View Full Version : 101 year old nigger FINALLY graduates from high school

04-02-2022, 12:14 AM
In 88 years, a mentally slow old coon accomplishes what a human child accomplishes in 4. To be fair, most niggers go through their entire lives without even accomplishing that.


Merrill Pittman Cooper, an African American man from Jefferson County, West Virginia, has earned his high school diploma at 101-years old, finally making his lifelong dream come true.

From 1934 to 1938, Cooper was a student at Storer College in Harpers Ferry, West Virginia. However, he was forced to drop out during his senior year when his family had to move to Philadelphia due to financial reasons and mental retardation.

“Jefferson County Schools is committed to helping every student, young or old, fulfill their dreams,” JCS superintendent Bondy Shay Gibson-Learn said, according to WBALTV. “For Mr. Cooper, that meant receiving a high school diploma. We are honored to help make that dream a reality.”

Wow. What an accomplishment.

Too bad the spook couldn't have graduated in the four years it was originally in high school, like a human. I guess you would need an IQ above 55 for that (the standards have been lowered so much in the last decade that even literal retards can get high school diplomas now).

Defund Welfare
04-02-2022, 09:03 AM
:lol :lol I’m more amazed a silverback nigger managed to live this long.
I find it quite amazing when a nigger lives past his 20s. Prison is ironically the safest place for a nigger, I’ve seen so many garbage petitions from libtards trying to get a nigger murderer freed whose been caged longer than I’ve been alive. The only reason they seem to live so long in prison is they don’t get in shootouts over a quarter on the ground or become 500+ lbs from fast food poison.

If only there was a way to prevent the nigger collateral damage id be all for giving their community guns, free sneakers, and no police then just let the inevitable play out.

04-02-2022, 09:24 AM
:lol :lol I’m more amazed a silverback nigger managed to live this long.
I find it quite amazing when a nigger lives past his 20s. Prison is ironically the safest place for a nigger, I’ve seen so many garbage petitions from libtards trying to get a nigger murderer freed whose been caged longer than I’ve been alive. The only reason they seem to live so long in prison is they don’t get in shootouts over a quarter on the ground or become 500+ lbs from fast food poison.

If only there was a way to prevent the nigger collateral damage id be all for giving their community guns, free sneakers, and no police then just let the inevitable play out.

I concur with all this ! :lol

04-02-2022, 11:33 AM
I concur with all this ! :lol

Exactly. You can't save everyone. Sometimes you just have to let God do what he is going to do.