View Full Version : Ed "Buck Killer" Buck gets 30 years for giving his down low bucks meth injected batwings

Whitey Ford
04-15-2022, 06:00 AM
Ed's apartment was kind of like a Black Flag Roach Motel for dindu bucks- they check in but they don't check out!

Wealthy donor Ed Buck gets 30 years in prison for drugging gay men, two fatally


The wealthy political activist and Democratic donor Ed Buck was sentenced to 30 years in prison on charges that he supplied and personally injected gay men with methamphetamine in exchange for sex, leading to two deaths and multiple other overdoses.

Buck, 67, was found guilty in July by a federal jury on all nine counts, including having a drug house, distributing methamphetamine and enticing men to travel for prostitution.

Thursday’s sentencing closes a long saga, involving Buck, who prosecutors say used his wealth and influence to prey on and exploit mostly vulnerable Black men for “party and play” encounters at his West Hollywood apartment. The encounters involved Buck paying men to use drugs, injecting large amounts and performing sex acts on them. Officials said Buck would inject methamphetamine with or without the men’s consent and sometimes when they were unconscious.

Buck, who was nicknamed “Doctor Kevorkian”, had at least 10 victims and would sometimes drug them while they were unconscious, according to court filings. One victim said he was “unable to move” after Buck injected him with a tranquilizer. He added that later when Buck wanted him to leave his home, Buck “became frustrated and obtained a power saw from a closet, turned it on, and approached [the] victim with it”.

They asked the judge to consider Buck’s drug addiction, which they said he developed because of a medical condition, and the sexual abuse he suffered at the hands of his father and several priests.


And, if you really appreciate Buck's work, you can now rent his old apartment/batwing parlor, which is back on the market.

Ed Buck’s Notorious Laurel Avenue Apartment Is Back on the Market

04-15-2022, 01:32 PM
I just read this and couldn't help but wonder: He gets 30 years for supplying drugs to grown-up, downlow niggers, yet niggers who commit heinous, savage crimes against human beings get bail and parole. Bill Coonsby, who is a vicious, serial rapist is knuckling around free while Weinstein will die in prison.

The niggers engaged in all kinds of depraved acts with this old queen and took the drugs themselves. He "enticed" them? They also went there willingly and not in a state of bondage.

There are obviously two distinct and separate laws for niggers and humans.

04-15-2022, 03:06 PM
He was just cleaning up LA, and they put him in jail for it. Shame. And all the while niggers can murder humans with impunity, and get released on $5 bail in liberal shitholes.

04-15-2022, 03:34 PM
So, they put him in prison where he will be surrounded with... NIGGERS.

Did we just throw Brer Rabbit into the briar patch?

04-15-2022, 05:46 PM
So, they put him in prison where he will be surrounded with... NIGGERS.

Did we just throw Brer Rabbit into the briar patch?

"Please, oh, please, Brer Fox, don't throw me in the nigger patch!"

Yes, but when the NU miggers find out about the nigger batwing spree of the creepy old perv, they might suddenly think of "BLM" (which appies only when YT has something to do with daid groids) and take him out.

04-15-2022, 11:39 PM
"Please, oh, please, Brer Fox, don't throw me in the nigger patch!"

Yes, but when the NU miggers find out about the nigger batwing spree of the creepy old perv, they might suddenly think of "BLM" (which appies only when YT has something to do with daid groids) and take him out.

I sincerely hope they do. I also sincerely hope before that happens, he injects as many of them as possible with some of that readily available prison meth made with prison window cleaner, floor wax, jenkem, and whatever crazy shit those niggers use to get high with in there. I hope the body count is so high they have to stack them six deep in the prison morgue.

I aint bin dun did dat!
04-16-2022, 04:25 AM
Hhahaha, this guy here… There is no doubt in my mind that this guy represents the same level of depravity as most far left liberal scum.

Whitey Ford
04-16-2022, 06:15 AM
"Please, oh, please, Brer Fox, don't throw me in the nigger patch!"

Yes, but when the NU miggers find out about the nigger batwing spree of the creepy old perv, they might suddenly think of "BLM" (which appies only when YT has something to do with daid groids) and take him out.

They usually throw guys like him in 'PC' (Protective Custody) because they would get eaten alive in GenPop (General Population.)

The funny thing about the California Prison System is that when prison riots occur it's usually between the niggers and the 'Paisa.' The Paisa are the prison gang that are made up of Mexican Nationals imprisoned in the US. The Mexican-Americans have their own gang called 'La Eme.' For some strange reason, the Paisa really, really, really hate niggers with a passion.

Jim Crow
04-16-2022, 06:30 AM
I just read this and couldn't help but wonder: He gets 30 years for supplying drugs to grown-up, downlow niggers, yet niggers who commit heinous, savage crimes against human beings get bail and parole. Bill Coonsby, who is a vicious, serial rapist is knuckling around free while Weinstein will die in prison.

The niggers engaged in all kinds of depraved acts with this old queen and took the drugs themselves. He "enticed" them? They also went there willingly and not in a state of bondage.

There are obviously two distinct and separate laws for niggers and humans.

It should be obvious to anyone that white liberals protect and defend their nigger pets.And at the same time liberals persecute their own kind for being white.So,of course when whites do anything a liberal deems wrong against one of their savage nigger pets,he will be persecuted in the spotlight.While nigger crimes get erased!

04-16-2022, 11:39 AM
They usually throw guys like him in 'PC' (Protective Custody) because they would get eaten alive in GenPop (General Population.) Yes, of course. Must keep them safe and sound. BUT, "accidents" happen, i.e. Dahmer.

The funny thing about the California Prison System is that when prison riots occur it's usually between the niggers and the 'Paisa.' The Paisa are the prison gang that are made up of Mexican Nationals imprisoned in the US. The Mexican-Americans have their own gang called 'La Eme.' For some strange reason, the Paisa really, really, really hate niggers with a passion.

Probably for the same reason everyone and everything hates niggers - because they're niggers!

04-16-2022, 11:44 AM
I sincerely hope they do. I also sincerely hope before that happens, he injects as many of them as possible with some of that readily available prison meth made with prison window cleaner, floor wax, jenkem, and whatever crazy shit those niggers use to get high with in there. I hope the body count is so high they have to stack them six deep in the prison morgue.

Haha! He's the Nigger Terminator, the Kevorkian of the Darkies, this little Mr. Rogers-looking twerp. :lol

I wonder if his good buddy, Hillary, is going to speak in his defense?

04-16-2022, 12:03 PM
Haha! He's the Nigger Terminator, the Kevorkian of the Darkies, this little Mr. Rogers-looking twerp. :lol

I wonder if his good buddy, Hillary, is going to speak in his defense?

I doubt it since the Clinton's have a habit of throwing people under the bus no matter how much they owe them. Remember how quickly they fired Dick Morris for getting caught on camera with a girl on a hotel balcony? They only person I can think of that they haven't dropped like a hot potato at the first sign of trouble is Huma Ahbedoinlezzystuff and that is only because she has always been Hillary's special scissor soul sister.

It takes some deep pockets to keep those two hanging around after they smell a liability.