View Full Version : Pizza be rauciss!

Jim Crow
04-20-2022, 02:13 PM
Good pizza is hard to find here in Florida. So when I work next to a NY Pizzeria that makes good pizza I take advantage of it. So, I had pizza twice this week. And one day while I was sitting eating my two slices and drinking my Pepsi, this is what happened.
A dumb stupid ass knuckle dragging idiot nigger comes in to pick up an extra large pie to go. Weather is getting ready to storm outside as it frequently does here in FL. Windy, rainy, then sunny again! Anyway, upon walking out,nigger is holding it’s pie proudly with it’s paw under the box.The other paw was on it’s muh dick.
So, large gust of wind comes and grabs the pizza.Nigger sandwiches the box tightly with it’s other paw and the box folds up making a mess of the contents. As you’d expect,I’m laughing at this stupid motherfuckering baboon lipped shit skin nigger standing there looking silly.
The nigger beast walks back in and starts demanding the girl at the register to”gives me anutha pee-za or muh money back fore I go crazy in this muthafugga!” The two paisanos making pizza weren’t thrilled to hear this shit skinned beast treating their counter girl like that!
The bigger of the 2 the pizza guys got in the nigger’s face and made it apologize to girl. Shit skin certainly changed his tune quick when he saw the size of that boy’s bicep! It started crying and saying that it couldn’t afford another pizza and that they wouldn’t help him because they didn’t like blacks.Of course that wasn’t the case.
At this point they wanted nigger boy gone,So, they took it’s fucking pizza, they added a little cheese to it, touched it up,let it cook for a few min and gave it back to the nig in new box. And the big man also told them monkeyshine “no coma back here ifa you gonna acta lika fuckin assa holla!”While waving his fist!
I laughed so fucking much that Pepsi came out of my nose! I’ve been going there for several years and I am friendly with everyone who works there. And they are nice as can be,Gracious and accommodating to their customers. Leave it to a nigger to bring out the worst in everyone!

04-20-2022, 04:28 PM
My Italian grandfather would have beat the nigger into an oil slick for messing up a pizza and then seeking reparations.

04-20-2022, 06:52 PM
Niggers at its best! They mess up things and then blame whitey, and even have the guts to demand reparashunnsss. Wherever the shitbeasts appear, they make human's life miserable immediately.

04-20-2022, 10:58 PM
Nigger BOYS like that need to be told, "Your black asses weren't emancipated, they were FIRED!"

Jim Crow
04-21-2022, 07:52 AM
Niggers at its best! They mess up things and then blame whitey, and even have the guts to demand reparashunnsss. Wherever the shitbeasts appear, they make human's life miserable immediately.

I think this is the second time I’ve ever seen a shitbeast in that restaurant. I’m not saying niggers don’t buy pizza there, I just rarely seen any in the restaurant. I was very happy when I started to eat my pizza before nigger arrived.Just the sight of that fucking niigger made me miserable!Let alone hearing it whine!

04-21-2022, 10:53 AM
I wonder how Detritus Mbwebwe Jackson, Jr. would have liked it if Guido had shoved the pizza up his ass.

Jim Crow
04-21-2022, 03:28 PM
I wonder how Detritus Mbwebwe Jackson, Jr. would have liked it if Guido had shoved the pizza up his ass.

I was there today and we spoke about what happened.Guido wanted the groid to make the first move.Because it’s all on security cameras.But,the groid was too chicken shit! Niggers are always searching to sue somebody!

04-21-2022, 04:27 PM
I was there today and we spoke about what happened.Guido wanted the groid to make the first move.Because it’s all on security cameras.But,the groid was too chicken shit! Niggers are always searching to sue somebody!

At least then it probably won't come back. But still, it ruined your experience, worse enough. They need to go back to Apefrica and have mudpizzas over there.

Tar Remover
05-01-2022, 04:14 PM
"A dumb stupid ass knuckle dragging idiot nigger":rofl:rofl:rofl WOW! THAT really narrows down the field...... :lol:lol:lol

That is a heartwarming story if I ever heard one! I wonder if a mob guy owns the place......

By the way, have you ever heard of a pizza franchise called Slices? Former mob captain Michael Franzese owns it.

Tar Remover
05-01-2022, 04:16 PM
I wonder how Detritus Mbwebwe Jackson, Jr. would have liked it if Guido had shoved the pizza up his ass.

It would be pissed. It would have to reach over that to get it's drugs and end up with pizza sauce all over it's arm......

05-02-2022, 06:11 AM
You no focka wid a gladiator!

05-02-2022, 06:24 AM
I had a good laugh reading this, they weren't emancipated they were fired. Absolute genius!

Tar Remover
05-02-2022, 10:45 AM
Nigger BOYS like that need to be told, "Your black asses weren't emancipated, they were FIRED!":rofl:rofl:rofl:conf