View Full Version : Niggerpotomis who shot motorist did make it good...

04-26-2022, 08:14 PM
The nigger overweight cop that batwinged the driver after a high speed chase did the world a favor. The driver was NOT white, but was a stupid nigger. After the high speed chase probably crawled out his ride with his sealphone (yes, seals are also black when wet). The obese nig cop batwinged him, and did not even realize she chased the nigger into another county, and had NO JURISDICTION. What a dumbass obese nigger, but she was already fired from two previous police departments for unknown reasons (probably ate all the time). She is already bonded out, and will probably gain another ton of blubber while sitting home waiting for her manslaughter trial. I would rather call it niggslaughter by cop, which is a good thang (she was jusdified, he broke da law). The nig victim worked at a chicken slaughter house, cuttin up dead chittin carcusses, for the burger/fast food industry. A nignuggit engineer I would call him.

Her past performance was poor, her IQ is probably .01, weighs 330 pounds, can barely walk, has no idea what planet she is on, was probably overcome by hunger painz, but yet she was allowed to be a token cop! The town has a population of less than 1000 residents, so they was desperate for a black token cop to keep all the other nigs in line. Running a stop sign trying to get to work to keep the nignuggit line moving doesn't seem to be very important enough for a high speed chase and batwing, but you know how angry niggs get when they can't get their nignuggits (or sauce).

She is the perfect token in every way, and is a credit to her race, I think she should be reinstated with honors. Maybe we could take up a collection and build a statue of her, if there is enough room in S. Carolina somwhere.


FOR 3RD SHIFT-Must have a suspended liscense, be able
to run stop siigns, red lights and speed at 100 plus miles an
hour to get to work. Fried chittin experience a PLUS.

This spell check is a drag,................Peace Brothers!

Tar Remover
04-26-2022, 10:14 PM
This is good news. I always enjoy a 2-for........ 1 set of batwings and one scholarship to NU.

04-27-2022, 02:20 AM
HTML Link? Or even a name?

I mean, it's a story that hits me right in the feels, but when I tell people in real life about this kind of stuff, I like it when verifiable facts are on my side.