View Full Version : Arab American Heritage Month: 'Being counted as White doesn't reflect our day-to-day experiences'

Whitey Ford
04-29-2022, 12:15 AM
Well, then fuck off back to goatfuckistan asslifters!
Arab American Heritage Month: 'Being counted as White doesn't reflect our day-to-day experiences'


As the US celebrates Arab American Heritage Month, it's important to acknowledge the community's long history, which stretches to the end of the 19th century, when Arabs started to immigrate to the US to escape conflict, persecution and other hardships.

Based on the standards set by the Office of Management and Budget, there are seven categories for data on race and ethnicity: American Indian or Alaska Native, Asian, Black or African American, Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander, White, Hispanic or Latino, and non-Hispanic or Latino, according to the 2020 census program memorandum.

As a result, Arab Americans must select "White" or "other" on the census and similar data products.

Waahhhhhhhhhh! They can't scream "minority" to cash in on the gibs muh gravy train!

"We're the invisible minority. We're treated as a minority in all aspects, but we're identified as White. White isn't a minority in this country," Samer Khalaf, the national president of the American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee, a grassroots organization, told CNN.

"Because we're not counted, because we're invisible, we don't get the culturally and linguistically competent help that many other communities get, whether it's mental health resources or Covid-19 information," he added. "We don't get those resources because we're White and fall under the generic White community that doesn't get needs-based assistance."


04-29-2022, 01:48 AM
There's no such thing as Arab American. An Arab is a Muslim, except .0001%, so no, terrorists are not, and will not, be an American. If they renounce Islam, maybe there's a chance.

04-29-2022, 07:08 AM
I love the pictures!

04-29-2022, 08:48 AM
It is a curiosity indeed.

Ashkenazim Jews (which account for the majority of modern Jews) refuse to call themselves "white" but are clearly white Eastern Europeans from Georgia and it's surrounding countries. They are not Semitic people. They actually share no Hebrew (Semitic) bloodline whatsoever and freely state as much.

True Hebrew descendants amount to a tiny minority of Jews and are a Semitic people as are all Arab muzzies.

Hardly any of these Jews or mudslimes are actual (sub-Saharan) niggers unless inter-species bred. Of course, all sub-Saharan mudslimes are niggers.

All true Semitic people are white and mostly not much darker than the average European. Some are as white as my lily white ass.

Semitic Arab Mudslimes (and all of the rest of the world's muzzies) just act like nigger animals by virtue of their choices. They choose to follow their pagan moon deity that tells them to act like assholes, rape kids and beat their women.

04-29-2022, 05:03 PM
It is a curiosity indeed.

Ashkenazim Jews (which account for the majority of modern Jews) refuse to call themselves "white" but are clearly white Eastern Europeans from Georgia and it's surrounding countries. They are not Semitic people. They actually share no Hebrew (Semitic) bloodline whatsoever and freely state as much.

True Hebrew descendants amount to a tiny minority of Jews and are a Semitic people as are all Arab muzzies.

Hardly any of these Jews or mudslimes are actual (sub-Saharan) niggers unless inter-species bred. Of course, all sub-Saharan mudslimes are niggers.

All true Semitic people are white and mostly not much darker than the average European. Some are as white as my lily white ass.

Semitic Arab Mudslimes (and all of the rest of the world's muzzies) just act like nigger animals by virtue of their choices. They choose to follow their pagan moon deity that tells them to act like assholes, rape kids and beat their women.

You are right! In an attempt to understand the whole WWII, Socialism/Communism (most Marxist scholars were Jewish) stuff better, since it accumulates in our current messed up situation, I recently had the chance to talk to an (old ~80 years) rabbi. (A very far relative of mine I never met before.) I am not Jewish, so I have no idea, but he told me something similar - and imho very interesting:
He claimed that the Hebrew Jews considered themselves as the "real" Jews, in the sense of "the real ancestors of Abraham", but the Semitic (Ashkenazi Jews) as some sort of 2nd. class, because they are "white", and (at least in the past) did not speak Hebrew, but Yiddish. That could explain why & how Marxists became so engaged with mohammedans, perhaps they considered that as some sort of "payback". But as I said, I have no idea, still trying to figure out what really happened and why. If you can provide some more information, or links/book advices for further reading, I'd appreciate that very much.

Jim Crow
04-29-2022, 07:33 PM
Muzzies showed me how American they were on 9-11.They’re a different species of nigger.But still a nigger.And more of a threat than their relative the black monkey nigger from afrika.Monkey niggers need YT fo free gibbs.The muzzie nigger wants to completely delete us!

05-08-2022, 07:20 PM
Muslim cancels out white, every time. Even the ones who are actually white, like Bosnian Muslims, I will never call them my brothers and sisters because they think of themselves as Muslims first and white usually not at all.

Islam has no concept of "render unto Casear," no acceptance of separation of religion and state. A Muslim could have snow-white skin and he'd blindly support the blackest Somali Muslim nigger terrorist because muh jizzlamic bruddahood an sheeit.

05-09-2022, 07:22 PM
fuck all religions. Most religions are just cults. I hold Christian values because they are worthy of my following, but as a true atheist, I can say it's all a bunch of Hansel and Gretel fairy tale nonsense.....come on now, talking donkeys and burning bushes ??

05-09-2022, 07:40 PM
fuck all religions. Most religions are just cults. I hold Christian values because they are worthy of my following, but as a true atheist, I can say it's all a bunch of Hansel and Gretel fairy tale nonsense.....come on now, talking donkeys and burning bushes ??

Why not? We've got talking moneys smoking weed so it it really a stretch when you think about it?

Seriously though, I understand exactly where you're coming from. At one time, I considered myself to be an atheist.

05-09-2022, 09:10 PM
I'm an atheist but I would not want to be ruled by them, ever. The Chinese Communist Party, the Reign of Terror during the French Revolution, the Bolshevik terror regime...atheists have an incredibly shitty track record of running countries. An extremely smart person once observed that "if you remove religion from a society, you don't get a religion-free society, you get a real crappy secular religion ruling over you." That's absolutely right, and that crappy secular religion is usually some form of communism, economic in the case of the Bolsheviks or cultural in our current regime (AKA the cult of divershitty and nigger-worship).

I'll take Jesus worship over nigger worship any day.

05-09-2022, 11:17 PM
According to Torcaso v. Watkins (SCOTUS 1961), atheism is a religion.

Personally, I don't have a dog in this fight. I don't have a religion per se. I have a belief system with no hindrance of rules or edicts from the state or any other person or groups of people. That's never what it was supposed to be about.

Jim Crow
05-10-2022, 07:21 AM
I was raised catholic.But,I no longer follow organized religion. I believe in a higher power. I try to being an atheist for a while. Even went to one of their meetings. But I thought they were nuts! They talked about God for two hours! Lol!
Muslime ain’t even a religion. It’s a violent hateful cult! And they can never be trusted because they are brought up being programed to hate anyone else. Hell, Different types of Muslimes even kill each other!

05-10-2022, 08:19 AM
There's no such thing as Arab American. An Arab is a Muslim, except .0001%, so no, terrorists are not, and will not, be an American. If they renounce Islam, maybe there's a chance.

My sentiments, EXACTLY!!