View Full Version : William and Kate visit Jamaica - the reh-puh-ray-shunuz spook squad be out ' protessin ! '

03-22-2022, 06:16 PM
I don't really give a fuck for the Royal Family outside of the boss queen, but William and Kate are on a Caribbean trip and have stopped off at nigger central, Jamaica. Niggers, instead of being grateful for being transplanted outside of the uninhabitable dystopian hell-hole that is Africa, are demanding slave reparations for their suffering. The niggers were handed an island paradise in the 60's and have transformed it into a raging shit hole in true nigger style.

Of course, ol whitey is to blame. Some niggers have got the T-shirts !



White man make, black man break !

03-23-2022, 06:53 AM
The only reparations I'd give to these niggers are a big ol' middle finger to their faces. Yeah I got your reparations, right here mother fucker. There's enough for everybody to go around.

Jim Crow
03-23-2022, 08:06 PM
They wants free gibs!No matter where you appropriate a nigger,it’s still a nigger!

03-25-2022, 05:50 PM
The only appropriate answer would have been a immediate free boat trip to da muddaland.