View Full Version : Why are liberal women defending them?

04-25-2022, 12:53 PM
I have been wondering about this one for a while.

I'm of South Asian descent, so definitely not a white supremacist. I live in Europe. I'm up-to-date about this whole woke culture thing where "diversity" is celebrated.

What leaves me flabbergasted is the attitude of liberal western women towards the so-called white male. Why are liberal women so hateful?

In my opinion the so-called white male created an utopia for their women. Think about it. Where in the world are women courted as they are in the West? Where in the world can women walk out at night alone, without being harassed, assaulted and even raped? Where in the world can a woman openly attack a man without having the living hell slapped out of her? Where in the world do women have the freedom to go and stand where ever and whenever they please? Where in the world can women shop in places with abundance of food and clothing? Where do women not have to worry about a threat from outside? Nowhere except the West for a long while with Asia also catching up.

These women in my opinion are so ungrateful. They have such sheltered lives full of luxury. High quality foods, luxury appliances, cars, clean water, electricity, shopping malls, smartphones, computers. I could go on and on but what do these luxury items have in common? They were all created by the white man in order to provide with the highest quality of life as possible.

These women should honestly be singing songs of praise for white men as they enabled their comfortable life. Instead they attack and complain about what essentially are non-issues. These women don't know how grateful they should be. Now these dumb vapid bored cunts are taking sides with the two greatest threats of their own lives of luxury, niggers and muslims.

Niggers are the absolute dumbest and useless creatures I've ever seen in my life. I can write a library full of this but I'll limit myself to the topic at hand, what have niggers done for women? The answer is they worsened their quality of life. Because niggers popularized calling women bitches and hoes and other forms of degradations. Niggers actively contribute to this so called objectification of women liberals hate whereas white men perform civilized courtship.

Just listen to that obnoxious rap "music". It's all about killing, doings drugs and raping women. Niggers ruin safety for women. There is a direct correlation between the amount of niggers and the amount of crime and rape in a neighborhood. Niggers can't control themselves. Ever seen how they act when in proximity of an attractive human woman? They start licking their lips and start grabbing their own crotch. It's fucking disgusting.

I've yet to see a nigger contribute to society. I've never seen a nigger in college and I've never seen a nigger at work either. It's all white men and (South) Asians. Whenever I see niggers working they only go through the motions. There is no pride in their work. Niggers only take pride in being lazy. All the humans I know would be embarrassed when they don't have a job and needed handouts but niggers are proud when they do. I can't wrap my head around it.

So in short, nigger ruin the comfortable lives of women, so why are they so called liberal feminists siding with them?

Then we have the muslims. I can't think of any other religion that is so hostile towards women as islam. Their prophet raped, pillaged and had sex slaves. He was a pedophile raping little girls. In islam a woman can't do anything without approval of their father or husband. They are only there to bear children. Other than that it's no issue to treat them as if they were subhuman. They basically are not so different from a house appliance such as a broom. Where you use a broom to sweep, you use a women to bear children. That's it. As a woman you aren't allowed to go anywhere other than the stores. You aren't allowed to dancem or sing. You aren't allowed to read and learn.

The attitude of the muslim male towards non-muslims and especially white women are that they are objects to be conquered by rape. Ever notice how disrespectful the older muslims are towards white women? They see women, especially white women as lesser and they make no secret of it.

So again, what makes it that these liberal women are so ferociously defending them?

In short: The white man created the lifestyles of luxury for western women. Niggers and muslims however impose a direct threat to this lifestyle. So why are liberal women defending tthese animals? To make things worse there are increasingly numbers of liberal Asian women contributing to this nonsense. I'm fearful for the future if this goes on.

Tar Remover
04-25-2022, 01:39 PM
Because liberals are mentally defective trash. That's why.

04-26-2022, 12:40 AM
Well written and spot on, friend.

We didn't get this way without attack from the inside. We didn't get attacked without warning either.

The problem with Western women is rooted in Western men, who refuse to man up and be good fathers, husbands, providers, and leaders both in and out of the home. These men have abdicated their positions of authority when they stopped taking responsibility for the fiscal, emotional and spiritual well being of their families. Yes, most Western Women are leaving less and less to be desired as help mates and mothers to men but it is the responsibility of men to ensure that this doesn't happen in human society the way it does with niggers.

“Hard times create strong men. Strong men create good times. Good times create weak men. And, weak men create hard times.”
― G. Michael Hopf, Those Who Remain

We're at the end of the current cycle and I'm afraid it's not just in the West. I'm also sad to say that I believe it will also be the last cycle - at least for the next thousand years.

04-26-2022, 03:20 AM
You will fit right in. Consider joining us.

04-26-2022, 05:25 AM
Welcome and thank you!

Just nit picking here, but those so called 'liberal' err 'women' are not liberal at all. They are trained hard left communist robots. Not sure they're 'women' either. That would be an insult to real women.

And, yes, like everyone else stated, you wrote it well.

Hey, think of joining?

Jim Crow
04-26-2022, 07:22 AM
First of all, the thing you must keep in mind is that liberalism is a mental disorder. And a mentally ill woman will do things that you will not understand because they are not in their right mind. To me,a mental liberal disorder is like a terminal disease. But,one where I do not pity the victim,I loathe them!
We call niggerloving whores “Mudsharks”.They once had a choice.But,once contaminated,they are better off dead. So if they want to sleep with a disrespectful monkey that will assault, give them pain and eventually kill them.By all means, I’m for them doing it so I can sit back and laugh while saying”Good riddence”!

04-26-2022, 10:35 AM
Spot on, you are absolutely right!! I agree with everything you said!
Feminist Ants.jpeg (http://www.chimpout.org/forum/attachment.php?attachmentid=19584&d=1650983693)

Blue Gum
04-26-2022, 02:45 PM
Because liberals are mentally defective trash. That's why.

I'd like to add...."Godless" to the liberal description, oh they'll deny it, BUT for someone to be on the side of Left-wing ideas...like The Majority of the democrapic party, you ARE Godless....I'm of course using The Bible (KJV) as the measure....its a Joke when I hear.." oh, Joe-blow biden is a strong catholic...lol (this isnt the right forum for me to let you know what I think of the catholic church. 2 words: pedophilia and paganistuc....

Tar Remover
04-26-2022, 07:05 PM
Spot on, you are absolutely right!! I agree with everything you said!
Feminist Ants.jpeg (http://www.chimpout.org/forum/attachment.php?attachmentid=19584&d=1650983693):rofl:rofl:rofl