View Full Version : European countries welcome Ukrainian refugees, but not niggers and muzzies. Rayciss!

03-19-2022, 12:11 PM
However, not all refugees fleeing Ukraine have had the same experience. African and Indian men and women, many of whom went to Ukraine (https://nz.news.yahoo.com/african-students-fleeing-ukraine-report-racial-discrimination-at-borders-234429880.html)to further their education, have regularly reported being denied (https://www.nytimes.com/2022/03/01/world/europe/ukraine-refugee-discrimination.html) space on trains or buses or faced ridicule at the border. They have complained of a sometimes hostile (https://abcnews.go.com/International/wireStory/europe-welcomes-ukrainian-refugees-83153021) reception from Ukrainian authorities and officials from other European countries that have by and large taken in scores of Ukrainians.

Africoon invaders squatting and committing crimes to "further their educations" :lol is not quite the same as humans being bombed out of their homes, you frickin' libtards!

“There was a gap in the access Black people and brown people were getting,” Patricia Daley, one of three women who founded Black Women for Black Lives (https://twitter.com/BW4BL_official) as a way to help Black people escape Ukraine, told NBC News (https://www.nbcnews.com/news/nbcblk/black-african-students-ukraine-are-leading-rescue-efforts-rcna18531).

Black and brown parasites should not have been there in the first place! Leave it to niggers to make this catastrophic event all about THEM.

There's a difference. These are refugees:

Not refugees:


03-19-2022, 12:53 PM
Personally, I believe all niggers should stay in Apefrica and any niggers in other countries should just ship em' back. I'd like to add that with the help of China, Apefrica has exponentially increased their exposure to modern-day infrastructure (provided that niggers don't strip out the copper and destroy the buildings/infrastructure). There's truly no reason for niggers to even flee Apefrica, given the amount of resources, tech and infrastructure provided by liberal countries, so yes I firmly believe niggers should just stay in Apefrica.

As far as this story is concerned, each country that are willing to take in refugees, must consider the heavy cost of supporting the current population and the additional population intake. If a country cannot import or manufacture enough food and supplies with the additional influx of refugees, then it wouldn't make sense to exceed a country's capacity with extra unnecessary so-called refugees (i.e. niggers). If the leaders of that country has an above average IQ, he/she would consider taking in true Ukrainian refugees over niggers. Ideally, for the growth of a country to expand and improve, they should only be importing humans who possess a high degree of intelligence in various fields.

Back in the old days, before niggers became a bigger problem, America's import of people consisted of intelligent humans like Albert Einstein and Nikola Tesla for example. These people immigrated from places like Germany, Croatia, etc... Without these kinds of immigrants, America wouldn't have been the leader and powerhouse of the world. These days, America is importing the wrong kind of people, or should I say demonic creatures from the bowels of Apefrica and other shithole nigger countries. America is more accepting of importing worthless niggers, compared to importing humans from other countries that possess higher forms of intelligence. The fact that countries outside of America are retaining their skilled workers and higher intelligent individuals, means that a lot of the technological advances has shifted over to many of the other countries in Europe & Asia.

03-19-2022, 12:55 PM
Personally, I believe all niggers should stay in Apefrica and any niggers in other countries should just ship em' back. I'd like to add that with the help of China, Apefrica has exponentially increased their exposure to modern-day infrastructure (provided that niggers don't strip out the copper and destroy the buildings/infrastructure). There's truly no reason for niggers to even flee Apefrica, given the amount of resources, tech and infrastructure provided by liberal countries, so yes I firmly believe niggers should just stay in Apefrica.

As far as this story is concerned, each country that are willing to take in refugees, must consider the heavy cost of supporting the current population and the additional population intake. If a country cannot import or manufacture enough food and supplies with the additional influx of refugees, then it wouldn't make sense to exceed a country's capacity with extra unnecessary so-called refugees (i.e. niggers). If the leaders of that country has an above average IQ, he/she would consider taking in true Ukrainian refugees over niggers. Ideally, for the growth of a country to expand and improve, they should only be importing humans who possess a high degree of intelligence in various fields.

Back in the old days, before niggers became a bigger problem, America's import of people consisted of intelligent humans like Albert Einstein and Nikola Tesla for example. These people immigrated from places like Germany, Croatia, etc... Without these kinds of immigrants, America wouldn't have been the leader and powerhouse of the world. These days, America is importing the wrong kind of people, or should I say demonic creatures from the bowels of Apefrica and other shithole nigger countries. America is more accepting of importing worthless niggers, compared to importing humans from other countries that possess higher forms of intelligence. The fact that countries outside of America are retaining their skilled workers and higher intelligent individuals, means that a lot of the technological advances has shifted over to many of the other countries in Europe & Asia.

Exactly. Isn't China over in Africa and basically colonizing it. The Africans are fleeing because Chinese won't take their shit maybe? Who knows.

03-19-2022, 01:10 PM
Exactly. Isn't China over in Africa and basically colonizing it. The Africans are fleeing because Chinese won't take their shit maybe? Who knows.
That was one hell of a fast quote there Celticgirl. Anyways, yes, China does see the vast amount of resources that could be obtained from Apefrica. Obviously, no country does any good deeds without something in return. Apefrica gets an infrastructure boost from China, while China gets an import of the natural resources from that country. Niggers have been in Apefrica for so long, that these shit beasts are too stupid to even tame their own land and extract their own natural resources for their own wealth. I think the part where we hear China wanting to colonize Apefrica may be 2 parts:

1) Everyone knows that niggers in Apefrica flee their own shithole of a continent by the boatload into other white countries. If that keeps up, there will be a global imbalance of the amount of niggers from their own shithole continent and the human-inhabited countries. This is a good thing for the whites that live in Apefrica, as more niggers flee the continent and countries within, the white farmers and the rest of the white population would be a little safer.
2) If China does tend on colonizing, probably on a portion of Apefrica or a temporary residence to strip the country of it's wealth of resources. Likely, the amount of natural resources in Apefrica will never run out anyways, due to niggers being too stupid to even cultivate their own country for mining and manufacturing goods, services and resources.

Regardless, the general population sees this as a bad thing that China is doing all this in Apefrica, but as we all know, if not China, some other country will eventually come in. It's not like the British haven't done the same (or tried the same) for all other countries. Back in my younger years, I truly thought it would be the British that will overtake all of Apefrica, but turns out, it might be China and honestly, I think the entire aim of this is to extract the natural resources of that continent, but again, with the amount of niggers fleeing into white-owned countries like the United States, the UK, Canada, etc... Apefrica likely won't be home to niggers in the far off-future. I'm going to be scared of what America will look like when that day comes when over 90% of the population of America is nigger. I won't live that long to see it, but any humans who are in that generation will be living in constant fear and a true struggle for survival from niggers.

03-19-2022, 01:20 PM
That was one hell of a fast quote there Celticgirl. Anyways, yes, China does see the vast amount of resources that could be obtained from Apefrica. Obviously, no country does any good deeds without something in return. Apefrica gets an infrastructure boost from China, while China gets an import of the natural resources from that country. Niggers have been in Apefrica for so long, that these shit beasts are too stupid to even tame their own land and extract their own natural resources for their own wealth. I think the part where we hear China wanting to colonize Apefrica may be 2 parts:

1) Everyone knows that niggers in Apefrica flee their own shithole of a continent by the boatload into other white countries. If that keeps up, there will be a global imbalance of the amount of niggers from their own shithole continent and the human-inhabited countries. This is a good thing for the whites that live in Apefrica, as more niggers flee the continent and countries within, the white farmers and the rest of the white population would be a little safer.
2) If China does tend on colonizing, probably on a portion of Apefrica or a temporary residence to strip the country of it's wealth of resources. Likely, the amount of natural resources in Apefrica will never run out anyways, due to niggers being too stupid to even cultivate their own country for mining and manufacturing goods, services and resources.

Regardless, the general population sees this as a bad thing that China is doing all this in Apefrica, but as we all know, if not China, some other country will eventually come in. It's not like the British haven't done the same (or tried the same) for all other countries. Back in my younger years, I truly thought it would be the British that will overtake all of Apefrica, but turns out, it might be China and honestly, I think the entire aim of this is to extract the natural resources of that continent, but again, with the amount of niggers fleeing into white-owned countries like the United States, the UK, Canada, etc... Apefrica likely won't be home to niggers in the far off-future. I'm going to be scared of what America will look like when that day comes when over 90% of the population of America is nigger. I won't live that long to see it, but any humans who are in that generation will be living in constant fear and a true struggle for survival from niggers.

That is scary to think. I have children in their 20's who do want to have children someday. I worry about their future. At the same time, I tell them do not let any one else bully you. Always do what you want in your life. If niggers come here from Africa do not let that keep you from pursuing your dreams. You only live once and do not let niggers or anyone else ruin that for you. Meaning, if you want to have 5 kids, have 5 kids. Don't think "Well, there will be too many niggers here and it won't be safe." Do not let them control you like that. I wish we could pretend they do not exist. I know life will be harder for them. The niggers and liberals will see to that. But I told them if someone tries to say they have white privilege ignore it. Civnats piss me off too. These are so called conservatives but they try to play both sides of the fence. They just make things worse. The liberals are obviously anti white but the civnats seem to think we can have a color blind society and that is just not the case. Trump reminds me of one. These are the types that have to prove they are "not racist" every hour of every day. It's just exhausting. Ted Nugent reminds me of one too. Those types make me cringe. Niggers could spit and piss on those types and they would still kiss nigger's asses to prove they are not racist and stick it to white Democrats like Pelosi and Biden. It's embarrassing. Those are the types that think niggers are getting "used' by the white Democrats like Clinton and Pelosi and Biden. They try to tell niggers how Biden was friends with Robert Byrd a KKK guy. So what. They don't care if the Republican party turns black and brown as long as they stick it to the white Democrats. Very misguided people.

03-19-2022, 05:32 PM
It's hard to understand why, if niggers are being treated so horribly with the discriminashuns in all the countries they invade (I recall Africoons invading Italy and complaining they didn't like the free pasta they were given. I guess they wanted fried bugs and mosquito burgers) why they want to go there? I think they'd be much happier staying in nigger countries. But no, they want to stick their bootlipped niggerness into every human country and then whine that they aren't being put on pedestals.

I liken this to me just moving into my neighbour's house, unwanted and uninvited, and then bitching because the accommodations aren't to my liking and they don't serve my favorite foods, pay for my clothes, or treat me like royalty.

03-19-2022, 06:06 PM
It's hard to understand why, if niggers are being treated so horribly with the discriminashuns in all the countries they invade (I recall Africoons invading Italy and complaining they didn't like the free pasta they were given. I guess they wanted fried bugs and mosquito burgers) why they want to go there? I think they'd be much happier staying in nigger countries. But no, they want to stick their bootlipped niggerness into every human country and then whine that they aren't being put on pedestals.

I liken this to me just moving into my neighbour's house, unwanted and uninvited, and then bitching because the accommodations aren't to my liking and they don't serve my favorite foods, pay for my clothes, or treat me like royalty.

I heard Africoons are infesting Sicily and Italy.

03-19-2022, 07:03 PM
I heard Africoons are infesting Sicily and Italy.

Niggers are overrunning the tiny island of Lampedusa, expecting the inhabitants to take care of them in spite of the difficulties in taking care of themselves during the pandemic.

But Sunday's sudden surge has led populist politician Matteo Salvini to demand a meeting with the caretaker prime minister, Mario Draghi..( Some 11,000 migrants have landed on the island since the start of the year (2021). That is up on last year's figure of 4,105 for the same period, Reuters news agency reports.

"With millions of Italians in difficulty, we cannot think of thousands of illegal immigrants," he said.

Mr Salvini is currently awaiting trial (https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-53592852) in relation to blocking a rescue ship with more than 100 migrants on board from landing at Lampedusa in August 2019. Prosecutors in Sicily accuse the former interior minister of illegal detention, which could bring a jail term of up to 15 years.

So because he doesn't want a zillion feral, rapey Africoons sucking up all the meager resources he thinks Italians should have, he needs to go to jail.


03-19-2022, 08:53 PM
Niggers are overrunning the tiny island of Lampedusa, expecting the inhabitants to take care of them in spite of the difficulties in taking care of themselves during the pandemic.

So because he doesn't want a zillion feral, rapey Africoons sucking up all the meager resources he thinks Italians should have, he needs to go to jail.


I read an article that said the Nigerians are taking over some of the mafia rackets there like prostitution and drugs. It said Nigerian women are going there and working as prostitutes. It sounds gross.

Tar Remover
03-19-2022, 10:07 PM
GOOD! There is no place for niggers in civilized society. All the pissing, moaning and sniveling from liberal cuntwipes is not going to make them a place either. These countries need to turn every shit skinned ape away if they know what's good for them.

I aint bin dun did dat!
03-20-2022, 01:56 AM
It's hard to understand why, if niggers are being treated so horribly with the discriminashuns in all the countries they invade (I recall Africoons invading Italy and complaining they didn't like the free pasta they were given. I guess they wanted fried bugs and mosquito burgers) why they want to go there? I think they'd be much happier staying in nigger countries. But no, they want to stick their bootlipped niggerness into every human country and then whine that they aren't being put on pedestals.

I liken this to me just moving into my neighbour's house, unwanted and uninvited, and then bitching because the accommodations aren't to my liking and they don't serve my favorite foods, pay for my clothes, or treat me like royalty.
I ask niggers this all the time in comment sections. Their reply? “Fug you mufuggin mayo redneck sheeeit. Raycizzums be alive n well. Tell me you is racis without tellin me you is racist.” Then they throw something in there about me being jealous of their muh dikk size and stealsin muh wywimmenz. Some times I am told about something they are convinced they invented like air conditioning :lol This is when I typically question my own intelligence for even communicating with the apes at all. It’s pointless to do so.

Jim Crow
03-20-2022, 06:56 AM
Niggers are the most destructive and non productive beast known throughout the universe! Niggers destroy everything good that humans create! Niggers are a destructive parasite! Humans cannot live in harmony with these savage nigger beasts! Only solution is to send the back to Afrika!

03-20-2022, 07:09 AM
I ask niggers this all the time in comment sections. Their reply? “Fug you mufuggin mayo redneck sheeeit. Raycizzums be alive n well. Tell me you is racis without tellin me you is racist.” Then they throw something in there about me being jealous of their muh dikk size and stealsin muh wywimmenz. Some times I am told about something they are convinced they invented like air conditioning :lol This is when I typically question my own intelligence for even communicating with the apes at all. It’s pointless to do so.

That's a typical nigger response right there. The only "accomplishment" if you even want to call it that, is the size of their dick. Literally so what? They're stupid like that though, they think that it has to do with jealousy and all that shit but you're more than right. Arguing or even talking to a nigger is pointless, they don't understand shit.

03-20-2022, 11:21 AM
I ask niggers this all the time in comment sections. Their reply? “Fug you mufuggin mayo redneck sheeeit. Raycizzums be alive n well. Tell me you is racis without tellin me you is racist.” Then they throw something in there about me being jealous of their muh dikk size and stealsin muh wywimmenz. Some times I am told about something they are convinced they invented like air conditioning :lol This is when I typically question my own intelligence for even communicating with the apes at all. It’s pointless to do so.

The articulate and incisive neegrow rebuttal to every argument: "Y'all beez rayciss. Suk muh dik. Muh dik muh dik, bix nood."

03-20-2022, 02:14 PM
Personally, I believe all niggers should stay in Apefrica and any niggers in other countries should just ship em' back. I'd like to add that with the help of China, Apefrica has exponentially increased their exposure to modern-day infrastructure (provided that niggers don't strip out the copper and destroy the buildings/infrastructure). There's truly no reason for niggers to even flee Apefrica, given the amount of resources, tech and infrastructure provided by liberal countries, so yes I firmly believe niggers should just stay in Apefrica..Amen

03-20-2022, 02:16 PM
To make EVERYTHING about them! Shaddup and Go back to Apefreaka!

03-20-2022, 03:21 PM
That's a typical nigger response right there. The only "accomplishment" if you even want to call it that, is the size of their dick. Literally so what? They're stupid like that though, they think that it has to do with jealousy and all that shit but you're more than right. Arguing or even talking to a nigger is pointless, they don't understand shit.

I heard that their dick is not that big of a deal. I wouldn't know because I never saw one and don't want to see one but I heard it's a myth. When you look it up online it says old Milton Berle had the biggest one in Hollywood so who knows. Even Marilyn Monroe said so.

03-20-2022, 04:16 PM
I heard Africoons are infesting Sicily and Italy.
Not to forget the canary islands (Spain), there are living roughly 2 million people, and every year ~150 000 niggers invade!! Do the math! Apart from that, France, Spain and Germany are pretty niggerized as well. You can't trust the official numbers!! Have been work related to Hamburg (Germany) last summer, on the streets it feels like an american city, nigger wise. I'd say definitely in the 5% range. Same goes for London.

03-20-2022, 04:20 PM
When America has 90% nigger population it will look like Africa without Elephants and Lions although Africa is heading that way, niggers will outstrip resources before then and like rats niggers need humans to thrive, if niggers ever do make up 90% of U.S population the remaining 10% will leave anyway and leave them in their own excrement.
Nice idea, but where shall they go? Liberals destroyed Europe, it's massively infested as well. Asians won't let whites in. Perhaps Musk succeeds with his "going to mars" plans...

03-20-2022, 05:00 PM
I heard that their dick is not that big of a deal. I wouldn't know because I never saw one and don't want to see one but I heard it's a myth. When you look it up online it says old Milton Berle had the biggest one in Hollywood so who knows. Even Marilyn Monroe said so.

Who cares how big it is? There is no woman I've ever known who cared about size, and when it comes to niggers the thought is actually nausea-inducing. Eww. I'm sure niggers started this myth - after all, what else can they brag about? - but the only people who care about nigger radiator hose size are filthy sows and disgusting coal burners.

03-20-2022, 05:21 PM
Who cares how big it is? There is no woman I've ever known who cared about size, and when it comes to niggers the thought is actually nausea-inducing. Eww. I'm sure niggers started this myth - after all, what else can they brag about? - but the only people who care about nigger radiator hose size are filthy sows and disgusting coal burners.

Agreed. I have no interest in seeing one.

03-20-2022, 08:49 PM
I heard that their dick is not that big of a deal. I wouldn't know because I never saw one and don't want to see one but I heard it's a myth. When you look it up online it says old Milton Berle had the biggest one in Hollywood so who knows. Even Marilyn Monroe said so.

That's pretty much there 'go to' phrase. Like you said, it really isn't a big deal but those poor bastards don't have anything else going on in life for them so they latch on to that "muh dik beez big" and use it every time they are in a tight spot. Though it really is a myth that these filthy beasts of the congo all have big genitals. There are other races who'm have big genitals as well I'm sure but hell, disgusting nigger dicks are the ONLY one's that matter right? Back then when I used to be a porn addict and searched for some of the most deprived crap to get me off, some niggers don't have these so called "big dicks" at all, they're medium size. A few of them do but the majority of them don't which is why they stick to that stigma to continue feeling mighty and whatnot. Leave it to dumb white girls and disgusting desperate trannies to protect the niggers little feelings and continue having others believe in that grand old lie. It's really quite sad when you think about it but mostly hilarious.

03-20-2022, 10:54 PM
This is good news, the way it should be.
Yep second photo is of raping jungle monkey people parasites of low IQ and disgusting hygeine. No one but the most depraved actually wants to live around them.
I'd help out any Ukranian in a second, without even thinking about.

We're supposed to pretend like there is not a difference... what an absurd joke that is!

Wake up and see reality nigger lovers. It's right in front of your stupid face in every thing and every picture speaks thousands of words, pay attention.

03-21-2022, 06:57 AM
Personally, I believe all niggers should stay in Apefrica and any niggers in other countries should just ship em' back. I'd like to add that with the help of China, Apefrica has exponentially increased their exposure to modern-day infrastructure (provided that niggers don't strip out the copper and destroy the buildings/infrastructure). There's truly no reason for niggers to even flee Apefrica, given the amount of resources, tech and infrastructure provided by liberal countries, so yes I firmly believe niggers should just stay in Apefrica.

As far as this story is concerned, each country that are willing to take in refugees, must consider the heavy cost of supporting the current population and the additional population intake. If a country cannot import or manufacture enough food and supplies with the additional influx of refugees, then it wouldn't make sense to exceed a country's capacity with extra unnecessary so-called refugees (i.e. niggers). If the leaders of that country has an above average IQ, he/she would consider taking in true Ukrainian refugees over niggers. Ideally, for the growth of a country to expand and improve, they should only be importing humans who possess a high degree of intelligence in various fields.

Back in the old days, before niggers became a bigger problem, America's import of people consisted of intelligent humans like Albert Einstein and Nikola Tesla for example. These people immigrated from places like Germany, Croatia, etc... Without these kinds of immigrants, America wouldn't have been the leader and powerhouse of the world. These days, America is importing the wrong kind of people, or should I say demonic creatures from the bowels of Apefrica and other shithole nigger countries. America is more accepting of importing worthless niggers, compared to importing humans from other countries that possess higher forms of intelligence. The fact that countries outside of America are retaining their skilled workers and higher intelligent individuals, means that a lot of the technological advances has shifted over to many of the other countries in Europe & Asia.

True!! Ukrainian refugees would RAISE our standard of living, niggers and @$$lifter$ DESTROY standards of living!!