal shitbag politicians still hired effective people to work for them..

Things are so ass-backwards now that it's the liberal filth operatives that are hiring the politicians and not the other way around. That dementia addled buffoon in the W/H was foisted on the American people because he's easily handled. The result has been the placement of the most radical social marxists into positions of real power this nation has ever seen, much less imagined. There has seriously never been anything remotely like it. In the DoD we have Miley adding line items in the budget for tranny femine products and assuring design of our fighting machines from nuclear submarines to Humvees meet the twisted needs of these certifiably mentally ill reprobates. We have Chris Mangus heading up the Border Patrol proudly stating that orders are now in place making it impossible to hold and deport illegals streaming across our border. We have each and every White House appointee listing their fucking pronouns....

This is a shitstorm of mythic proportion. The filth, hate of decency, and treason are so ingrained in both the DemonRAT party and their propaganda arm, the MSM, that patriots have exceedingly few options..

It's Obama who planted the seeds of this outrage. Politicians from both sides of the isle would never think of using political affiliation as a make or break hiring criteria for rank and file positions in the FBI, DOJ, CIA, etc etc... Obama was the very first ... And these shit-brained liberals are now positions of power. I give you the FBI tracking down the protestors at the capitol while letting the BurnLootMurder mob off almost scot-free even in light of the billions they've done in damage across the nation. This presidency took it to the next level... It's those very operatives that allowed this Alzheimer's addled fuckwit into the White House and controls his every move.

Jim Crow
05-06-2022, 07:28 AM
ByeDone’s press meetings are going be to like like a nigger filled LGBT “soul train”.Bing!The ugly buck like sow sorta resembles Don Cornelius in drag!All the ugly beast need is wire framed glasses!LOL!

05-06-2022, 10:29 AM
Humanity is devolving faster than this website can describe it ... We know a (once) white woman with a coon is a 'shark or a burner; a man, an oil driller.. What in god's name do you call this despicable creature that was once a human?

Repulsive just does not capture it....

The astute Anastasia came up with a label: "Mud Muncher". Revolting, but apt! :lol

05-06-2022, 10:40 AM

05-06-2022, 10:43 AM
The astute Anastasia came up with a label: "Mud Muncher". Revolting, but apt! :lol


Five stars on that one!!!!!!

05-06-2022, 11:03 AM
ByeDone’s press meetings are going be to like like a nigger filled LGBT “soul train”.Bing!The ugly buck like sow sorta resembles Don Cornelius in drag!All the ugly beast need is wire framed glasses!LOL!

She reminds me of Lori Lightfoot the Chicago mayor. A younger version.

05-06-2022, 11:06 AM
I remember a time in this country when even the most liberal shitbag politicians still hired effective people to work for them. You knew they were all still full of shit but they could at least be somewhat competent in their jobs of lying to the American public and covering up their crimes.

Now, they only seem interested in checking off the boxes. This gets to be a more difficult job everyday as there is no real base to the dimz - just an ever widening target of nutjobs that can never be satisfied with anyone.

Honestly, I don't understand how the party is still whole. It's like a hoopty with a Yugo engine, a Chevy tranny, a rusted Dodge body and bald tires all held together with bailing wire and bubble gum.

Kennedy had Pierre Salinger. Johnson had Bill Moyers. Both white men. America has changed alot since then though. That was before (or during) the 1965 immigration act which shaped what we see today.

05-06-2022, 01:33 PM
Humanity is devolving faster than this website can describe it ... We know a (once) white woman with a coon is a 'shark or a burner; a man, an oil driller.. What in god's name do you call this despicable creature that was once a human?

Repulsive just does not capture it....

Pick one:


Jim Crow
05-06-2022, 01:37 PM
She reminds me of Lori Lightfoot the Chicago mayor. A younger version.

Disgusting ,any way you slice it up!

05-06-2022, 02:02 PM
Pick one:


Gotta like @Anastasia's 'Mud Muncher'.....