View Full Version : Jiggaboo With A Wooden Stake Charges Police, Achives Room Temperature

Nigger Wrangler
03-31-2022, 02:34 PM
An absolute delicious amount of TNB! From mammy calling 911, and the dispatcher having to decipher bix nood, to the nigger charging police demanding they shoot him (wish granted) to mammy crying about her baby!!

Of course this was after she demanded police get the rampaging negro "out of her fucking house!"

Niggers, they never let you down! Whatever you think of 'em, that's exactly what they are going to be!


04-01-2022, 03:33 AM
What disappointed me the most about the video was the fact that the felon factory was still alive at the end.

It can still make more niggers!

Can you imagine being an EMT and encountering a dead niglet, only for the nigger sheboon to say "dat be no pwoblem, I juss make anuvvah one fo dee gibsmedats! El oh el! (LOL, but spelled out like you are trying to confuse the dog)"

That has to be a soul crushing job.

That being said, I can't think of all that many things that make me happier than seeing law enforcement officers making niggers good. I wish we had a video of that one nigger... I think its name was... I just did a Google search and I can't find the nigger's name. It was the one that robbed a store and then attacked a police officer.

It was unique in some way, I swear! It wasn't just another nigger!

04-01-2022, 09:17 AM
An absolute delicious amount of TNB! From mammy calling 911, and the dispatcher having to decipher bix nood, to the nigger charging police demanding they shoot him (wish granted) to mammy crying about her baby!!

Of course this was after she demanded police get the rampaging negro "out of her fucking house!"

Niggers, they never let you down! Whatever you think of 'em, that's exactly what they are going to be!


Bat Fairy has been a busy mufugga!!

I aint bin dun did dat!
04-01-2022, 09:34 AM
Hahahahaha! Oh lawd! Oh lawd! The fat nigger mammy rolling around on the ground was hilarious.