View Full Version : Do you hate nigger dogs?

04-27-2022, 10:39 AM
We've all encountered them: pit bulls. We have seen niggers with them, and we hate niggers and their favored dogs.

Well, one person has come up with a solution:


I adopt pit bulls on Craigslist and put them down—and you should too.

Be honest: chances are that you cross the street when you see a pit bull walking toward you on the same sidewalk. Pit bulls have a well deserved reputation all over the world for being dangerous, aggressive dogs that suddenly snap for no apparent reason. I’m here to tell you the truth is even worse than previously thought.

Pit bulls have been selectively bred for bloodsport for centuries. They are genetically hardwired to kill, and to not be deterred by any amount of pain to get the kill. No amount of love and training will undo the pit bull instinct to kill. Someone thinking she’s a good owner with such a lovable muscled doggo will not prevent it from taking its blood prize the moment it sees a window of opportunity.

Even the cuddliest and most well behaved pit bull can and eventually will turn on its humans for no or little reason — like an unexpected sound, or a bout of boredom. They’ve even been known to eat their own owners for a snack, like when Virginian police discovered two pit bulls in the forest casually eating their dead owner’s rib cage (after killing her).

In 2019, pit bulls accounted for 91% of fatal dog-on-dog attacks, as well as 76% of fatal attacks on cats.

The most heart-wrenching stories are those that involve children. Pit bulls appear to have a special affinity for stalking the smallest and most innocent of children before ambushing and tearing their necks up.

How many more children must die? The time to act is yesterday.

Yesterday I was walking to my apartment when a pitbull tried to attack me for no fucking reason at all. It wasn't until I pulled my revolver out of my pocket that the owner reined in the niggerdog. Fuck those things, fuck pitbull owners, and fuck niggers.

Jim Crow
04-27-2022, 03:58 PM
A dog is a dog.I love dogs.I hate niggers!Niggers should not be allowed to own a loyal animal,such as a dog.Niggers abuse,ruin and destroy all they touch,When an animal is abused,it has no choice but to become vicious.

04-27-2022, 04:44 PM
i really hate them.
they cant breathe so how can they constitute part of a demographic.
they dont have rights and they try to impose rights on other people that dont exist...
fuck all of them and fuck their illiteracy, fuck their rationale and fuck their mediocre psychiatry aspirations.

owning dogs is for psychiatrically coherent people to them but they are not people.... that is why i hate them

Tell it like it is
04-27-2022, 07:09 PM
Seems to me, pits and niggers have a lot in common.....Stupid ass liberals find one or two that can behave for two minutes and then forget that the group as a whole is made up of useless, murdering savages. I am a lover of most all animals, but pits push the limit for me. As a devout cat lover, I applaude, even rejoice at the death of any creature that harms them for no reason. This may not be a popular opinion, but that's just me, and I make no apology. Pits may be bad due to nigger influence, but bad is still bad....just add them to the list of things niggers have fouled up beyond repair.

04-27-2022, 08:15 PM
I only see them as what they are and treat them accordingly. Why would I waste my hate on an animal? Hate is earned through actions. Would it do you any good to get worked up emotionally by hating spiders, snakes, or dogs? No. You deal with them as a problem when they become problems. While I have zero tolerance for some of them, I don't hate any animals including niggers. There is a difference between hate and finding an animal detestable.

As long as the animal minds it's business and leaves me to mine, I will not kill the snake, swat the wasp or concern myself with a pit bull until it becomes my problem. The fact is that 99% of all niggers tend to make themselves our problem. They are a pest species and should be treated as such preferably through relocation. Gators get relocated to their natural swamp habitat when they encroach on human territory. Likewise, niggers, being an invasive species, should all be relocated to Africa where they belong. The ones that have proven violent, like pit bulls, should be euthanized. Any form of quick euthanization is humane. No one should care if a person kills a violent dog that attacks a human . Why should anyone care if it happens to any other animal.

If a nigger or anyone else hurts you, your family, your friends or neighbors, then by all means, break out the hate. Otherwise, they are pest to be controlled. Like the cockroach, you can't eradicate them. It's both impossible and illegal.

04-27-2022, 10:26 PM
I don't agree with this, personally. It's not the dogs' fault, it's the niggers' fault.

04-28-2022, 03:11 AM
Woah... what is going on here?

I thought sites like this were just echo chambers where the members would circle jerk each other and all forms of dissent were ruthlessly squashed.

Granted, the freedom of speech does not necessarily mean freedom from consequences when saying unpopular things, especially in communities that are known to have certain viewpoints, like this one, but I'm shocked. Shocked, I say.

I would have thought sites like this would be more like CNN where a certain viewpoint is expressed and nobody is allowed to disagree. I mean, they don't even allow comments like Fox News, and Twitter used to shadowban and outright censor people, and legitimate news sources that engaged in thoughtcrime were accused of spreading misinformation.

It is disturbing when one can observe folks in this type of community engaging in free speech. I didn't think that was allowed in the USA anymore.

I was pretty sure that Biden issued an executive order declaring the Constitution of the United States of America null and void.

I aint bin dun did dat!
04-28-2022, 06:13 AM
I have a 14 yr old pit bull. I love that dog. I get it though.

Jim Crow
04-28-2022, 06:57 AM
I have a 14 yr old pit bull. I love that dog. I get it though.

I’ve got a young pit/hound mix.Most intelligent obedient dog ever! A dog is the product of their environment, how they were raised and how they were trained.Niggers are savage destructive and unruly. And thats what their dogs become.

04-28-2022, 07:59 AM
Hmm, I don't agree: Animals are animals, they can always become dangerous, it is the owners responsibility and duty to educate them and to step in if needed. If someone is to blame, it's the owner. That said, since niggers are definitely more animal than human, to my mind the guidance should be modified by replacing "pit bulls" with "shitbeast"

04-28-2022, 12:28 PM
That said, since niggers are definitely more animal than human, to my mind the guidance should be modified by replacing "pit bulls" with "shitbeast":

A definite improvement.


Chimp Detester
04-28-2022, 12:34 PM
I am a dog-love (own a lab)r, but I also stay away from pit bulls and, of course, filthy niggers, which are very dangerous on their own, without the pitbulls. Far more danegerous with any dog breed. And then there is the fact that all male niggers without exception will muhdick anything it comes near, so their dogs are always victims. And the filthy female nigger so-rillas also take the dogs' muhdick in their muhkoochie and/or their rear end. Some experts even wonder if a sow can become pregnant from having sex with another animal. (Niggers are animals.)

Odin's balls
04-28-2022, 03:31 PM
I had a pit. She was a big silly soppy sweetheart.

Dogs are a product of their environment.

04-28-2022, 10:19 PM
I would have thought sites like this would be more like CNN where a certain viewpoint is expressed and nobody is allowed to disagree. I mean, they don't even allow comments like Fox News, and Twitter used to shadowban and outright censor people, and legitimate news sources that engaged in thoughtcrime were accused of spreading misinformation.

I invite you to stick around and continue to see how truly open this forum is. There are certain limits to what can be said, e.g. we don't tolerate flaming someone, and there is the one required commonality of hating niggers. There are no "acceptable" niggers, no "useful" ones, just filthy vile beastly niggers that need to be sent back to Africa for the good of all mankind.

We have members mainly from the U.S., but also from Europe. Caucasians, Asians, Hispanics. We have all kinds of professions and skills represented here. This is like the friendly neighborhood pub where everyone's welcome, so long as you're not a nigger. See how a bunch of us can disagree on a topic like pit bulls? Say something either way on a less tolerant site, and suddenly 20 people can jump down your throat.

04-28-2022, 10:22 PM
I had a pit. She was a big silly soppy sweetheart.

Dogs are a product of their environment.

I'll chime in just to say that this is my opinion as well.

My heart breaks when dogs are seized from niggers after being trained to fight. At that point they've been so abused that nothing remains but putting the poor pups down, as gently and quietly as possible.

04-29-2022, 12:47 AM
I've always loved animals. Dogs, the most. I won't support anything that categorically advocates for the destruction of one breed. I've met many sweet pit bulls. All responsibility is with the owner. Yes, pit bulls, fighting breeds, even terriers have a mean streak. That's their nature, bred into them by selection of the desirable traits. It's not their fault.

Having a pit bull, with a young child, is in my opinion, irresponsible. But I will not condemn all pitbulls. Again, those that are bred to fight and kill, it's the owners who are 100% culpable if something goes wrong. Dogfighting is illegal and a crime and is taken seriously by District attorneys. Naturally, I hold the owners also responsible for having other dogs for their pitbulls to kill. The thought of that saddens and infuriates me.

Finally: adopting an animal, only to kill it because of your beliefs, may be a crime. Obtaining pitbulls, or any other breed, under false pretenses, shows the intent of actually harming the animals. There will be no more calls or exhortation to adopt and then killing any animal.