View Full Version : Biden's 2023 Budget Dedicates $7.5 BILLION for NASA to Land the First Nigger on the Moon
04-02-2022, 08:32 AM
Almost seems like an April fools joke doesn't it? Unfortunately it's not.
Apes in space we wuz astronaut niggaz n sheeit.
$7.5 BILLION in taxpayer money. 7.5 BILLION of YOUR money.
Could have finished the wall 3 times for that

04-02-2022, 11:45 AM
Biden is a major nigger lover. Or he pretends to be. Who knows. Either way I have no respect for him. He disowned that grandkid with the stripper that nasty son had but if it was part black he would claim it I'm sure because then he would look "rayciss" if he didn't. I guarantee it. His whole family would claim it. But because the kid is white and blonde he wants nothing to do with it. Not that I have any respect for that stripper whore who would sleep with Hunter Biden unprotected (I believe she planned this).
Reading stories like above that he wants to waste money on putting only a nigger on the moon, just makes me want to leave the country. No country is as bad as the U.S. as far as nigger loving. They can't be.
04-02-2022, 03:09 PM
But I bet most of the engineers designing the spaceship and calculating the trip won't be niggers! NASA humans should refuse to work on that project and claim that they are "racist", and hence step back for niggers to do the job. (Just imagine he hadn't suggested the woman thing.)
The rocket launch day would be a celebration of wakanda and Cape Canaveral probably had it's last day of existence :D.
04-02-2022, 03:51 PM
I'd be plenty happy if NASA sent them back to the motherland.
07-24-2022, 06:50 PM
1969: Neil Armstrong, a White man who earned his place and showed gratitude to all the engineers and support workers who got him there, walks on the moon and says "That's one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind." He and Buzz Aldrin leave an American flag and a plaque on the moon stating "We came in peace for all mankind." The Soviet Union congratulates NASA on their achievement.
2020s: Some worthless affirmative action transgender gay Muslim nigger is given a free ride to the moon and shows no gratitude to all the White people who did the real engineering and computer work necessary to make the voyage happen. It ooks some stupid shit like "dis muhfugga here be one big-ass leap fo me and muh kind wif da same skin coluh as me." It and its diverse comrades leave a gay rainbow f(l)ag on the moon and a plaque stating "We came in the name of social justice war to hate all those who are different from us." The Russians simply shake their heads.
07-24-2022, 08:46 PM
Man, I'm glad I learned about Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin when I was young and still going to school. Nowadays, I bet they're teaching kids that a gay Muslim transgender nigger in a wheelchair who's probably obese with a liberal white partner is the one who "TRULY" deserves to be recognized for all of history to remember due to how they are the first to "fight for justice" that landed on the moon. What a bunch of bullshit this is. They can try and force everyone to respect these people all they want but the reality is that it's not going to happen. I fucking refuse to ever respect these clowns.
07-25-2022, 07:11 AM
The niggers will probably try to steal some of the stuff all the previous missions left behind. The lunar rovers will be sporting pimp rims and curb feelers. Other niggers will be stealing the gold foil from the lunar landers to render down into grilles and gold teef.
07-25-2022, 07:47 AM
There goes the neighborhood
animal mother
07-25-2022, 08:50 AM
I'd be plenty happy if NASA sent them back to the motherland.
I would prefer that they were launched into the sun.
07-25-2022, 12:04 PM
I don't get it, we have already put a chimp in space.
07-25-2022, 12:32 PM
I don't get it, we have already put a chimp in space. %2Fnew-york-city-marathon-training-and-laughing--L-WUZ1z2.jpeg&f=1&nofb=1
I can't believe that no-one, myself included especially, didn't pick that low hanging fruit since the OP over three months ago.
Four rofls for you, Espantoon!
07-25-2022, 06:13 PM
That's different. A chimp is superior.
07-26-2022, 03:12 AM
Please excuse my language, but why in the ever loving god damn fuck are we spending 7 billion dollars to toss a nigger onto the moon? Let me guess, we're gonna bring it back, too. And give it a parade? Of course.
Whitey Ford
07-27-2022, 11:02 AM
Let's just build a big oxygen bubble on the moon and send all the niggers there. They can take their disgusting mudshark whores with them, too. We'll build KFCs, check cashing/payday loan centers and liquor/head shops in the bubble just to make them feel at home. Then we can find out what kind of advanced, great civilization niggers would build if they were freed from whitey's racisms.
08-04-2022, 06:08 AM
I'm hoping for a space shuttle Challenger-esque nigger detonation with nigger fur just blasted everywhere and a beautiful nigger on fire on live TV on every channel a huge Biden nigger fail.
Perhaps the Russians can land on the moon and set up some kind of surface-to-nigger moon defense system, some type of stank ass nigger smell seeking missile. **beep boop beep... SHITTY NIGGER smell DETECTED... arming missile***
Weve got rampant inflation, open border, sky high gas prices, food travel and everything 3x what it was, and Biden thinks it's a good idea to spend 7.5 Billion to put a nigger ape on the moon. IMPEACH BIDEN
He will try and rename it Joe Biden's gay tranny buttsex nigger banana planet
08-04-2022, 06:25 AM
Let's just build a big oxygen bubble on the moon and send all the niggers there.
No way. Bad idea. It would last until the first BLM riot. A nigger would throw a moon rock through a window and the niggers would all be sucked out into space.
Hmmm... On second thought, let's build it!
08-12-2022, 06:17 AM
Let's just build a big oxygen bubble on the moon and send all the niggers there. They can take their disgusting mudshark whores with them, too. We'll build KFCs, check cashing/payday loan centers and liquor/head shops in the bubble just to make them feel at home. Then we can find out what kind of advanced, great civilization niggers would build if they were freed from whitey's racisms.
Wait, you want to build a replica of Apefrica on the moon? That won't work, because the first nigger entering the bubble will try to muh-dick its hull, hence the oxygen will disappear into space before humans managed to send the rest of the niggers there.
Jim Crow
08-12-2022, 06:42 AM
Biden is a major nigger lover. Or he pretends to be. Who knows. Either way I have no respect for him. He disowned that grandkid with the stripper that nasty son had but if it was part black he would claim it I'm sure because then he would look "rayciss" if he didn't. I guarantee it. His whole family would claim it. But because the kid is white and blonde he wants nothing to do with it. Not that I have any respect for that stripper whore who would sleep with Hunter Biden unprotected (I believe she planned this).
Reading stories like above that he wants to waste money on putting only a nigger on the moon, just makes me want to leave the country. No country is as bad as the U.S. as far as nigger loving. They can't be.
Niggers are a tool for cocksucker liberal politicians like ByeDone! Liberals love anything that furthers their socialist agenda!
08-26-2022, 11:34 PM
well we get to rename the moon ' Planet of the Apes ? '
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