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03-30-2022, 10:59 PM
Does anyone know where a nigger free zone maybe in north america.

I live in a social liberal city filled with the africoon niggers and the satanic social liberal culture that worships them like Gods lol

Please help me find a area that is truly a Nigger Free Zone

03-31-2022, 12:23 AM
Does anyone know where a nigger free zone maybe in north america.

I live in a social liberal city filled with the africoon niggers and the satanic social liberal culture that worships them like Gods lol

Please help me find a area that is truly a Nigger Free Zone

This is The Planet of The Apes. There is no place left on Earth to get away from these spear chuckers or the Liberal Monkey loving filth that supports these creatures.

Jim Crow
03-31-2022, 06:58 AM
]Niggers in Moscow Russia can’t even leave their home after dark in fear of being killed. Sounds like a nice nigger hating place. Probably not too American friendly right now either.

03-31-2022, 07:23 AM
until all the niggers are gathered and exported, your pain and misery will continue. However, for example, parts of NY state especially upstate, are remarkably nigger free. You'd be surprised.

03-31-2022, 01:36 PM
Your best source of data would be the Federal Census Database. You can download gigs of parsed data and sort to your heart's delight. It gets fun when you start cross-referencing Dept. of Education data with Census-provided Race demographics. There is a Lock-Step negative correlation between % niggers in any given community and failing standardized test scores and virtually EVERY quality of life indicator out there But I digress... You can get the data here: https://www.census.gov/programs-surveys/ces/data.html If you're not program-savvy or want quick degree of nigger-pollution on a specific town/city/county, simply search with the name of the municipality in question and the word 'demographics'... You'll get a shit-load of pre-sorted data.

Not all non-gov't sites are using the the most recent 2020 data - or even use Federal data at all - so look at the fine print on the page you've called up. You want them using 2020 census data

SC Anemia
03-31-2022, 02:56 PM
until all the niggers are gathered and exported, your pain and misery will continue. However, for example, parts of NY state especially upstate, are remarkably nigger free. You'd be surprised.

I can vouch for that. I was in upstate NY (Bath,NY)for about 6-7 months a few years back and didn't see nary a single tar pidgeon the whole time.

03-31-2022, 03:52 PM
Vermont is one of the whitest states in the union. Go check it out yourself. I rarely saw a coon running wild around rural New England,
and if you did they damn sure knew they were outnumbered.

The regular citizen whites around there still look out for their own to an extent. Just don't go to any of the libtard wanker Uni towns etc., they do have their bastions of beasts.

Post St. George Fentanyl Felon Floyd , team groid has been emboldened to act out on pretty much every deviant, animalistic urge they have. We're gonna have to wall them off
or ship them back to Apefrica at some point so they have a zoo to act all that shit out on each other, and we humans can have some semblance of civil society.

03-31-2022, 04:42 PM
I can vouch for that. I was in upstate NY (Bath,NY)for about 6-7 months a few years back and didn't see nary a single tar pidgeon the whole time.

Trouble is with NY state, is most people live in shacks because they can't afford the $14k property taxes to live in a 4 bed house. High property taxes then state income tax, sales tax, property transfer tax, mortgage recording tax, it's fucking nuts. The tax burden is destroying the state. Such a shame as it's one of the most beautiful states in the nation.

03-31-2022, 07:39 PM
Head to the hills. Niggers hate mountains - especially those in southern states. Ozarks, Smokeys, etc. North Central Arkansas is probably the center of the nigger hating universe. It is the home of the (now irrelevant) KKK. While the KKK is rightly a joke, the people there still hate niggers. I've seen a total of two there in all my travels hunting for real estate. Both were working at the Whirl Maht and I think they had to import them from miles away just to make their diebursity quota.