View Full Version : Infrared soap dispensers are racist

07-14-2017, 10:37 AM
‘Racist’ soap dispensers in public bathrooms are not giving up their soap for black people, according to a viral Youtube video.

The revelation could come as a relief for countless darker-skinned people if thought they were going mad or being ignored.

An African-American guest at a sci-fi convention in Atlanta did a test at the Atlanta Marriott, along with his white friend, to prove the soap dispensers would not recognise dark skin.



justin igger
07-14-2017, 11:04 AM
Who ever heard of a nigger using soap...or even washing it's paws?

07-14-2017, 12:10 PM
Nothing was ever said about this before. Automatic soap dispensers have been around a long time now. fairly obvious this is the first time a monkey has ever attempted to wash its paws. Probably just copying its white "friend".

Moolie Mook
07-14-2017, 02:07 PM
Who ever heard of a nigger using soap...or even washing it's paws?

This was my immediate thought!

Nothing was ever said about this before. Automatic soap dispensers have been around a long time now.

Just like the muzzies with their 5-times-a-day prayer crap. 15 years ago, you never heard a word about that. Now, to even THINK that muzzies shouldn't be given special privileges to lift their asses on their employer's time...


Cracka Jack
07-14-2017, 05:30 PM
It all started when we let them sit wherever they want on the bus.

07-14-2017, 10:29 PM
A little AI (artificial intelligence) on a chip would be greatly appreciated here. Just like the squeeky voice in a kids doll the chip could say, "who the fuck are your trying to kid you blue gum monkey?"