View Full Version : Evil people are trying to stop nigger abortions

05-03-2022, 05:47 PM
Apparently the supreme court has been conspiring to make abortion for groids illegal. I'm guessing that republicans are behind this since democrats (oddly enough) support the idea of murdering niglets while they are still in their mammy's bowels. While on the one hand, banning abortion would diminish justification for replacement migration (endorsed by the United Nations, unlike the Great Replacement, which is said to be a schizo conspiracy theory) since it would naturally increase the human population, there is also the risk of an increased negro population. This potential decision also has the potential to undermine "great" leaders, like Martin Luther King Jr, who was one of the earliest people to encourage niggers to abort their children en masse (and was a winner of a Planned Parenthood award).

Personally, I think abortion should remain legal for humans as an option (like if they are raped by a nigger, or if no other surgical procedure would be capable of preserving the mother's life), and mandatory for all niggers under the age of 18, and mandatory for all niggers that already have one child.

Every nigger that is aborted is one less criminal, one less welfare recipient, one less parasite, and one less nigger in the USA.


Tar Remover
05-03-2022, 10:29 PM
The Supreme Court is not trying to make abortion illegal. They are simply admitting the fact that Roe vs Wade was a giant fuckin' over reach of the Supreme Court's authority. They are delegating the authority to regulate it BACK to the states where it should have stayed in the first place. The gubmint has it's dick in too many fuckin' pies to begin with. The more authority that gets taken from them, the BETTER.

I aint bin dun did dat!
05-03-2022, 10:45 PM
Every nigger should be offered 1000 bucks to get permanently spayed or neutered. So many of them would do it and blow the money within an hour and we could make the nigger plague more manageable.

05-04-2022, 12:22 AM
The Supreme Court is not trying to make abortion illegal. They are simply admitting the fact that Roe vs Wade was a giant fuckin' over reach of the Supreme Court's authority. They are delegating the authority to regulate it BACK to the states where it should have stayed in the first place.

That makes sense.

The gubmint has it's dick in too many fuckin' pies to begin with. The more authority that gets taken from them, the BETTER.

You can't always trust young folks to make the best decisions...


Tar Remover
05-04-2022, 01:50 AM
That makes sense.

You can't always trust young folks to make the best decisions...



In addition to that, It won't be until June before that actually gets decided. We wouldn't even know about it NOW had it not been for the communist cum-dumpster that leaked it. So it isn't a "done deal" yet.......

Jim Crow
05-04-2022, 03:49 PM
The Supreme Court is not trying to make abortion illegal. They are simply admitting the fact that Roe vs Wade was a giant fuckin' over reach of the Supreme Court's authority. They are delegating the authority to regulate it BACK to the states where it should have stayed in the first place. The gubmint has it's dick in too many fuckin' pies to begin with. The more authority that gets taken from them, the BETTER.

Perfectly said! The government wants to control and regulate everything! And the thing about the government is it keeps getting bigger. And the government is an entity that doesn’t create any revenue, it takes, from us!

Tar Remover
05-04-2022, 05:50 PM
Perfectly said! The government wants to control and regulate everything! And the thing about the government is it keeps getting bigger. And the government is an entity that doesn’t create any revenue, it takes, from us!

It's like the fuckin' Mafia. Machiavellian to the fuckin' core.

Keep nigga abortion legal
05-08-2022, 05:20 AM
>Every nigger that is aborted is one less criminal, one less welfare recipient, one less parasite, and one less nigger in the USA.

Chimpout does not have a like button, but I agree 190%

05-08-2022, 11:20 PM
Imagine if you will, a North America where 40-50 million black babies have had 35-40 years to reproduce, unchecked. That is maybe 2-3 generations, in black culture where they start dropping babies at 14.

Jubal Early
05-09-2022, 04:27 AM
Every nigger should be offered 1000 bucks to get permanently spayed or neutered. So many of them would do it and blow the money within an hour and we could make the nigger plague more manageable.

This makes sense. Aim it at the females. The males will pressure them to get fixed for $. We
could offer them 10's of thousands of dollars, considering what each little boo costs society.

I aint bin dun did dat!
05-09-2022, 09:18 AM
This makes sense. Aim it at the females. The males will pressure them to get fixed for $. We
could offer them 10's of thousands of dollars, considering what each little boo costs society.
I agree. Start at a grand. Most of them will do it for next to nothing. Work your way up from there.

Tell it like it is
05-09-2022, 09:30 PM
I consider myself to be a Christian, so any discussion of abortion should initiate a knee jerk reaction of "NO" !!!
But I have been watching the niggers and liberal idiots having a meltdown over the possible demise of Roe v Wade, and started thinking....I assume the people (and the niggers)protesting would be the ones having the abortions, right?
Seems to me that anything that keeps these freaks from making more of their miserable kind actually makes our country, if not our world, a better place.
Better think about that before us Republicans start celebrating a victory.
If these freaks are so in love with abortion, I would pay the deductible to abort a few of them.

For the record, I am not condoning violence toward any human.

Nigger Wrangler
05-10-2022, 03:31 AM
I thought long and hard before weighing in. Obviously fewer niggers are the greatest thing for civilized human society.

To cheer everyone up, a University of South Carolina study shows that SIXTY-ONE PERCENT of ALL nigger deaths are from abortion! Margaret Sanger is dancing in Hell as we speak! She wanted to completely exterminate all the niggers. But she wanted to exterminate entire human ethnic groups as well.

The problem is abortion is the leading cause of death in the United States and around the world. Number two isn't remotely close! That's a whole lot of babies, that AREN'T niggers, being slaughtered.

Niggers are prolific breeders. Abortion is killing humans, while niggers breed to the point they outrun the abortion machine! Humans already breed less than niggers, by a significant amount, without abortion!

The problem with Roe is it simply doesn't follow the Constitution. Even Ruth Bader Ginsberg said Roe was a bullshit ruling that DID NOT follow the Constitution!

Judicial activism, even when the result is a good one, undermines our Republic. That and that alone is why Roe must go.

I'm certain it's a done deal. If any of the normal Associate Justices were on the fence, you can bet the raving psychotic Democrats who have doxxed them, and sent violent mobs to their homes and to attack churches and pregnancy centers, have well and truly pissed them off!

What will happen is abortion will become a States Rights issue again. Some states will ban abortion, some will make it legal to murder children after they are born. Don't laugh, California and other Democrat shitholes are working on it already! The rest of the States will fall somewhere in between.

Besides the eugenics and Ethnic Cleansing aspect of abortion, there's big money at stake. Over a million children every year are killed at these abortion slaughterhouses. 45 million worldwide! That's billions of dollars a year!

Then there's the Democrat Party. Every year Democrats steal over a billion dollars from us taxpayers and hand to the butchers at Planned Parenthood. In turn, Planned Parenthood gives a significant amount of that money back to the Democrats in the form of contributions to the DNC, the committees to elect and reelect Members of Congress, as well as individual candidates. In return for this money laundering service, Democrats do everything humanly possible, and then some... to protect the abortion industry.

Now this is common knowledge. Everyone in DC knows it! The feckless Republicans could end the Democrat Party, if they weren't such cowards! Money laundering and racketeering are serious crimes. Every Democrat lawmaker for the past 50 years has been part of the conspiracy to commit money laundering and racketeering. So has every Planned Parenthood director and manager.

Nothing makes me happier than "good" niggers, but seeing Roe overturned is a much needed first step towards restoring our Constitutional Republic.

I just wish Republicans had a backbone and the will to fight! What America needs is a viable, electable Conservative alternative to Democrats and Republicans!

Sorry to be so long-winded!

05-15-2022, 02:45 PM
For niggers, post birth abortion should be allowed. There should be no age limit for that either.

Blue Gum
05-16-2022, 02:38 PM
I thought long and hard before weighing in. Obviously fewer niggers are the greatest thing for civilized human society...etc.

It seems like to me, the Democrats are exactly like the niggers.....Pelosi, shumer and others get on TV and piss and moan when they don't get their way, and now the Democrats are advocating and condoning the protesting around the Supreme Court Justices homes, last year if you remember Schumer was in front of the Supreme Court in d.c. squawking about abortion rights then.... and what do niggers do when they don't get their way? They riot loot and burn everything down.... you never see more than a handful of republicans in Congress complaining about the Democratic party's Monkey Shines or when's the last time you saw white people rioting and burning things down and looting in the streets?

05-17-2022, 08:47 AM
a nigger abortion clinic is usually commenced with a good beating of the sow or shark. A good few well placed belly strikes should get the shit-sprog terminated. Niggers do ' muh dik ' not ' muh dad '

Nigger Wrangler
05-18-2022, 01:13 AM
It seems like to me, the Democrats are exactly like the niggers.....Pelosi, shumer and others get on TV and piss and moan when they don't get their way, and now the Democrats are advocating and condoning the protesting around the Supreme Court Justices homes, last year if you remember Schumer was in front of the Supreme Court in d.c. squawking about abortion rights then.... and what do niggers do when they don't get their way? They riot loot and burn everything down.... you never see more than a handful of republicans in Congress complaining about the Democratic party's Monkey Shines or when's the last time you saw white people rioting and burning things down and looting in the streets?

Oh Democrats are far worse than niggers. Democrats enable niggers. Without Democrats enabling niggers, there would be far fewer monkeyshines!