View Full Version : How woke are you?

Eye H8 Niggers
04-25-2022, 12:15 AM
Here is a simple multiple choice quiz to test your wokeness. Each A answer is worth 10 points, each B answer is 5 points, and each C answer is worth negative 100 points. Any final score less than zero (0) is a failing grade. There are only 9 questions. Choose wisely.

* You are at a gas station and a nigger walks up to you and "axes" you if it can borrow a dollar. In response, you:
A. Tell it to fuck off and commit suicide.
B. Give it a money tract. (Fake $20 with a bible quote on it)
C. Give it all of the cash in your wallet.

* You notice that your nigger coworker is breaking the rules, so you decide to:
A. Snitch on the nigger.
B. Extort the nigger for money in exchange for your silence, but you snitch on it anyway after receiving the first cash payment.
C. Do nothing because you don't want to be perceived as racist.

* You are in line at the deli counter at the supermarket when the nigger in front of you has a heart attack, so you:
A. Start laughing.
B. Step over it and place an order for some lunch meats.
C. Give it CPR.

* You hear a loud knock at your door, and when you look at your camera you see a nigger covered in blood. It is begging for help, so you:
A. Get your 12 gauge shotgun and wait for it to go away.
B. Ignore it.
C. Open the door and get murdered by a nigger.

* You see a strange nigger driving around in your neighborhood, so you:
A. Get the license plate numbers/letters, and call the police. It probably has warrants out for its arrest.
B. Make sure your gun is locked and loaded, just in case you need to defend yourself, your family, your house, or your neighborhood, but you will not instigate anything.
C. Open your garage door, leave all of your doors unlocked, and then head to a gay bar so some nigger can fuck you in the ass without lube and give you AIDS.

* You are in a supermarket and you see a nigger sow beating one it's niglets, so you:
A. Make a video recording and submit it to WorldstarHipHop.
B. Call the police.
C. Do nuffins. It be dey cultcha.

* A car is parked on the side of the road with the hood raised. As you slow down, you notice that the passenger is a nigger, so you:
A. Speed up and pretend you saw nothing.
B. Slow down even more and give the nigger the middle finger. Then speed up and pretend you saw nothing.
C. Pull over and try to help them out, only to realize, too late, that it was all a trick to get you to lower your defenses. You are now dead. Subtract an additional 300 points from your score. Around blacks, never relax.

* You have reported a nigger coworker to your boss several times for eating the food that you brought in from home for lunch, but they refuse to do anything, so you:
A. Make a point of publicly humiliating the nigger in front of its coworkers.
B. Add a food item to your sandwiches that the nigger is allergic to but has no effect on you.
C. Put poison in your food. This is illegal. Don't do it.

* A nigger is asking you to donate money to a charity that helps niggers, so you:
A. Lie and tell it that you already donated thousands of dollars to BLM Global, and you want to know why they are buying multi-million dollar mansions instead of using the money to help black people.
B. Laugh and tell it to eat shit and live.
C. Give it cash.

Did you pass the wokeness test? Congratulations!

Jim Crow
04-25-2022, 07:25 AM
I pretty much aced that one!All A answers! And I agree with some of the b answers too! All the c answers were for liberal pussies! If I were hiring again, I would have my employees take that questionnaire. Any score less than a 45 would be failure.

04-25-2022, 10:31 AM
This should be a 2 part question worth 15 points.

* You see a strange nigger driving around in your neighborhood, so you:
A. Get the license plate numbers/letters, and call the police. It probably has warrants out for its arrest.
B. Make sure your gun is locked and loaded, just in case you need to defend yourself, your family, your house, or your neighborhood, but you will not instigate anything.
C. Open your garage door, leave all of your doors unlocked, and then head to a gay bar so some nigger can fuck you in the ass without lube and give you AIDS.

I aint bin dun did dat!
04-25-2022, 12:04 PM
I got an 80. Had to answer B on those last 2.

Tar Remover
04-25-2022, 01:45 PM
There were a couple that I liked the B answer better than the A........ But aced it all the same.

04-26-2022, 10:06 AM
Oh, no! I failed! I gave all my money to a nigger.
And my back side will never be the same.

That was funny. Thanks for the laugh.

05-15-2022, 03:10 PM
Great quiz! I laughed while reading and thinking about the stupid niggers in those situations, which luckily are all fictional to me, it would be hard living if I had to face niggers in so many situations in daily life. Especially the "co-worker is a nigger" question made me think that first thing I would do is to change workplace if I am working with niggers and boss thinks thats right way to do things.

However, I answered C to one of the questions;I dont give a damn if a nigger is beating the shit out of its nigglet, niggers can curb stomp their nigglets for all I care, I am not going to interfere with nigger-nigger relations except maybe call securite to throw them apes away from the store to do their matters elsewhere.

05-15-2022, 04:36 PM
However, I answered C to one of the questions;I dont give a damn if a nigger is beating the shit out of its nigglet, niggers can curb stomp their nigglets for all I care, I am not going to interfere with nigger-nigger relations except maybe call securite to throw them apes away from the store to do their matters elsewhere.

I almost could answer C, but I'd make a video to upload to Rumble for the world's entertainment, and I'd call the police in the hope the niggeress will get arrested.

05-16-2022, 07:53 AM
* You are at a gas station and a nigger walks up to you and "axes" you if it can borrow a dollar. In response, you:
D. Get a stack of loan applications from your bank and keep them in your car. Tell the nigger yes and hand it the loan application. Tell the nigger to fill it out and mail it in. Walk away while the nigger is still scratching it's hayed.

* You notice that your nigger coworker is breaking the rules, so you decide to:
D. Tell the nigger that rules are only suggestions and that no-one really expects anyone to keep any of them, especially it's boss. Tell him that if the boss catches him, he should punch him. If he doesn't get fired and arrested, the boss and the business deserves whatever they get for hiring him in the first place. Deny ever talking to the nigger.

* You are in line at the deli counter at the supermarket when the nigger in front of you has a heart attack, so you:'
D. Leave immediately. The nigger will soon soil itself upon goodification. Now it's got shit on the deli floor. You don't ever want to shop at that store again. That store attracted niggers anyway.

* You hear a loud knock at your door, and when you look at your camera you see a nigger covered in blood. It is begging for help, so you:
D. If the nigger is clearly unarmed, use a fire hose. This will get rid of the blood and the nigger. If it appears armed, call 911 and let the professional wranglers handle the situation unless it tries to break in. Then you will need both the shotgun and the fire hose before the wranglers show up.

* You see a strange nigger driving around in your neighborhood, so you:
D. Remote controlled spike strips followed by a 911 call from an old phone with no sim card or use a burner. Let the professional wranglers deal with it.

* You are in a supermarket and you see a nigger sow beating one it's niglets, so you:
D. Tell the nigger that it is doing a good job at parenting and encourage it to do it more. Two things can happen at this point. The snigglet might actually behave or the snigglet will eventually be beaten to goodness. Either is good but the latter is better.

* A car is parked on the side of the road with the hood raised. As you slow down, you notice that the passenger is a nigger, so you:
D. Call 911 and report a "motorist" in distress. Let the professional nigger wranglers handle it. It probably has warrants.

* You have reported a nigger coworker to your boss several times for eating the food that you brought in from home for lunch, but they refuse to do anything, so you:
D. Make an appointment with a urologist during working hours. Piss in an empty apple juice bottle. Place the bottle inside a heavy ziploc bag. Place the ziploc bag into a plain paper lunch bag. Label the paper bag with your name. When the bag disappears, loudly tell the boss that someone has stolen your urine sample so that the whole office will hear the exchange. Explain that you have an appointment and must bring your overnight sample. Be angry.

Seriously, though, never share a refrigerator with a nigger. Ever. Get a mini-fridge. Bring a cooler or anything but don't let a nigger cross contaminate your food.

* A nigger is asking you to donate money to a charity that helps niggers, so you:
D. Explain that you already gave at the office through your payroll taxes. Walk away and let them figure it out.

Always let the professional nigger wranglers deal with niggers whenever possible. The have specialized training, tools and qualified immunity from civil liability. It's what you pay taxes for.