View Full Version : Mudshark or nigger?

Jim Crow
05-03-2022, 01:48 PM
I know this subject has been covered many times before. But it’s always amusing to talk about. Which is worse, a mudshark or nigger? Keep in mind, the mutant demon nigger is spawned.A racetraitoring mudshark choses it’s fate!
Y’all know by now that I love to hate. I use it as fuel to get me by and to win! Just the other day, I was trying to bench twice my weight(260 lbs).Something I haven’t done in over 10 years. Well,I got very close, 250 pounds! Twice!
How did I do it? I usually use my hatred for niggers and picture i’m pushing the bar against a black throat of a nigger who is lusting after or wanting to rape one of the women in my family.This time I imagined it was a Lying mudshark who said it had never been with a nigger!And pictured it was a family member. My buddy told me that I had radiator hoses in my arms and neck pumping like he’d never seen!My chest had that separation at the top as when it was in my 20’s!
So on the way home I thought about it. Although, I have infinite hate for niggers, I guess I have triple infinite hate for mudsharks. Because mudsharks are conniving lying whores who can hide their cravings for the tootsie pole to connive and get what they need from YT. But their mental illness of beastiality it’s always uncovered in the end and they get theirs! But just look at the destruction they can cause!
That night, while having some eggplant parm I made by the pool,flanked by my older daughter and wife,I was quiet with an evil look in my eyes. They both asked me what my problem was. I’m always acting pissed anyway, lol!
I let them know my thoughts about mudsharks and how I felt I hated them more than anything in this world. And I also told him what I would do to either of them if I ever found out that they ever mudsharked. Yes, I can talk to my family like that!
They both laughed and kissed me simultaneously assuring me I had no worries because I was preaching to the choir. And then my wife smiled and said “he’s a simmering pot of hatred and that’s what makes him so sexy”!
And I got a little offended. And I let her know! When it comes to niggers and mudsharks, I’m not a simmering pot of hatred. I’m a goddamn raging volcano spewing moulton hot boiling hatred!And thats just for starters!LOL!

05-03-2022, 10:32 PM
There's many ways to analyze and answer this conundrum.

I'll first answer it in a pure philosophical and logical way.

Niggers are the first that's to be hated, because of their existence in human continents. See how kind I am, because I'd still be open to the existence ofniggers, but only in two continents: Africa, and Antarctica. If it was ever possible to have all of them and I mean all, 1 drop and others, and their mudsharks, I'd be ok to let them stay there forever, without any human contact. They will be gone in 20 years, guaranteed. Mudsharks are niggers because of exchanging fluids with niggers.

Now, for the real world application, I'd say I hate the sprogs first, because they are the physical proof of miscegenation, of beastiality, of pure sin and evil. Those sprogs are never innocent. The only exception are those who got raped, and before they could've aborted the spawn, was forced to birth, or was unconscious until the actual birthing.

Next I hate the mudsharks, because they are born human, endowed with a soul, and they throw it away having relation with a nigger animal. Like I've always said, their sexual needs could have been solved by other means apart from a nigger. Their attraction to niggers is pure animal driven. Everyone should have enough common sense to see the difference of species, period. Curiosity, lust, etc. are not acceptable reasons for beastiality.
In this category, I blame the media, society, the parents to a degree. The exception is, of parents have done their duty to the best of their abilities to show their children that niggers are animals, then they are blameless.

So, in the real world, niggers are the ones I hate least, as compared to sprogs and mudsharks/oil drillers. They are who they are, they only do what is natural to them. But that doesn't exonerate them, in any way.

A dilemma for sure. But 100% certain, there are no acceptable forms of anything nigger.

I aint bin dun did dat!
05-03-2022, 10:42 PM
I always think about if I found a magic lamp and was granted three wishes, would I wish all the niggers to vanish? Or would I wish they all teleported straight to Africa and I could come over a loud speaker to ridicule them and cheer them on when they tortured and killed each other? I like the latter and the nigger continent should be on teebee for us all to watch their violent hi jinx. How hilarious would it be to drop a bunch of spoiled Americanized niggers into the bushes of Africa? Holy shit a man can dream right?
I got a little off topic but I agree with Ignatow that all mudsharks are equal to niggers.

05-04-2022, 08:56 AM
Mudsharks are the worst. They had a choice and they made the wrong one. Mudsharks are the type of women who want more niggers and rapefugees into the country, creating more problems for us humans. You can't blame a nigger for being a nigger; it's just what they are. Niggers doing nigger things to other niggers in Africa really doesn't bother me, but when mudshark liberal white women advocate their presence in the White lands of West and vote accordingly, that's what makes them worse than niggers.

05-04-2022, 09:36 AM
Mudsharks are the worst. They had a choice and they made the wrong one. Mudsharks are the type of women who want more niggers and rapefugees into the country, creating more problems for us humans. You can't blame a nigger for being a nigger; it's just what they are. Niggers doing nigger things to other niggers in Africa really don't bother me, but when mudshark liberal white women advocate their presence in the White lands of West and vote accordingly, that's what make them worse.

My sentiments, EXACTLY!!

05-04-2022, 11:50 AM
Mudsharks are the worst. They had a choice and they made the wrong one. Mudsharks are the type of women who want more niggers and rapefugees into the country, creating more problems for us humans. You can't blame a nigger for being a nigger; it's just what they are. Niggers doing nigger things to other niggers in Africa really don't bother me, but when mudshark liberal white women advocate their presence in the White lands of West and vote accordingly, that's what make them worse.

Agree. I think I hate mudsharks and wiggers (to a slightly lesser degree) more than I do actual niggers. I know I get much more enjoyment hearing about mudharks being destroyed by their bucks than I do when sows get deleted. Mudsharks who brag on toxic social media how they love their bucks and hate white people are in a special category. Reading of them getting their heads caved in, brains blown out, and/or being set on fire, cut into chunks and tossed into a dumpster by their savage baby daddies can elicit loud laughter from me.

Unlike niggers who can't help their behaviors, these burners made a conscious choice to rut with bucks and behave just like some filthy sheboon. IMO, they deserve whatever vile treatment they endure and their inevitable deaths at the paws of their trendy groids. I don't know if they're brainwashed, trying to emulate the Kartrashian whores or just looking for attention, and it doesn't matter. The result is always the same.

05-04-2022, 01:12 PM
Agree. I think I hate mudsharks and wiggers (to a slightly lesser degree) more than I do actual niggers. I know I get much more enjoyment hearing about mudharks being destroyed by their bucks than I do when sows get deleted. Mudsharks who brag on toxic social media how they love their bucks and hate white people are in a special category. Reading of them getting their heads caved in, brains blown out, and/or being set on fire, cut into chunks and tossed into a dumpster by their savage baby daddies can elicit loud laughter from me.

Unlike niggers who can't help their behaviors, these burners made a conscious choice to rut with bucks and behave just like some filthy sheboon. IMO, they deserve whatever vile treatment they endure and their inevitable deaths at the paws of their trendy groids. I don't know if they're brainwashed, trying to emulate the Kartrashian whores or just looking for attention, and it doesn't matter. The result is always the same.

100% Agree! The thing with mudsharks is that its their own fault. There are plenty of data from many years which, even to the most naïve potential mudshark, suggest that being with a nigger and committing bestiality with a nigger will at best result endless beatings and hospital visits. For the most niggerwise woman, just looking at the data means that being with a nigger committing bestiality with a nigger will lead to induction into the Nicole Brown Sorority, the location of every membership location is six feet under.

Jim Crow
05-04-2022, 01:20 PM
100% Agree! The thing with mudsharks is that its their own fault. There are plenty of data from many years which, even to the most naïve potential mudshark, suggest that being with a nigger and committing bestiality with a nigger will at best result endless beatings and hospital visits. For the most niggerwise woman, just looking at the data means that being with a nigger committing bestiality with a nigger will lead to induction into the Nicole Brown Sorority, the location of every membership location is six feet under.
Exactly! Mudsharks are so selfish about riding that tootsie pole,that they don’t realize what they do to their family, their future children and anyone involved with them.
It’s a pity that Nicole Brown died. I would’ve rather heard of her spine being severed and her being a total paraplegic like liberal crip cocksucker Stephen Hawking, in a chair suffering till the day the fucking nasty liberal fuck died! For mudsharks, I’d like a long period of suffering before their death! Feel the burn, bitch!

05-04-2022, 05:38 PM
Exactly! Mudsharks are so selfish about riding that tootsie pole,that they don’t realize what they do to their family, their future children and anyone involved with them.
It’s a pity that Nicole Brown died. I would’ve rather heard of her spine being severed and her being a total paraplegic like liberal crip cocksucker Stephen Hawking, in a chair suffering till the day the fucking nasty liberal fuck died! For mudsharks, I’d like a long period of suffering before their death! Feel the burn, bitch!

I'm pretty sure a lot of them do suffer before their final assumption of room temperature. Their bucks absolutely beat on them and abuse them in every way you can think of before they get bored and just kill the bitch. I say, good for them.

Jim Crow
05-04-2022, 07:05 PM
I'm pretty sure a lot of them do suffer before their final assumption of room temperature. Their bucks absolutely beat on them and abuse them in every way you can think of before they get bored and just kill the bitch. I say, good for them.

No matter how much those bitches suffer, it's never enough!