View Full Version : New trend: bumping into white people/taking up the whole sidewalk on purpose

04-30-2022, 07:46 AM
Some are claiming this is “reparations”.

What do you think? was unaware until this happened to me at Walmart in a bad area. I automatically said “excuse me” as a courtesy reflex even though she bumped into me. She looked back at me and scoffed, as if I actually did something. I’m glad I was not alone and with a male. I heard her mumbling afterward.

04-30-2022, 08:32 AM
oh and when I said I was with a ‘male’ I meant a man, of course.

04-30-2022, 09:28 AM
Here's the sowboon that wants to give YT a black eye with her rack...

https://twitter.com/libsoftiktok/status/1519414600537583617?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5 Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1519414600537583617%7Ctwgr% 5E%7Ctwcon%5Es1_&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Fcitizenfreepress.com%2Fbreak ing%2Fmicro-reparations-from-a-narcissist%2F

04-30-2022, 09:43 AM
Why does my hate for niggers increase every day?

Ray Cizzums
04-30-2022, 09:57 AM
This is just a new twist on nigger drivers and pedestrians who refuse to GTFO of everyone's way.
It's fine with me, because it gives me an excuse to fire a broadside of N-bomb-laced profanities,
and I'm way louder and better at it than they are. Once they trip my drill sergeant, fog horn switch,
they can't get away from me fast enough. I switch to straight profanities, once the phone comes out...

04-30-2022, 12:11 PM
Here's the sowboon that wants to give YT a black eye with her rack...

https://twitter.com/libsoftiktok/status/1519414600537583617?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5 Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1519414600537583617%7Ctwgr% 5E%7Ctwcon%5Es1_&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Fcitizenfreepress.com%2Fbreak ing%2Fmicro-reparations-from-a-narcissist%2F

Did you realize the disgusting nigger sow in that video is in Paris? The shitbeast invaded a European country, robs the natives (because, let's be honest, it will never pay as much taxes as it costs the white French people), and then, despite being the colonizer, has the brazenness to demand reparations! The only sane answer would be a double tap, imho.

04-30-2022, 12:13 PM
This is just a new twist on nigger drivers and pedestrians who refuse to GTFO of everyone's way.
It's fine with me, because it gives me an excuse to fire a broadside of N-bomb-laced profanities,
and I'm way louder and better at it than they are. Once they trip my drill sergeant, fog horn switch,
they can't get away from me fast enough. I switch to straight profanities, once the phone comes out...

Haha, I'd love to see that, that would make my day! Especially wise to fire off the "nigger" just at the beginning (pre iNigger video). The shitbeasts are a plague to the planet!

04-30-2022, 05:10 PM
Here's the sowboon that wants to give YT a black eye with her rack...

https://twitter.com/libsoftiktok/status/1519414600537583617?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5 Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1519414600537583617%7Ctwgr% 5E%7Ctwcon%5Es1_&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Fcitizenfreepress.com%2Fbreak ing%2Fmicro-reparations-from-a-narcissist%2F

Q. Why is she wearing a KFC bucket?

A. Because she's a nigger!

Tar Remover
04-30-2022, 05:16 PM
That is not a "NEW" trend. They have been doing that at least since the 90s. But good eye, nonetheless.......

Tar Remover
04-30-2022, 05:18 PM
Why does my hate for niggers increase every day?

Because they worked REALLY hard to earn it.

Tar Remover
04-30-2022, 05:20 PM
Here's the sowboon that wants to give YT a black eye with her rack...

https://twitter.com/libsoftiktok/status/1519414600537583617?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5 Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1519414600537583617%7Ctwgr% 5E%7Ctwcon%5Es1_&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Fcitizenfreepress.com%2Fbreak ing%2Fmicro-reparations-from-a-narcissist%2F

Yep. Keep it up, niggers. One day you will pick the wrong whitey to pull that shit with. So by ALL means, keep on keepin' on.....

04-30-2022, 05:52 PM
was thinking the same. Poop-nipples is going to try that with someone who doesn’t take assault lying down.

04-30-2022, 06:54 PM
It's not new new. I thought niggers have been doing this since at least the 1970s as intentional "dissapekt" against YT.

04-30-2022, 07:04 PM
Q. Why is she wearing a KFC bucket?

A. Because she's a nigger!

These pictures are Photoshopped, but they might as well be real.

19630 19631

This picture is not Photoshopped, and it's all too real.


04-30-2022, 07:16 PM
Ahhh. so I just hadn't seen it yet. It’s gross.

Jim Crow
04-30-2022, 08:14 PM
Here in Florida, I’ve never heard of or seen a nigger try to push YT off a sidewalk.. I take a 4 mile walk every night with my wife.on a rare occasion we have a nigger pass by.No problem.And I think if the nigger got aggressive, we would stand our ground. Yes, we both legally carry.
I grew up in New Haven Connecticut and used to walk downtown and accross town in the 80’s. Never had a nigger try to push me off the sidewalk.And I encountered many!.Had a few niggers try to rob me. But I would always fight. Got a few bruises,but always kept my wallet!

Buck Simian
04-30-2022, 09:20 PM
Niggers being niggers. Nothing new about this. What would be new is if a nigger would step aside and say Good Day Sir as you walked past.

05-01-2022, 12:14 AM
Niggers being niggers. Nothing new about this. What would be new is if a nigger would step aside and say Good Day Sir as you walked past.

People sometimes say to those in the military, "Thank you for your service." Niggers should by law be required to say to any human, "Thank you for freeing me," regardless of whether the nigger's ancestors were slaves or the human's ancestors fought for the Union.

05-01-2022, 12:46 AM
People sometimes say to those in the military, "Thank you for your service." Niggers should by law be required to say to any human, "Thank you for freeing me," regardless of whether the nigger's ancestors were slaves or the human's ancestors fought for the Union.

True, the lucky beasts, and don't even realize for them that every day is be kind to animals day.

Somehow I am starting to think they are even less morally evolved than a slime mold, i.e. perhaps not even achieving "animal" status.

I aint bin dun did dat!
05-01-2022, 02:24 PM
Niggers think this annoys us. All it does is reinforce why everyone hates niggers and gives us something to laugh about later. Whenever I am in a parking lot and some blubberous, lazy, hippo nigger goes shuffling across the street in front of me intentionally moving even more sluggishly than normal, I just roll my eyes and say to myself, fucking fat nigger.

05-02-2022, 11:55 AM
Here in Florida, I’ve never heard of or seen a nigger try to push YT off a sidewalk.. I take a 4 mile walk every night with my wife.on a rare occasion we have a nigger pass by.No problem.And I think if the nigger got aggressive, we would stand our ground. Yes, we both legally carry.
I grew up in New Haven Connecticut and used to walk downtown and accross town in the 80’s. Never had a nigger try to push me off the sidewalk.And I encountered many!.Had a few niggers try to rob me. But I would always fight. Got a few bruises,but always kept my wallet!

You have Ron DeSantis, and you are allowed to carry.

Jim Crow
05-02-2022, 03:05 PM
You have Ron DeSantis, and you are allowed to carry.

I wouldn’t givena shit who is in office.I would always carry! When I go up to New York and CT, I carry. No one will ever know unless I have to use it. And at that point it would be to save my life or a loved one’s. So let the cards fall where they may. I’d rather be tried by 12 than carried by 6!

05-02-2022, 03:15 PM
I think I found a fix for niggers bumping into us. It's called a Siberian bear hunting suit:

https://external-content.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=https%3A%2F%2Fi.pinimg.com%2Foriginals%2F83%2F2 1%2Fe1%2F8321e19b5bc100c8bae3c55be1bbe1a8.jpg&f=1&nofb=1

05-02-2022, 07:02 PM
I think I found a fix for niggers bumping into us. It's called a Siberian bear hunting suit:

https://external-content.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=https%3A%2F%2Fi.pinimg.com%2Foriginals%2F83%2F2 1%2Fe1%2F8321e19b5bc100c8bae3c55be1bbe1a8.jpg&f=1&nofb=1

When I was younger, the only reason someone would intentionally bump into you was so they could do some pickpocketing. Whether it's that or micro aggressions, there still is no reason to let a nigger get that close to you.

05-03-2022, 06:59 AM
I wouldn’t givena shit who is in office.I would always carry! When I go up to New York and CT, I carry. No one will ever know unless I have to use it. And at that point it would be to save my life or a loved one’s. So let the cards fall where they may. I’d rather be tried by 12 than carried by 6!
That's probably wise, especially in today's world. What I meant: You said niggers don't bump into people in Florida, and my guess was the reason is that they know that people usually carry, and that they don't get coddled like in most other states.

Jim Crow
05-03-2022, 07:05 AM
That's probably wise, especially in today's world. What I meant: You said niggers don't bump into people in Florida, and my guess was the reason is that they know that people usually carry, and that they don't get cuddled like in most other states.

The nigger coddling is starting to catch on in FL too.Big citties like Orlando Miami Tampa Jacksonville and Tallahassee are very liberal areas. But yes, knowing that everyone has a right to carry a gun in Florida does slow down nigger assaults and robberies.The “Stand your ground” law helps us too!

05-03-2022, 07:51 AM
The nigger coddling is starting to catch on in FL too.Big citties like Orlando Miami Tampa Jacksonville and Tallahassee are very liberal areas.
Really? Oh man, that's bad! I somehow was hoping the Mexicans would prevent that. Since Texas seems to be on the loosing path, when Florida is going down as well, are there any safe&sane states left for whites?

But yes, knowing that everyone has a right to carry a gun in Florida does slow down nigger assaults and robberies.The “Stand your ground” law helps us too!
Let's hope it stays that way. By the way, in Florida there seems to be a very nice enhancement of the "Stand your ground" law: If two(or more) people break into your home, and you shoot one of them, and the other one escapes, the escaping person is guilty of murder. Do you know how that law is called?

Jim Crow
05-03-2022, 01:00 PM
Really? Oh man, that's bad! I somehow was hoping the Mexicans would prevent that. Since Texas seems to be on the loosing path, when Florida is going down as well, are there any safe&sane states left for whites?

Let's hope it stays that way. By the way, in Florida there seems to be a very nice enhancement of the "Stand your ground" law: If two(or more) people break into your home, and you shoot one of them, and the other one escapes, the escaping person is guilty of murder. Do you know how that law is called?

“The felony murder doctrine “is a law that make the accomplices all equally liable. They have that one in Texas too! A robber was shot to death by the gas station owner, now the getaway driver is on death row. Two fer one, I like that!

05-03-2022, 01:14 PM
The nigger coddling is starting to catch on in FL too.Big citties like Orlando Miami Tampa Jacksonville and Tallahassee are very liberal areas. But yes, knowing that everyone has a right to carry a gun in Florida does slow down nigger assaults and robberies.The “Stand your ground” law helps us too!

Unfortunately it doesn't always work, like the guy who shot the nigger that attacked him.


And look what happened to the man who was properly defending himself: he got attacked in jail by a nigger, and I bet that nigger got hardly any extra time at NU for attempted murder.


05-03-2022, 01:17 PM
By the way, in Florida there seems to be a very nice enhancement of the "Stand your ground" law: If two(or more) people break into your home, and you shoot one of them, and the other one escapes, the escaping person is guilty of murder. Do you know how that law is called?

It's getting more common around the U.S. that if a criminal gets killed in the course of a crime, the rest get charged with murder. Is it a legal trick to give them more time behind bars than otherwise? Maybe, but a lot of niggers get long stretches at NU this way.

Jim Crow
05-03-2022, 01:56 PM
Unfortunately it doesn't always work, like the guy who shot the nigger that attacked him.


And look what happened to the man who was properly defending himself: he got attacked in jail by a nigger, and I bet that nigger got hardly any extra time at NU for attempted murder.


I know that case well! And although I don’t agree with that long prison term. I don’t agree with what Michael Drejka did either. Michael Drejka went up to the sow and argued over the handicapped parking spot it took. I think I learned by the time I was seven, arguing with a nigger is always futile. In fact, it is counterproductive and even worse! In this case, it got Michael Drejka 20 years in NU with the species he hates most!
If I see a nigger doing something wrong, as long as it isn’t harming me or my loved ones,I ignore it!. Reread my post, that’s exactly what I said. I would never use deadly force for a non-life-threatening situation such as Michael Drejka did. You can’t provoke or antagonize the situation and then claim self defence. That is not what stand your ground means. You must be minding your own fucking business and have a life-threatening situation unleashed on you. I know the laws very well and I’m always thinking in every situation. Hopefully, the day will never come for me to have to act. But if it does, I trust that with all my knowledge, I will do the right thing at the right time.

05-03-2022, 06:15 PM
I can just guess it is an analogy for the way they are inferior and have to sell prescription drugs by talking to everybody through a wall.

05-03-2022, 06:48 PM
These pictures are Photoshopped, but they might as well be real.

19630 19631

This picture is not Photoshopped, and it's all too real.


that hat made from a kfc bucket is terrible- im not offended by reading or seeing that but if niggers today didnt still idolize forcing others to interact with them that i wouldnt be as sick but I am queesy - im just going to vomit all over the place-

today i realized smething that does aggravate me because it is so much of a contradiction & it is in the semiotics of their nigger howling propoganda of pictures that are over nigger howling / screeches: they are niggers so i think that you might think it is funny what i have to tell you hold on -
there is a nigger that hates interscope in the music industry and at the same time, there are niggers without that in common with them, niggers have to always do something spectrographical with ther medication so here is what i mean have 1 semiotic for niggers and another semiotic for niggers but they want both to be normal.... it doesnt make any sense but now i see they actually wear kfc buckets. What is their kfc replaced with ???

Tar Remover
05-03-2022, 07:49 PM
People sometimes say to those in the military, "Thank you for your service." Niggers should by law be required to say to any human, "Thank you for freeing me," regardless of whether the nigger's ancestors were slaves or the human's ancestors fought for the Union.

YES! "Thank you for freeing me, keeping me stocked up on Gibs Muh Dat and allowing me to live near you good Human Folk........."

Niggers have a metric FUCK ton of shit they need to show appreciation to humans for. Fuckin' Niggers. FUCK Niggers......

05-03-2022, 10:42 PM
I know that case well! And although I don’t agree with that long prison term. I don’t agree with what Michael Drejka did either. Michael Drejka went up to the sow and argued over the handicapped parking spot it took. I think I learned by the time I was seven, arguing with a nigger is always futile. In fact, it is counterproductive and even worse! In this case, it got Michael Drejka 20 years in NU with the species he hates most!
If I see a nigger doing something wrong, as long as it isn’t harming me or my loved ones,I ignore it!. Reread my post, that’s exactly what I said. I would never use deadly force for a non-life-threatening situation such as Michael Drejka did. You can’t provoke or antagonize the situation and then claim self defence. That is not what stand your ground means. You must be minding your own fucking business and have a life-threatening situation unleashed on you. I know the laws very well and I’m always thinking in every situation. Hopefully, the day will never come for me to have to act. But if it does, I trust that with all my knowledge, I will do the right thing at the right time.

I understand what you're saying. Much of it is a necessity because niggers and coddlers have perverted the justice system. While he got more than he bargained for, I have to disagree that words are enough to provoke someone (especially a nigger) into attacking and thus invalidate standing your ground. If Drejka had made a threatening physical move, that's one thing. Words, though, are not enough to justify someone attacking you, and I firmly believe that when someone attacks you, when someone invades your home, then all bets are off. If someone pushes you down, you don't know if he's going to bring out a gun or switchblade or knuckleduster. So I absolutely have to defend Drejka whether or not it turned out he was in mortal danger.

Also, remember that "Stand your ground" worked successfully for George Zimmerman even though he had been trailing Lil Skittles. Unfortunately two Florida juries rendered different verdicts. In that state it's a matter of being lawfully present somewhere and being in reasonable fear of bodily harm when someone attacks you, which Drejka was on both counts. He wouldn't have been lawfully there if the store had asked him to leave, but as far as I know, he hadn't been told to clear out.

My state is also SYG. Someone once backed into my car and tore the bumper off, egregiously that idiot hillbilly's fault, and he tried goading me into a fight. He had about 2 inches of height and 50 pounds of blubber on me, and we both knew I could take him before I dropped the least bit of sweat. That was exactly what he wanted. With a cop was on the way (I called), Lardass Lee Bob in overalls was trying to get me to hit him to distract the responding officer. There was no way, though, that I was going to fall for it. Maybe he even had a knife on him and would have claimed "I was in fear for my life!" I told him to throw the first punch, if he was man enough to live up to his words. Of course he wasn't, and he got three tickets for various moving violations.

05-03-2022, 10:45 PM
YES! "Thank you for freeing me, keeping me stocked up on Gibs Muh Dat and allowing me to live near you good Human Folk........."

Niggers have a metric FUCK ton of shit they need to show appreciation to humans for. Fuckin' Niggers. FUCK Niggers......

One of many A. Wyatt Mann classics:


05-04-2022, 08:58 AM
was down in NYC late last year in Queens. Was walking down the street by myself in a nice area. A nigger and its sow was coming the other way. I gave it plenty of room but it still decided to shoulder bump me as it nigged by in a message of defiance. I could have quite easily buried some lead in the fucking worthless nigger, but carried on minding my own business as no damage was done.

Never argue with niggers - ever ! Use your God given mental superiority to avoid conflict with niggers. Niggers are always the losers, don't join them, even if it is tempting sometimes !!

Maybe niggers can be a good thing and you can use them to your advantage? Use them to test your mental strength and cognitive agility on a daily basis. You may find yourself getting exceptionally good at nigger manipulation. You know how they are going to TNB from the extensive pages of Chimpout, so why not take advantage too?

05-04-2022, 09:29 AM
Why does my hate for niggers increase every day?

I was wondering about the SAME thing!!

05-04-2022, 09:33 AM
When I was younger, the only reason someone would intentionally bump into you was so they could do some pickpocketing. Whether it's that or micro aggressions, there still is no reason to let a nigger get that close to you.

The last time a nigger tried to do that to me was in Philthadelphia 40 years ago. I hit the ape in the "muh dik" area with a back kick and the primate fell back 4 feet. I then walked up to it as it was lying on the ground groaning and SPIT in it's face and told it that it should has listened to me before I kicked it in it's protruding simian jaw and knocked it out!! Good night, not so sweet primate!! Those were the days!!

05-04-2022, 11:09 AM
The last time a nigger tried to do that to me was in Philthadelphia 40 years ago. I hit the ape in the "muh dik" area with a back kick and the primate fell back 4 feet. I then walked up to it as it was lying on the ground groaning and SPIT in it's face and told it that it should has listened to me before I kicked it in it's protruding simian jaw and knocked it out!! Good night, not so sweet primate!! Those were the days!!

Could you imagine what would be done to you today? I'm not talking about a pack of niggers coming out to defend the "brutha," but local, state and federal prosecutors fighting each other over who gets to file charges. You'd probably get 5 to 10 for menacing, felony assault, deprivation of civil rights, and of course, a hate crime.

05-05-2022, 07:10 AM
Could you imagine what would be done to you today? I'm not talking about a pack of niggers coming out to defend the "brutha," but local, state and federal prosecutors fighting each other over who gets to file charges. You'd probably get 5 to 10 for menacing, felony assault, deprivation of civil rights, and of course, a hate crime.

Sadly, you are CORRECT!!

05-05-2022, 07:45 AM
You'd probably get 5 to 10 for menacing, felony assault, deprivation of civil rights, and of course, a hate crime.

Lot of nice legal work there....niggers are indeed ' good for business '

05-07-2022, 10:00 PM
I have to disagree that words are enough to provoke someone (especially a nigger) into attacking and thus invalidate standing your ground. If Drejka had made a threatening physical move, that's one thing. Words, though, are not enough to justify someone attacking you, and I firmly believe that when someone attacks you, when someone invades your home, then all bets are off. If someone pushes you down, you don't know if he's going to bring out a gun or switchblade or knuckleduster. So I absolutely have to defend Drejka whether or not it turned out he was in mortal danger.

Totally agree with the premise. But I take @Jim Crow's approach. Why, because exactly what happened to Drejka. Despite being completely in the right, and not being charged by the Sheriff,
some DA picked it up and decided to turn the tables to make a little name for himself apparently, or either he was another coon coddler.

The main thing is not to let a nigger chimp on you, I get it. Also keep in mind if there is any wiggle room, the nigs and nigger lovers will be happy to try to get you locked up and cornholed
by shitbeasts for the remainder of your days. That's the world we're living in.

Just as the McMichaels in GA were only looking out for their neighborhood when the "jogger" thief Niggerberry decided to look for something to steal.
As Niggers always do, they go for making the situation as bad as it could possibly be for no reason. Grabbing the man's weapon and getting goodified, naturally.
Were they standing their ground ? I think so. But the politics in Georgia wanted more, they paid with their lives ( in jail ) too for offing a career criminal dumbass sub simian thieving wanna be cRapper.

05-07-2022, 11:53 PM
This. All of this is why I am moving to the hills. No niggers, no problems. I'm too old to be dealing with niggers and worrying about having to defend myself not only from them, but from a traitorous legal system bought and paid for by Soros funded elected DA's.

05-14-2022, 05:04 AM
“The felony murder doctrine “is a law that make the accomplices all equally liable. They have that one in Texas too! A robber was shot to death by the gas station owner, now the getaway driver is on death row. Two fer one, I like that!

Thanks! Yep, that's what I meant. Fantastic law, and probably only introduced because of niggers.

05-14-2022, 05:08 AM
Could you imagine what would be done to you today? I'm not talking about a pack of niggers coming out to defend the "brutha," but local, state and federal prosecutors fighting each other over who gets to file charges. You'd probably get 5 to 10 for menacing, felony assault, deprivation of civil rights, and of course, a hate crime.
Sad, but true!