View Full Version : Philadelphia Association of Black Journalists want the media to "shift the narrative" and stop pointing out statistically high negroid crime!

Whitey Ford
04-05-2022, 07:10 PM
https://i.ibb.co/4tf8HpD/groidpanel.jpg (https://ibb.co/SyxtzB1)

Stop committing crimes, niggers. And then the media can stop reporting on it.

That was one of the most striking takeaways from Friday’s Shift the Narrative panel sponsored by the Philadelphia Center for Gun Violence Reporting, Philadelphia Association of Black Journalists, and Firelight Media as part of the impact campaign for the documentary film “Heaven: Can You Hear Me?”. The virtual conversation centered on a question that’s asked a lot in Philly: How can journalists cover gun violence in ways that rebuild community trust — and don’t retraumatize survivors?

Last month, West Philly and Kensington residents said that constant coverage of individual shootings and a climbing homicide rate not only breeds disillusionment, but also ignores grassroots anti-violence efforts.

These blindspots make sense. Eyewitness and Action News broadcast formats emerged in Philadelphia as a way to make news profitable, with an overemphasis on crime that padded network pockets but isolated Black viewers.

And sometimes, that information is sensationalized — meeting the needs of a newsroom, maybe, but not necessarily the needs of a community. Panelist Tyrique Glasgow, who founded the Young Chances Foundations, pointed out that showing crime footage might grab eyeballs on the news, but it could also encourage copycat acts.
“Soon, it becomes a competition to see who can become the next headline,” said Glasgow.


Whitey Ford
04-05-2022, 07:14 PM

That was one of the most striking takeaways from Friday’s Shift the Narrative panel sponsored by the Philadelphia Center for Gun Violence Reporting, Philadelphia Association of Black Journalists, and Firelight Media as part of the impact campaign for the documentary film “Heaven: Can You Hear Me?”.

More like, "Hell: Heeyah ahhh beez!" :lol

Ray Cizzums
04-05-2022, 08:19 PM
Heaven, can you hear me ? Please send all these wild negroes to burn in eternal hell fire,
and get them the fuck out of our great country. They aren't human. Do something about it !

04-08-2022, 05:06 AM
Do they think anyone will fall for this bullshit? Anyone who watches one single minute of the mainstream media will instantly see that the Narrative is 100% pro-nigger.

- Niggers be innocent victims of raycissms
- Some magic nigger did something that a white scientist already did 100 years ago
- Magic tree hockey nigger affletes on the sports report
- Crime reports where the race of the criminal is never mentioned if it's a nigger, which it of course usually is
- Commercial break where niggers are doctors, lawyers, judges, astronauts, and magical flying pyramid-builders

Seriously, can anyone name one thing in the mainstream media that's critical of niggers in the slightest? Me neither. I don't know what the fuck these uppity niggers are smoking to make them think anyone will fall for this crap, unless they're going for the Joseph Goebbels Big Lie strategy.

The only places you'll hear negative things (AKA THE TRUTH) about niggers are alternative media sources like CHIMPOUT.ORG.

04-12-2022, 09:21 AM
Heaven, can you hear me ? Please send all these wild negroes to burn in eternal hell fire,
and get them the fuck out of our great country. They aren't human. Do something about it !


04-12-2022, 10:01 AM
Quoting Anastasia "Do they think anyone will fall for this bullshit? Anyone who watches one single minute of the mainstream media will instantly see that the Narrative is 100% pro-nigger."

100 percent agree... and I'll take it a step further. Not only does the MSM/Big Tech actively protect and coddle the nigger beast by failing to report on the race of criminals and foist outright lies about nigger accomplishment, they have also fully embraced the 'White Supremacy' and 'Systemic Racism' lie .

First, the MSM, et-al fail to ask the most basic of questions regarding the abject failure of the black race: 'Just what portion of nigger dysfunction are attributable to niggers??' NO ONE EVER ASKS THIS QUESTION. Second, if Whites are responsible for so much of nigger failure , why is it that blacks fail to develop the most basic semblance of civilization even in the complete absence of whites?? I give you Liberia... I give you Sierra Leone... I give you the once-Jewell of all of Africa - South Africa - where Niggers were handed a golden nation rich in natural resources which has now devolved into a roiling cesspool of crime, violence and depravity... JUST LIKE LIBERIA... And in that same vein, how is it possible that frozen wastelands like Sweden, Finland, Greenland and others that are bereft of natural resources THRIVE while niggers, blessed with abundance, MISERABLY fail??? And what of pre-colonial contact Apefrica??? In the 1700's, niggers were banging on trees with sticks while Beethoven was composing his symphonies (that's when the niggers were not banging on each other with those sticks)..

These are BASIC observations that ANY journalist are trained to make... And yet we've got White Supremacy and Systemic Racism responsible for all of the nigger's foibles and dysfunction..

There are plenty of college educated people out there trained to think critically who IGNORE THESE STARK FACTS..... Simply amazing....



04-13-2022, 08:30 AM


Oh yes, that's an old one but "good" one. I have to admit though, I could never watch the video entirely, it is just too barbaric. Clearly niggers are not human, no way, under no circumstances!