View Full Version : Classical Ballet soon to be enriched by muh dik

Whitey Ford
04-29-2022, 01:48 AM
Classical ballet has a diversity problem and its stars know how to fix it


As an African-American soloist with the United Kingdom’s Royal Ballet, Eric Underwood says he is often asked why the ballet world isn’t very diverse.

It’s complicated, Underwood says. Race, income, social hierarchies and other factors often conspire to create a situation that excludes people of color from serious pursuit of dance.

Maybe it's because niggers are more interested in (c)rap, muh dik and bix nood than the arts. Maybe.

Underwood and Copeland remain anomalies as people of color in ballet. Although their headline status would seem to indicate otherwise, directors and artists say there remains a reluctance to drag the art from the 19th century — when white bodies and pale clothes were its image — into the present day.


Q: Why do niggers dance so well?

A: if you spent the first nine months of your existence dodging a coathanger, you'd dance pretty well too. :lol


04-29-2022, 02:02 AM
Why do we have fine arts, uppity music, Shakespearean plays? Because art ennobles the human spirit. Immediately, niggers, are excluded, being not human, and not possessing a spirit. Well I take that back. They have evil spirits in them.

Why would I want to see a dark turd dancing with a lily white ballerina, knowing full well that it's pawing the woman, defiling her, and lusting for her with thoughts of rape. How can that be art?

How can I believe a nigger conductor? Or a monkey with wild hair playing the cello? The only Shakespeare that niggers should be allowed to do is Othello, and it could be a glorious Shakespook by the park event.

Funny, today I was listening to some uppity Beethoven music on the radio, and I was musing that the pianist isn't as talented as others. Then the piece ends, and the radio host says, it's the great American pianist Andre Watts.

Huh? Andre Watts, who is a nigger, who gets performances because, let's face it, a magic negro is like seeing a trained monkey. Before I heard it was a nigger, I knew it wasn't a good performance. So it was a "blind" test, and without fail, anything nigger is substandard.

04-30-2022, 04:32 PM
Hahaha, yep, they are going to see what happens! A few years ago the Berlin ballet had the same "problem", and the then director, a skinny former ballerina from Eastern Europe was fired because she did not take the monkeyshine and threw the niggers out when they did not perform -> German press shrieked racissss, and they fired the director since she refused to admit any wrongdoing. Haven't heard of that ballet any more since then, probably the quality deteriorated so much that it doesn't exist any more.

05-02-2022, 09:33 AM
Hahaha, yep, they are going to see what happens! A few years ago the Berlin ballet had the same "problem", and the then director, a skinny former ballerina from Eastern Europe was fired because she did not take the monkeyshine and threw the niggers out when they did not perform -> German press shrieked racissss, and they fired the director since she refused to admit any wrongdoing. Haven't heard of that ballet any more since then, probably the quality deteriorated so much that it doesn't exist any more. Quality dies among niggers.

05-02-2022, 10:27 AM
A: if you spent the first nine months of your existence dodging a coathanger, you'd dance pretty well too. :lol



05-02-2022, 10:42 AM
Classical ballet has a diversity problem and its stars know how to fix it




This is how the MSM portrays white women and white men.... Our women copulating with fucking monkeys and our men portrayed as cucks who clean up the mess.

Just try to tell me there's not a concerted effort to exterminate the White Race.... Anyone doubt it??? Just turn on the TV and wait for a commercial. Guaranteed you'll find a Burner replete with mutant shown servicing nigger monkey filth....

This is an attempt at genocide... Plain and simple.

05-02-2022, 12:02 PM


This is how the MSM portrays white women and white men.... Our women copulating with fucking monkeys and our men portrayed as cucks who clean up the mess.

Just try to tell me there's not a concerted effort to exterminate the White Race.... Anyone doubt it??? Just turn on the TV and wait for a commercial. Guaranteed you'll find a Burner replete with mutant shown servicing nigger monkey filth....

This is an attempt at genocide... Plain and simple.

My sentiments, exactly!

05-02-2022, 11:33 PM
Ballet with a nigger? Might as well call it legal rape on stage since that's what stupid people willing to pay to see that shit are going to be witnessing.

05-03-2022, 01:16 PM


This is how the MSM portrays white women and white men.... Our women copulating with fucking monkeys and our men portrayed as cucks who clean up the mess.


05-03-2022, 02:21 PM

Agreed... But that's Jimmy Cagney and that pic must be from the 1940's. Cagney was many things. A cuck would not rank high among them The media or Hollyweird would never think of foisting the crap they do now.

05-03-2022, 03:01 PM
Agreed... But that's Jimmy Cagney and that pic must be from the 1940's. Cagney was many things. A cuck would not rank high among them The media or Hollyweird would never think of foisting the crap they do now.

I'm pretty sure that's the expression he and others would have if they could see what's going on now - the rise of the nigger and the Beta male.

Jim Crow
05-03-2022, 07:07 PM
Agreed... But that's Jimmy Cagney and that pic must be from the 1940's. Cagney was many things. A cuck would not rank high among them The media or Hollyweird would never think of foisting the crap they do now.

John Wayne once said this in a playboy interview , "We can't all of a sudden get down on our knees and turn everything over to the leadership of the blacks. I believe in white supremacy until the blacks are educated to a point of responsibility."
I wonder what “the Duke” would say now that the liberals have bowed down a given niggers everything and more without merritt!

05-03-2022, 08:31 PM
John Wayne once said this in a playboy interview , "We can't all of a sudden get down on our knees and turn everything over to the leadership of the blacks. I believe in white supremacy until the blacks are educated to a point of responsibility."
I wonder what “the Duke” would say now that the liberals have bowed down a given niggers everything and more without merritt!

Sorry, Duke, but not only has that not happened but the niggers cannot be educated or assimilated, ever, and are devolving daily, acting on their savage natures with the blessing of the Libtards.