View Full Version : How Nigger Beasts Kill Without Pulling the Trigger....

04-10-2022, 11:32 AM
Here's an interesting headline for you from what pretends to be a newspaper here in Upstate Nig York... The woman, below, is a convicted and admitted murderer and drug dealer. No argument that she's a piece of shit. However, the news here is that she was arrested for having 300 separately packaged doses of fentanyl all ready for sale.

Ok, so how does this involve niggers, you ask...

She was released without bail the very night she was arrensted and within 12 hours she was crushing the skull of some poor mother of three because she thought her a rat.... The "Bail Reform" legislation that allowed her back on the street was put in place in Kalifornia for one reason and one reason alone... Too many felonious nigger pieces of filth were being put behind bars after aperest because they could not come up with what was even then ridiculously low bail amounts. So what do the woke, liberal pieces of shit do (from their gated communities, protected by their private security forces)??? They eliminate bail for all but the most egregious violent felonies.

If it were not for the nigger filth plaguing this state, THERE WOULD HAVE BEEN NO BAIL REFORM.... And the mother of three murdered by this piece of shit would still be alive...

Niggers murdering without even pulling the trigger....


(sorry about the orientation)

04-10-2022, 12:01 PM
Here's an interesting headline for you from what pretends to be a newspaper here in Upstate Nig York... The woman, below, is a convicted and admitted murderer and drug dealer. No argument that she's a piece of shit. However, the news here is that she was arrested for having 300 separately packaged doses of fentanyl all ready for sale.

Ok, so how does this involve niggers, you ask...

She was released without bail the very night she was arrensted and within 12 hours she was crushing the skull of some poor mother of three because she thought her a rat.... The "Bail Reform" legislation that allowed her back on the street was put in place in Nig York for one reason and one reason alone... Too many felonious nigger pieces of filth were being put behind bars after aperest because they could not come up with what was even then ridiculously low bail amounts. So what do the woke, liberal pieces of shit do (from their gated communities, protected by their private security forces)??? They eliminate bail for all but the most egregious violent felonies.

If it were not for the nigger filth plaguing this state, THERE WOULD HAVE BEEN NO BAIL REFORM.... And the mother of three murdered by this piece of shit would still be alive...

Niggers murdering without even pulling the trigger....


(sorry about the orientation)

That fentanyl sounds nasty and God knows what is coming over the border with this shit. I would venture to say it is worse than heroin. I don't know. Both are bad. That bail reform law is bullshit and anti white. It does nothing but get good people killed. Its been responsible for an enormous amount of deaths and injuries of whites and asians since it has been implemented.

04-10-2022, 12:36 PM
... Its been responsible for an enormous amount of deaths and injuries of whites and asians since it has been implemented.

I've wondered about that very question... No news service I know of has dared asked for the numbers... Just how many apesaults and murders have been inflicted on humanity by those released by these woke pieces of liberal filth???

Even Fox has dropped the ball on this one... It's a very important question

I aint bin dun did dat!
04-10-2022, 01:35 PM
Niggers account for near 60% of all murders according to fbi crime statistics. Of course, the number is much higher than that as there are murderous monkeys running loose that don’t get caught. Then of course, indirect murders like this one that would never have occurred without nigger coddling and high crime rates. The shitskin beasts never cease to amaze me.