View Full Version : Fed Up Store Owner Boots Teenaper Face First Into Beverage Case

Ray Cizzums
04-22-2022, 08:49 PM
Here's the feel good video of the week. Enjoy.....



04-22-2022, 08:58 PM
Does that ever put a smile on my face....

Jim Crow
04-22-2022, 09:26 PM
Very sweet!Too bad it’s nappy head didn’t go through the case glass!

Ray Cizzums
04-23-2022, 12:31 PM
Very sweet!Too bad it’s nappy head didn’t go through the case glass!

That little spook will feel the footsteps coming up behind him, next time he gets the urge to steal.
Violence is the only thing they understand. Clerk should have grabbed it like a suitcase, opened the door
with it's face, and heaved it into the gutter.

04-23-2022, 03:09 PM
Here's the feel good video of the week. Enjoy.....



I'm having an annoying day, dealing with civilized, human problems, and watching this put a big smile on my face too! Thanks!

That guy didn't even have to soil his hands with nigger funk. Just booted it right in its black ass. :lol

Tar Remover
04-23-2022, 04:40 PM

I feel GOOOOOOD!!!!!!

04-23-2022, 05:38 PM
I just watched this for the 3rd time and went from merely smiling to laughing out loud and I feel really good now. Beautiful! :lol

Ray Cizzums
04-23-2022, 06:25 PM
I'm having an annoying day, dealing with civilized, human problems, and watching this put a big smile on my face too! Thanks!

That guy didn't even have to soil his hands with nigger funk. Just booted it right in its black ass. :lol
I'm walking on sunshine, whoa woa ! :lol

04-23-2022, 09:43 PM
It would have been better if the nigger was brought to a place without a camera. Thieving nigger. Ooops, that's redundant.

04-24-2022, 10:22 AM
I hope the glass was okay after having a nigger coconut noggin slammed into it.

04-24-2022, 11:58 AM
I hope the glass was okay after having a nigger coconut noggin slammed into it.

A little Goo Gone will clean up the grease smear.

04-24-2022, 12:25 PM
Here's the feel good video of the week. Enjoy.....



That MADE my day!!

04-24-2022, 05:16 PM
It would have been better if the nigger was brought to a place without a camera. Thieving nigger. Ooops, that's redundant.

For sure the stringy, thieving coal-black buck deserved a real beatdown, but OTOH, we would have been deprived of the pleasure we got from seeing it kicked in its monkey ass.

I wonder if the nigger got Ben Crump on the case and if the storeowner has gone to prison for abusing a poor, deprived nigger? "He dint haf ta kick the boi. He cud of jes' axed him politely to leave."

AR Patriot
04-26-2022, 12:08 PM
I guarantee you that store owner (i.e., the ass-kicker) is an Arab. I married into the Arab culture (don't worry…Christian not Muslim). Arab men don't typically put up with this race-pandering bullshit.

05-03-2022, 11:20 PM
I wish I could have done this at my old job. I saw on camera a nigger opening a bottle, taking a drink and putting it back. There was another nigger that was banned from the store that came in anyway. He was giving the other manager shit and opened an unpaid drink and started drinking it. The cops were called and later I saw a letter from the police asking about the details. One of the questions was "what do you think their punishment should be?" I thought hanging him up by his ankles and beating him like a pinata in a town square would have been appropriate. Thoughts? But I digress, this video makes me smile. If more people did this they'd be less of a problem.

05-04-2022, 06:15 AM
Now that's a true feel good video right there, only wish there were more frequent to be honest.

Jim Crow
05-04-2022, 01:46 PM
I wish I could have done this at my old job. I saw on camera a nigger opening a bottle, taking a drink and putting it back. There was another nigger that was banned from the store that came in anyway. He was giving the other manager shit and opened an unpaid drink and started drinking it. The cops were called and later I saw a letter from the police asking about the details. One of the questions was "what do you think their punishment should be?" I thought hanging him up by his ankles and beating him like a pinata in a town square would have been appropriate. Thoughts? But I digress, this video makes me smile. If more people did this they'd be less of a problem.
I think nigger thieves should be punished the same as thieves in the Saudi Arabia. Paw amputation!

Ray Cizzums
05-04-2022, 01:54 PM
I think nigger thieves should be punished the same as thieves in the Saudi Arabia. Paw amputation!

Jailhouse converts to Islam have no idea what would be in store for sticky fingered negroes,
if they were in a real Muslim country. They'd all be called Lefty by age 10, and Stump by
age 11. Plus their balls would be removed to prevent muh dikkin.

Jim Crow
05-04-2022, 01:59 PM
Jailhouse converts to Islam have no idea what would be in store for sticky fingered negroes,
if they were in a real Muslim country. They'd all be called Lefty by age 10, and Stump by
age 11. Plus their balls would be removed to prevent muh dikkin.

And I wouldn’t consider that a bad thing!

05-04-2022, 02:35 PM
One of the questions was "what do you think their punishment should be?"

Since public stockades and corporal punishment are sadly now deemed cruel or unusual punishment, I would have petitioned that after restitution, the punishment should include public humiliation. A few hours standing outside a business wearing a sandwich board stating "I STOLE FROM THIS ESTABLISHMENT!" in giant letters for the world to see would set an example at least.

I would even give the perpetrator a choice - the max time allowable in jail or a fraction of it standing in the elements looking like the nigger fool it is. Make them pay for a portashitter rental and bring their own food.

Ray Cizzums
05-04-2022, 08:49 PM
Since public stockades and corporal punishment are sadly now deemed cruel or unusual punishment, I would have petitioned that after restitution, the punishment should include public humiliation. A few hours standing outside a business wearing a sandwich board stating "I STOLE FROM THIS ESTABLISHMENT!" in giant letters for the world to see would set an example at least.
Go on, dare me to do this : 19688

05-04-2022, 09:56 PM
Go on, dare me to do this : 19688

https://external-content.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.reactiongifs.com%2Fr%2F2012%2F 12%2Ftriple-dog.gif&f=1&nofb=1

Jim Crow
05-05-2022, 07:01 AM
Never can get enough of that one! I sent it to my phone in a text and I’ll showed it to a few of my customers. Everyone loves it! But, I can’t help but think “did the clerk get in trouble for that?” I hope not.

05-05-2022, 10:23 AM
Since public stockades and corporal punishment are sadly now deemed cruel or unusual punishment, I would have petitioned that after restitution, the punishment should include public humiliation. A few hours standing outside a business wearing a sandwich board stating "I STOLE FROM THIS ESTABLISHMENT!" in giant letters for the world to see would set an example at least.

I would even give the perpetrator a choice - the max time allowable in jail or a fraction of it standing in the elements looking like the nigger fool it is. Make them pay for a portashitter rental and bring their own food.

Nonsense. Maybe that would teach the niggers a lesson. :lol


05-05-2022, 12:55 PM
Nonsense. Maybe that would teach the niggers a lesson. :lol



Milk chortle accomplished and best work ever, Diva!

05-05-2022, 02:08 PM
Never can get enough of that one! I sent it to my phone in a text and I’ll showed it to a few of my customers. Everyone loves it! But, I can’t help but think “did the clerk get in trouble for that?” I hope not.

If this ever got to widespread release, that guy probably has been charged with assault. Nigger stealing, the liberal monkey handlers will say, was reparations, they grew up with that culture, it's just a few dollars, and all that nonsense. It's actually best not to have video coverage in cases niggers are slammed for being niggers.

That Ahmaud Arbery case, had the 3rd guy not produced his cell phone video (to prove his non-involvement), nothing would have happened. At that time I thought we're about to get a Cat 5 chimpout. Then nigger Floyd happened, so we got Cat 5++ chimpout.

Jim Crow
05-05-2022, 02:30 PM
If this ever got to widespread release, that guy probably has been charged with assault. Nigger stealing, the liberal monkey handlers will say, was reparations, they grew up with that culture, it's just a few dollars, and all that nonsense. It's actually best not to have video coverage in cases niggers are slammed for being niggers.

That Ahmaud Arbery case, had the 3rd guy not produced his cell phone video (to prove his non-involvement), nothing would have happened. At that time I thought we're about to get a Cat 5 chimpout. Then nigger Floyd happened, so we got Cat 5++ chimpout.

I don’t know why the store allowed for the video to be released. I wouldn’t have! I miss the 80s when there was no video.

05-05-2022, 03:40 PM
I don’t know why the store allowed for the video to be released. I wouldn’t have! I miss the 80s when there was no video.

I'm torn on the CCTV. In the last few weeks I watched a show where three violent criminiggers - one who kidnapped, raped and murdered an old lady, and another one who knuckled up to an innocent human in his driveway working on his car ("Mistaken identification" by the nigger) and shot him twice in the head which was all filmed, and the third who murdered a woman in her apartment and walked away - got wrangled after their doings were tracked by all the surveillance cameras in the areas. The police said without the camera footage they would never have caught the feral bucks.

Those cameras have ID'd so many niggers in the act of committing their endless crimes.

Jim Crow
05-05-2022, 04:36 PM
I'm torn on the CCTV. In the last few weeks I watched a show where three violent criminiggers - one who kidnapped, raped and murdered an old lady, and another one who knuckled up to an innocent human in his driveway working on his car ("Mistaken identification" by the nigger) and shot him twice in the head which was all filmed, and the third who murdered a woman in her apartment and walked away - got wrangled after their doings were tracked by all the surveillance cameras in the areas. The police said without the camera footage they would never have caught the feral bucks.

Those cameras have ID'd so many niggers in the act of committing their endless crimes.

At least I know what to do in my driveway. I’d shoot out the fucking camera first! Act second. Then replace it with one of the spares I have in the garage.Lol!

05-05-2022, 05:25 PM
When you are being attacked in your home, work, in public, and you're not prepared, best to have a video record. But if you have the upper hand, turn it off! Self defense is your right, unless you are in liberal shitholes.

Jim Crow
05-05-2022, 05:28 PM
When you are being attacked in your home, work, in public, and you're not prepared, best to have a video record. But if you have the upper hand, turn it off! Self defense is your right, unless you are in liberal shitholes.

My exact thoughts. Especially if you have to use deadly force. Dead beasts tell no tales!

Ray Cizzums
05-05-2022, 08:25 PM
https://external-content.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.reactiongifs.com%2Fr%2F2012%2F 12%2Ftriple-dog.gif&f=1&nofb=1

If I ever get bad news from the doctor, I'm going all in on the sandwich board,
with a little surprise underneath for those who object....

Jim Crow
05-05-2022, 09:07 PM
If I ever get bad news from the doctor, I'm going all in on the sandwich board,
with a little surprise underneath for those who object....

Those are my exact sentiments. Only with my luck the dr will say he misdiagnosed me the day after I’m convicted!